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Learning to Listen to Patients’ Stories

Narrative medicine programs teach doctors and other caregivers “sensitive interviewing skills” and the art of “radical listening” to improve patient care.

The pandemic has been a time of painful social isolation for many. Few places can be as isolating as hospitals, where patients are surrounded by strangers, subject to invasive tests and attached to an assortment of beeping and gurgling machines.

How can the experience of receiving medical care be made more welcoming? Some say that a sympathetic ear can go a long way in helping patients undergoing the stress of a hospital stay to heal.

“It is even more important now, when we can’t always see patients’ faces or touch them, to really hear their stories,” said Dr. Antoinette Rose, an urgent care physician in Mountain View, Calif., who is now working with many patients ill with Covid.

“This pandemic has forced many caregivers to embrace the human stories that are playing out. They have no choice. They become the ‘family’ at the bedside,” said Dr. Andre Lijoi, a medical director at York Hospital in Pennsylvania. Doctors, nurses and others assisting in the care of patients “need time to slow down, to take a breath, to listen.”

Both doctors find their inspiration in narrative medicine, a discipline that guides medical practitioners in the art of deeply listening to those who come to them for help. Narrative medicine is now taught in some form at roughly 80 percent of medical schools in the United States. Students are trained in “sensitive interviewing skills” and the art of “radical listening” as ways to enhance the interactions between doctors and their patients.

“As doctors, we need to ask those who come to us: ‘Tell me about yourself,’” explained Dr. Rita Charon, who founded Columbia University’s pioneering narrative medicine program in 2000. “We have fallen out of that habit because we think we know the questions to ask. We have a checklist of symptom questions. But there is an actual person in front of us who is not just a collection of symptoms.”

Columbia is currently offering training online for medical students like Fletcher Bell, who says the course is helping to transform the way he sees his future role as healer. As part of his narrative medicine training, Mr. Bell has kept in touch virtually with a woman who was being treated for ovarian cancer, an experience of sharing that he described as being both heartbreaking and also beautiful.

“Simply listening to people’s stories can be therapeutic,” Mr. Bell observed. “If there is fluid in the lungs, you drain it. If there is a story in the heart, it’s important to get that out too. It is also a medical intervention, just not one that can be easily quantified.”

This more personalized approach to medical care is not a new art. In the not-so-distant past, general practitioners often treated several generations of the same family, and they knew a lot about their lives. But as medicine became increasingly institutionalized, it became more rushed and impersonal, said Dr. Charon.

The typical doctor visit now lasts from 13 to 16 minutes, which is generally all that insurance companies will pay for. A 2018 study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that the majority of doctors at the prestigious Mayo Clinic didn’t even ask people the purpose of their visit, and they frequently interrupted patients as they spoke about themselves.

But this fast-food approach to medicine sacrifices something essential, says Dr. Deepu Gowda, assistant dean of medical education at the Kaiser-Permanente School of Medicine in Pasadena, Calif., who was trained by Dr. Charon at Columbia.

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Why is Science so afraid of Consciousness ?

What is needed is to learn afresh, to observe and discover for ourselves the true meaning of Wholeness
David Bohm

Quantum Physics reveals a great mystery to us. But so far, it’s a mystery that science does not solve. I think this is partly because it does not want to acknowledge the transcendental nature of reality. While science does not reject the existence of an immaterial, conscious and infinite reality behind what we experience in our everyday world, it seems more concerned with the experimental results it can derive from the quantum world. Nothing wrong with that. Those results underpin the huge progress that have been made in advancing new technology. Where would we be without our iPhones, Laptops, Virtual devices. We can thank quantum physics for all that!

But why is the science so afraid to look deeper. Perhaps because it is forced to confront whether or not what we think and perceive is real. Then the question of Consciousness arises.

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Science examines the observable Universe. But it cannot tell you who is the OBSERVER behind what we perceive or the nature of the perceiver and what is perceived. That is what the investigation of consciousness is all about. David Bohm stands out as one who was not afraid. He opened a door into consciousness so that we might perceive what lay behind it, to a science that includes the transcendental.

Bohm acknowledges something that remains “Hidden”, something beyond our sensory perception. He wrote the following obituary for a very close school friend upon hearing of their passing. And interesting to note, what Bohm wrote for his friend was also read at Bohm’s own funeral service.

"The field of the finite is all that we can see, hear, touch, remember and describe.This field is basically that which is manifest, or tangible. The essential quality of the infinite, by contrast, is its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word spirit, whose root meaning is "wind or breath." This suggests an invisible but pervasive energy to which the manifest world of the finite responds. This energy, or spirit, infuses all living beings, and without it any organism must fall apart into its constituent elements. That which is truly alive in the living being is the energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies."

David Bohm

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama and David Bohm

I think the time has come to investigate where is the Observer!

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama came to regard David Bohm as his “Science Guru”. Ever since childhood, the Dalai Lama had a deep interest in science. And Bohm was the one that grounded him in Quantum Physics. As a child the Dalai Lama was trained to always ask “why, why, why”, never to easily accept or “say yes”. His Holiness states that Buddha himself always told his followers, monks and scholars “never to accept his teaching out of faith, but only out of thorough investigation and experiment”.

Bohm in a sense summarized this view by relating the quest for truth to the “scientific spirit, the artistic spirit and the religious spirit”. He points out that one of the most essential qualities of the scientific spirit is “to acknowledge the fact or the interpretation of the fact whether one likes it or not” and not to engage in wishful thinking or reject something just because you don’t like it. The religious spirit, Bohm says, requires the same approach, otherwise it would get lost in “self-deception which is so easy to do”.

The Wisdom of the East echoes this view.

Stick to your reason until you reach something higher; you will know it to be higher because it will not jar with reason. Then you can transcend reason…
Swami Vivekananda


Both the scientific approach and the mystical approach both come from investigation. Ancient India has a long tradition of investigation through mind, meditation and wisdom. Modern science does most of its investigation in laboratories and through the use of instrumentation. But ultimately both meet at the same point and ask the same basic question – what is REALITY?

It is here that we find a common Universal perspective that integrates the Observer with the Observed. This is again where both Bohm and His Holiness find agreement which overcomes the illusion of separation between the observer and the observed. Both quantum physics and the ancient mystics are united here as expressed by His Holiness when he says, “nothing objectively exists, all depends on the observer”. This mystery is the one that His Holiness states is the greatest challenge facing both science and spirituality.
“I think the time has come to investigate where is The Observer?”

Both Bohm and the Dalai Lama shared the view that at the deepest level of reality everything in interconnected and interdependent. In our everyday world of manifest reality our sense perceptions misperceive this truth. And that misperception is at the basis of our fragmented world view. When one grasps that the universe is organic, interconnected and interdependent we realize that it’s not the parts that determine the whole, but it is the whole that determines each and every part of the cosmos. The Dalai Lama echoes this profound view in his book The Universe in a Single Atom. Therein lies perhaps the most important message for our planet! As the Dalai Lama says, “According to that reality, we really must take care of the whole world and the environment”.

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Is the Universe Trying to Tell You Something?

Hi Karim,

Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep happening over and over again?

Maybe it's a number. Like when you see 11:11 on a clock multiple times in a week, for example. Maybe it's the repeated mention of a book or song.

One of our team members, Maya, was recently contacted by three different friends who had encountered a live bear in the wild -- separately -- in three different states. At first, she thought, "Oh, how interesting -- maybe the spirit of the bear is trying to reach that person... and that one too."

But after the third friend called her about a bear sighting, she started to get the feeling that this was all some kind of message for her.

Welcome to the fascinating world of synchronicity!

We hear of coincidences like this all the time. So often in fact, that we sometimes sweep them under the rug and go about our lives as if they never happened.

But are we missing out on something sacred? A momentary beacon of understanding from a higher power, perhaps?

The prominent Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, coined the term synchronicity a century ago, believing strongly that we are all intimately connected via a collective universal consciousness. While the term has stuck around, many scientists believe this is just a trick our mind is playing on us via a tendency referred to as confirmation bias.

The gist of this second theory is that the human mind has a knack for seeing designs and making connections in seemingly random patterns. For example, if you subconsciously think bear energy is important, you might begin to notice bears more, even though your daily exposure to these majestic beasts is the same as it always is.

The shamans we work with would tend to agree with Carl Jung, viewing synchronicity as a cosmic sign that you're headed in the right direction. Personally speaking, the "s" word springs up all over the place when I'm being true to myself and it dries up immediately if I step out of alignment.

What do you believe?

Are these unusual and unexplainable patterns really the universe's way of trying to communicate with us? When we see something over and over again, is it a message for us to pay closer attention to the infinite amount of information that is right in front of us, just waiting to be acknowledged?

All I know is this -- there is something deeply reassuring when these divine beacons show up in your life. It reminds you that our species really knows so little about the complex inner workings of this reality. And anything is possible.

In the spirit of bringing more synchronicity and connection into our lives, I wanted to share a few ways to get clear and make space for more of it to happen.

3 Synchronicity Secrets

1. Remove the word "coincidence" from your vocabulary. If you think of something simply as a coincidence and not divinely tailored for you, you will not look for its deeper meaning. These messages may stop coming if they continue to fall on deaf ears.

2. Be willing to put something out there to the universe. Maybe a dream or a goal. These are often the times when you're most open and present. Perhaps all of this is somehow tied to inspiration -- which may be a form of synchronicity. For example, when we start creating a new project, we almost have to open ourselves up and start trusting the universe to help bring this thing forward. This in turn opens the floodgates of synchronistic messages. Almost like the universe is telling us, "Okay, now that you're going to put yourself out there, we're going to support you on your path, but you need to start paying attention to the guidance we send you."

3. Follow your inspiration. The next time you feel at all curious about something, don't question it. Take one step forward and see what happens next. Check in with each step, to make sure the energy around this new endeavor remains positive and fulfilling. Keep your inner eyes open for any unfoldings in your reality that are too "coincidental" to explain away... you'll be surprised.

Try the above for a few weeks, and pay close attention. You might find yourself suddenly flooded with all sorts of magical, wonderful synchronicity.

"All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess, to pick it up." -- Carlos Castanada

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
& Founder of The Sacred Science
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“If you think you understand quantum physics – then you don’t!”
Richard Feynman

The early 20th Century enabled Mankind to perceive REALITY in a radically different way through the birth of Relativity and Quantum Physics.

Classical Physics had promoted a view of the Universe suggesting that our everyday reality of three-dimensional space is absolute, that time must be seen as a linear progression and our sensory perception is reality itself…

But when one attempts to understand the implications of Quantum Reality – the assumptions of classical physics become obstacles.

"The most staggering implication of quantum theory is that there is no possibility to explain our manifest world whilst we remain bound by it"
Chris Dewdney – Theoretical Physicist, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Quantum Physics is the description of the smallest things in the Universe, the things that we do not see in our everyday world of space and time - such as atoms, molecules and the tiny invisible particles which form the entire underlying structure of the universe including ourselves.


It is also the basis for multi-billion-dollar industries…
Every time you turn on your mobile or tablet - you are invoking the fundamental laws of the Universe

Quantum Physics defies any description that is limited to ordinary space and time…the relationship of objects is not determined by their relative positions but by relationships existing at the deeper quantum level. Relative space collapses and linear time ceases to be. It’s a time-less world that provides us with a glimpse into the eternal…
Everything in the KNOWN Universe emerges from it. Everything we ARE and everything we DO is dependent on it…


The problem for the Godfathers of Relativity and Quantum Theory was in trying to reconcile those two big breakthroughs of the early 20th Century, quantum mechanics and general relativity into a unified theory; with Niels Bohr on one side and Albert Einstein on the other unable to agree on what constitutes the true nature of reality…

It was David Bohm who joined the dots – he provides us with both an elegant and coherent view of Reality, allowing for something much more subtle to enter in which manifest reality unfolds from that deeper order, suggesting that everything is related to everything else and unfolds into our perception of reality.

The actual arena in which the whole universe evolves is the abstract quantum space, and within this space everything is bound together and acts together as one undivided whole.

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Post by kmaherali »

The Link Between Bioelectricity and Consciousness


Life seems to be tied to bioelectricity at every level. The late electrophysiologist and surgeon Robert Becker spent decades researching the role of the body’s electric fields in development, wound healing, and limb regrowth. His 1985 book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, was a fascinating deep dive into how the body is electric through and through—despite our inability to see or sense these fields with our unaided senses. But Becker’s work was far from complete.

One scientist who has taken up Becker’s line of inquiry is Michael Levin. He got hooked on the subject after he read The Body Electric. Levin has been working on “cracking the bioelectric code,” as a 2013 paper of his put it, ever since. “Evolution,” Levin has said, “really did discover how good the biophysics of electricity is for computing and processing information in non-neural tissues,” the many thousands of cell types that make up the body, our word for trillions of cells cooperating. “It’s really hard to define what’s special about neurons,” he told me. “Almost all cells do the things neurons do, just more slowly.”

How do disarranged cells and organs intuit what do to?

His team at Tufts University develops new molecular-genetic and conceptual tools to probe large-scale information processing in regeneration, embryo development, and cancer suppression—all mediated by bioelectric fields in varying degrees. This work involves examining, for example, how frogs, which normally don’t regenerate whole limbs (like salamanders do) can regrow limbs, repair their brains and spinal cords, or normalize tumors with the help of “electroceuticals” (a pun based on “pharmaceuticals”). These are therapies that target the bioelectric circuits of tumors instead of, or together with, chemical-based therapies. Bioelectric fields are, in other words, more powerful than we have suspected and perform many surprising roles in the human body and all animal bodies.

Nature seems to have figured out that electric fields, similar to the role they play in human-created machines, can power a wide array of processes essential to life. Perhaps even consciousness itself. A veritable army of neuroscientists and electrophysiologists around the world are developing steadily deeper insights into the degree that electric and magnetic fields—“brainwaves” or “neural oscillations”—seem to reveal key aspects of consciousness. The prevailing view for some time now has been that the brain’s bioelectric fields, which are electrical and magnetic fields produced at various physical scales, are an interesting side effect—or epiphenomenon—of the brains’ activity, but not necessarily relevant to the functioning of consciousness itself.

A number of thinkers are suggesting now, instead, that these fields may in fact be the main game in town when it comes to explaining consciousness. In a 2013 paper, philosopher Mostyn Jones reviewed various field theories of consciousness, still a minority school of thought in the field but growing. If that approach is right, it is likely that the body’s bioelectric fields are also, more generally, associated in some manner with some kind of consciousness at various levels. Levin provided some support for this notion when I asked him about the potential for consciousness, in at least some rudimentary form, in the body’s electric fields.

“There are very few fundamental differences between neural networks and other tissues of bioelectrically communicating cells,” he said in an email. “If you think that consciousness in the brain is somehow a consequence of the brain’s electrical activity, then there’s no principled reason to assume that non-neural electric networks won’t underlie some primitive, basal (ancient) form of nonverbal consciousness.”

This way of thinking opens up exciting possibilities. It recognizes that there is perhaps some intelligence (and, to some thinkers, maybe even consciousness) in all of the body’s bioelectric fields, which are efficient sources of information transfer and even a kind of computation. In his work, Levin pieces together how these fields can contain information that guides growth and regeneration. He sometimes describes these guiding forces as “morphogenetic fields.” It may sound like a mystical notion, but it’s quite physical and real, backed up by hard data. This information, Levin said, can be stored in multicellular electric fields “in a way that is likely very similar to how behavioral memories—of seeing a specific shape for example—are stored in a neuronal network.”

Take the case of a frog. “To become frogs, tadpoles have to rearrange their faces during metamorphosis,” Levin said. “It used to be thought that these movements were hardcoded, but our ‘Picasso’ tadpoles—which have all the organs in the wrong places—showed otherwise.” The apparent know-how that these bioelectric fields demonstrate, in terms of growing normal frogs in very un-normal circumstances, is uncanny. “Amazingly, they still largely became normal frogs!”

How do disarranged cells and organs intuit what do to? Levin, and the renowned philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennet, recently tackled this question in a rather provocatively titled article, “Cognition All the Way Down.” Something like thinking, they argue, isn’t just something we do in our heads that requires brains. It’s a process even individual cells themselves, and not requiring any kind of brain, also take part in. To the biologists who see this as a cavalier form of anthropomorphization, Levin and Dennet say, “Chill out.” It’s useful to anthropomorphize many different kinds of life, to see in their parts and processes a variety of teleological experience. “Ever since the cybernetics advances of the 1940s and ’50s, engineers have had a robust, practical science of mechanisms with purpose and goal-directedness—without mysticism,” they write. “We suggest that biologists catch up.”

With respect to purposes and teleology (goal-directed behavior), they make their key point clear: “We think that this commendable scientific caution has gone too far, putting biologists into a straitjacket.”

A promising route for better understanding may be found, they write, in “thinking of parts of organisms as agents, detecting opportunities and trying to accomplish missions.” This is “risky, but the payoff in insight can be large.” For Levin, at least, bioelectric fields are key mechanisms for this kind of collective decision-making. These fields connect cells and tissues together, allowing, along with synaptic connections, for rapid information exchange, not only with immediate neighbors but distant ones as well.

These communication channels are involved in the emergence of cancer, which means that, according to Levin, they can potentially be useful in curing some forms of cancer. “You can [use bioelectric fields to] induce full-on metastatic melanoma—a kind of skin cancer—in perfectly normal animals with no carcinogens or nasty chemicals that break DNA,” he said. You can also use these same fields “to normalize existing tumors or prevent them from forming.” He’s currently moving this work to human clinical models.

The importance of bioelectric fields is all about connection, information, and computation. These ingredients equal cognition for Levin and Dennett, which is, for them, a continuum of complexity that has developed over a billion years of biological evolution. It’s not an all or nothing kind of thing but a spectrum—one that plays a role in development, evolution, cancer, and in the workings of consciousness itself.

Tam Hunt is a philosopher, a practicing lawyer, and writer. He is the author of two books on the philosophy of consciousness: Eco, Ego, Eros: Essays in Philosophy, Spirituality, and Science and Mind, World, God: Science and Spirit in the 21st Century. ... b00bf1f6eb
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Post by kmaherali »


Stepping Stones

Undivided Wholeness in Flowing Movement

As a child Bohm had a fragile nature. He liked to wander in the mountains and streams around Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania where he grew up. One day when out with a group of friends Bohm was forced to cross a rapidly flowing stream by means of steppingstones, hopping from one stone to another. The stones were far apart and rather small and Bohm felt apprehensive. Bohm realized he had to jump from one stone to another without stopping in between. One had to be in a state of continuous movement while pivoting on one rock while moving to the next. This experience made a deep early impression on the young Bohm which he said profoundly influenced his work in physics. In those moments when crossing the stream, he realized that consciousness is flowing movement, moment to moment awareness and not mapped out. This theme has recurred time and again in his work.


When Bohm wrote Wholeness and the Implicate Order he encapsulates this idea of movement when he stated "I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment"

This notion of movement and becoming deeply influenced the Artist Antony Gormley when he created his sculpture QUANTUM CLOUD on the river Thames in London. As one gazes upon this giant exhibit, one sees the possibility of a body in a state of emergence, suspended between two states, unfolding from the implicate to the explicate, becoming manifest. The real impact of this breathtaking work is that it makes one realise that we ourselves determine what we see.


This idea of becoming, that everything is in a state of emergence illustrates the philosophical implications of CONSCIOUSNESS in Quantum Physics and the participant nature of the observer in what we call emerging reality. And that is exactly what quantum physics invites us to do, to become participators in that emerging world and to realise how each of us is a co-producer of a possible future.

Bohm took this idea of movement and flux even further in his quest to create an entirely new verb based language. Bohm was deeply interested in words and their root meaning and felt that the language we use on a daily bases is too noun oriented and restricts expression. He was deeply struck by what Niels Bohr said when he stated that we are all “suspended in language” and that we must strive to extend the scope of our description.

Bohm set to work on an experimental verb based language called the Rheomode, meaning “to flow”. And it was his introduction to the Blackfoot Native Americans through his long-time friend and colleague David Peat that Bohm had a number of meetings with Leroy Little Bear, a native Blackfoot, in which they discussed the highly verb based Blackfoot language, which is all about movement, flux and transformation. Leroy Little Bear jokingly suggested to Bohm “quit the Rheomode and just learn Blackfoot”.

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The Producers of Infinite Potential
Quantum Cloud on the River Thames in London
By Antony Gormley ... 5dd2856923
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I Am Not a Machine. Yes You Are.

Debating the impact of machine-created art.

I’m trying to explain to Arthur I. Miller why artworks generated by computers don’t quite do it for me. There’s no human being behind them. The works aren’t a portal into another person’s mind, where you can wander in a warren of intention, emotion, and perception, feeling life being shaped into form. What’s more, it often seems, people just ain’t no good, so it’s transcendent to be reminded they can be. Art is one of the few human creations that can do that. Machine art never can because it’s not, well, human. No matter how engaging the songs or poems that a computer generates may be, they ultimately feel empty. They lack the electricity of the human body, the hum of human consciousness, the connection with another person. Miller, a longtime professor, a gentleman intellect, dressed in casual black, is listening patiently, letting me have my say. But I can tell he’s thinking, “This guy’s living in the past.”

Miller is sitting at a simple table in a dim and sparsely furnished apartment on New York City’s Lower East Side. It’s an Airbnb place that’s keeping him housed while he gives talks in bookstores and colleges in the city about his latest book, The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity. Miller is the Virgil of art and science writing, a guide through the underworld of artists employing scientific practices like gene-splicing, brain imaging, and computer-code writing to create works that ask viewers to reflect on how science and technology are changing our views of the world and everything in it, including us. His previous book, Colliding Worlds, features artists like Austrian sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae, who studied quantum physics. One Voss-Andreae work, Quantum Man, stands eight feet tall and is constructed of more than 100 vertical steel sheets. The sculpture looks like a man when seen from the front, but as viewers move around it, the figure vanishes, representing how experiments in quantum physics, depending how they’re set up, detect electrons as either waves or particles: “how you look at it, that’s what it is,” writes Miller.

Miller has a Ph.D. in physics from MIT and is an emeritus professor in history and the philosophy of science at University College London. The Artist in the Machine profiles an array of fascinating artists and engineers who write computer programs to generate music, paintings, and literature. (Miller’s profile of Ross Goodwin, who’s written algorithms to generate screenplays and a novel, is featured in this week’s chapter of Nautilus.) Miller argues that AI-fueled art gains independence from its algorithmic parents and takes flight in works that bear the hallmarks of creativity and genius and will one day exceed human artists’ wildest imaginative dreams. Miller says he sympathizes with what I’m saying about the power of art coming from the connection with a human artist, plumbing their emotions and consciousness. But I’m being premature. Just wait, he says, computers will one day produce art as transcendent as the works of Beethoven and Picasso were in their times.

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A Tiny Particle’s Wobble Could Upend the Known Laws of Physics

Experiments with particles known as muons suggest that there are forms of matter and energy vital to the nature and evolution of the cosmos that are not yet known to science.

Evidence is mounting that a tiny subatomic particle seems to be disobeying the known laws of physics, scientists announced on Wednesday, a finding that would open a vast and tantalizing hole in our understanding of the universe.

The result, physicists say, suggests that there are forms of matter and energy vital to the nature and evolution of the cosmos that are not yet known to science. The new work, they said, could eventually lead to breakthroughs more dramatic than the heralded discovery in 2012 of the Higgs boson, a particle that imbues other particles with mass.

“This is our Mars rover landing moment,” said Chris Polly, a physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab, in Batavia, Ill., who has been working toward this finding for most of his career.

The particle célèbre is the muon, which is akin to an electron but far heavier, and is an integral element of the cosmos. Dr. Polly and his colleagues — an international team of 200 physicists from seven countries — found that muons did not behave as predicted when shot through an intense magnetic field at Fermilab.

The aberrant behavior poses a firm challenge to the Standard Model, the suite of equations that enumerates the fundamental particles in the universe (17, at last count) and how they interact.

“This is strong evidence that the muon is sensitive to something that is not in our best theory,” said Renee Fatemi, a physicist at the University of Kentucky.

The results, the first from an experiment called Muon g-2, agreed with similar experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2001 that have teased physicists ever since. “After 20 years of people wondering about this mystery from Brookhaven, the headline of any news here is that we confirmed the Brookhaven experimental results,” Dr. Polly said.

At a virtual seminar and news conference on Wednesday, Dr. Polly pointed to a graph displaying white space where the Fermilab findings deviated from the theoretical prediction. “We can say with fairly high confidence, there must be something contributing to this white space,” he said. “What monsters might be lurking there?”

“Today is an extraordinary day, long awaited not only by us but by the whole international physics community,” Graziano Venanzoni, a spokesman for the collaboration and a physicist at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, said in a statement issued by Fermilab. The results are also being published in a set of papers submitted to Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review D and Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

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A Revelation!
From Classical Reality to Quantum Reality
The Infinite Quality in Nature

The early 20th Century witnessed fundamental breakthroughs enabling Mankind to perceive the nature of REALITY in a radically different way. Those breakthroughs were the birth of Relativity and Quantum theory…

Classical Newtonian physics had promoted mechanism by suggesting that everything should be predictable and controlable, seeing three-dimensional space as absolute and time as a singular linear progression and our sensory experiences as reality itself…

However, when one begins to understand the true nature of reality and our place within it
these assumptions become obstacles…


David Bohm believed that nature has an infinite quality and we will continue to discover more and more structure process the deeper we dive. He believed that nature itself is inexhaustible, a continuum always in a state of renewal. The Quantum Potential shows that when wholeness is present, omnipresence arises spontaneously, giving rise to a process that conditions the energy of particles so that their internal forms respond. In this context the quantum potential informs each and every particle of its condition and context within the whole Universe thus creating an unbroken wholeness throughout the cosmos - or the profound interconnectedness of the entire Universe. In essence, it is the informing actions of the quantum potential that allows our physical universe to be and through which the well-defined motions in the real space of our everyday world are made manifest.

This is where Bohm’s Hidden Variables Theory is a RELEVATION. It reveals to us philosophical implications that transcend the classical Newtonian reductionist view that the Universe and the whole of nature could be reduced to a set of laws that are finite and knowable.


So with Bohm we move away from the mechanical world of Newton where everything is predictable to a non-mechanical quantum view wherein an ultimate structure of the universe will never be found, simply because as Bohm says “no such ultimate structure exists”. There are only relative variants of “things” such as fish, birds, forests, flowers, trees and humans in existence that are in a continual state of coming and going, transforming and reappearing as “new things” emerge or unfold as the context changes before disappearing again or enfolding back into the unmanifest.

It is this inexhaustible quality of the Quantum Domain that contributes to creation and its dissolution, to the manifest expression of life and reality as we experience it through our sensory perception.

So the mechanistic view of reality has been superseded by a model which offers us a much more coherent and ultimately much more satisfying explanation about the nature of reality and our place within that reality by acknowledging new levels of complexity and order. Consequently, we must reformulate our concepts of the laws of nature so that they account for context and contingency, rather than absolute, finite, predictable and controllable laws.
So each “thing” whether a particle, a bird, a tree, a human or pretty much anything you care to mention, derives its relative stability through the informing actions of this potential. And this informing action is not a one-way affair. Each living “thing” in its turn may affect and influence this potential as it enfolds back into its respective background and substructure. So change is possible and inevitable and flows in both directions, be it with particles, birds, fish, flowers and humans which subtly affect their fields and subtly affect their ecosystems as they unfold and enfold. This notion of reciprocal relationship allows for continuum and underpins our common mutuality and interconnectedness between macroscopic processes and those at the sub-atomic level, indicating a complexity through which the infinity of nature manifests itself as undivided wholeness in flowing movement. And this reciprocity is directly influenced “by our behaviour and by our understanding”. ... 5dd2856923
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Post by kmaherali »

The Plenum

The Ground of all Existence

It truly is a revelation when one begins to realise how our sensory perceptions misperceive our everyday reality. But of course, we have to use our sensory perception to navigate our way in the 3 dimensional world we occupy. The linear time we experience is illusory and is a derivative of no-time, the time-less - the eternal. And space is a derivative of the Infinite. It is only defined by the objects in relative space. Take away the objects and you enter the spaceless. Yet both time and space emerge from the deeper reality of the spaceless and the time-less. And that domain of hidden reality is actually something we know little about. It defies any description that is limited to ordinary space and time.

Billions of dollars are transacted every day with just a few key strokes – magically! Airplanes take off and land everyday (or used to) using calculations that are all based on relativity and quantum theory. Every time you pick up your mobile or tablet you are invoking the fundamental laws of the Universe. We use that hidden domain of reality in ways that we have come to take for granted. And if you dive deep, you will soon realise that there is a lot going on “out there” that is actually connecting with you ‘in here” at the very deepest hidden level of reality - beyond what our senses can tell us. Enter that reality and you enter through the Gate of all Wonders.


On those rare occasions when we look up at night to a star filled sky, most of us look on with a sense of awe and wonder. But who amongst us thinks of that vast star filled emptiness, the vacuum, the infinity of outer space as a Plenum? Something that is infinitely full rather than infinitely empty. David Bohm asks us to look at the so-called vast emptiness and asks us to comprehend the emptiness as fullness, and as the ground of all existence. Bohm sees the so called vast emptiness as one whole living organism, as undivided wholeness in flowing movement. And in one cubic centimetre of this so called vast emptiness - “the plenum” - there is more energy matter than in the entire visible Universe.

It’s this hidden domain of reality that connects us all, that connects everything in the Universe. We in the West are just beginning to tap into and understand the true nature of that Reality. It is something that has been perceived by the mystical traditions of the East for millennia. And we have to thank David Bohm, the brave scientist that he was, for not only opening up that hidden regime of reality to us but also for stepping outside the limitations of the scientific method and embracing wider domains, and by so doing provides us with an appreciation of the mystical nature of reality, evident in his collaboration with Jiddu Krishnamurti and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Bohm appreciated the transcendental aspect of reality.

Bohm’s guiding principles and morality was always rooted in truth. He was interested in our essential nature, in humanity waking up to new perception, the ultimate reality that we cannot see, hear, touch, remember or describe. He was more interested in the subtle, the intangible. He was interested in the plenum as the ground of all existence.

Amazingly, a little book containing 81 chapters and 5000 characters appeared in the 4th to 6th Century BC. This book is widely known today as the Daodejing or the Dao .Translated as the philosophy of “The Way”, The Path”, The Guiding Principle. It was allegedly written by Lao Tzu, a legendary figure, whose preference was to remain anonymous. This seamless work embodies the unity of science and spirit. Interestingly, the Dao has a description of what Bohm refers to as the plenum…

It reads “Empty space, the plenum, is the ground in which all existing forms are rooted. Things as they appear to our senses are derived forms and their true nature can be grasped only when we consider the plenum, by which they are generated and supported and in which they must finally dissolve”…

If we replace the word plenum with the word Dao, we realize that their meaning is exactly the same.

We think Bohm and Lao Tzu would have very much enjoyed each other’s company…

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected to INFINITE POTENTIAL.

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Post by kmaherali »

Active Information
The Order Between and Beyond

Most of us are familiar with Bohm’s ideas on the Implicate / Explicate orders and how both feed into each other in a continuous process of unfoldment and enfoldment.

But what about that state “between” the Implicate and the Explicate?

Antony Gormley beautifully captures this in-between state in his sculpture Quantum Cloud on the river Thames in London. One becomes a witness to the “possibility” of a body in a state of emergence - existing between two states of manifestation. But it’s not just bodies that are in this state of unfoldment. Nature itself and the Universe is in a continuous state of emergence, unfolding, enfolding and unfolding back again in a never ending cycle of renewal, flux and transformation.

So too our thoughts, our aspirations, our creativity. So too the active information we exchange continually in our manifest world. So too the deeply embedded connections between mind and matter that manifest in a multitude of ways, even in the body itself. Bohm suggests that electrons have an inner complexity and are able to read and respond to information. Therefore he says information must be placed alongside energy and matter as one of the underlying processes of the universe. This is why Bohm suggests that the cosmos can be influenced through our participation. We ourselves can influence outcomes at the individual and universal levels.

I remember one afternoon I was discussing these ideas in the beautiful little medieval village of Pari in Italy with Bohm’s colleague, friend and biographer David Peat. Peat told me that he and Bohm had planned to wite a second book together. They had written Science, Order and Creativity but were now working on something new – a book about a new order that Peat termed “the order between”. This would focus on the idea of a generative or creative order that would reveal the unmanifest creative ground between dualities.

We know from the film Infinite Potential that Bohm perceived the universe and all therein as an infinity of levels, each level an expression of unity within the multiplicity, so that the entire cosmos is organic and whole.

However, the daily manifest reality which we experience through localized space and time, fragments that wholeness. We create division, we create concepts, we create boundaries between ourselves and nations. We create the non-negotiable positions that over time become deeply embedded in our culture. In a word we create Duality. Bohm saw all this as tearing apart what truly belongs together.

Peat told me that what he and Bohm sought was an order “between”. But also an order “beyond”. To solve problems faced by society there is a need to find "orders in between" - as a form of compromise between other orders - but also to creatively extend to richer "orders beyond" which encompass different orders in another form.

The in-between order is a place where mind and thought patterns can literally be suspended and placed in a state of “no mind.” This opens up a space for new creation, a generative and creative space that allows for new perception, a shift in the content of consciousness, a shift in meaning and the possibility for personal and global transformation. To recognise the order "between" is one of the most important tools that mankind has to bring about a change of Being at the local, collective and universal levels. And by respecting the order between we can be further enriched by recognising the order beyond - the gift of renewal, of creative insight that we can take "beyond" our differences – to experience something entirely new and immeasurable.

And that is why Active Information plays such a significant role in the Universe. Its entirely causal, it pervades nature, it’s in our immune systems and by recognising the order between and beyond we recognise the vital role that active information can play in bringing creativity, transformation and coherence to our lives and throughout the cosmos. The Universe and all its laws exist within the microcosm of our bodies.

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected to INFINITE POTENTIAL.

From the PRODUCER of Infinite Potential

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Post by kmaherali »

Bohm, Bohr, Einstein and
the questions only Bohm could answer…

Bohm once said that if you want to really understand something “write a book about it”…And that’s exactly what he did. He wrote what is commonly accepted as the best book on quantum physics simply titled Quantum Theory.

Having been recognised for his work in Plasma Physics while at Berkeley, California, Bohm was offered a teaching job at Princeton University where Einstein was working at the Advanced Study Institute. Those at Princeton thought of Bohm as a “very talented young Physicist”…

While at Princeton he took lodgings in a room at number one Evelyn Place next door to Einstein. He got to know Einstein well and they became close. Einstein had parties and get togethers in the evenings where he would play the violin and others would bring their musical instruments to add to the conviviality and perform. This gave Bohm a great opportunity to get to know Einstein during which time they talked much about physics and wider philosophy. One could say that this was exactly what the young boy from Wilkes Barre needed. It was here that he met with other physicists, artists, writers, musicians, poets and philosophers. Bohm was introduced to people like Thomas Mann, Jacob Bronowski and Wolfgang Pauli. It was during this time that Bohm also met and fell in love with Hanna Loewy, an artist and documentary filmmaker and daughter of Lilly Kahler, who had an affair with Einstein. Hanna and Bohm became close and soon were to become lovers.

Einstein would later say of Bohm that he regarded him as his
“spiritual and intellectual son.”

It was during his time at Princeton that Bohm’s book on Quantum Theory was finished. This was Bohm’s attempt to understand Quantum Theory as outlined by Niels Bohr and the orthodox Copenhagen school. Bohm defended Bohr’s point of view and became very interested in the notion of Wholeness, an idea which he carried forward as he became clearer on how wholeness arises within the Quantum domain. However, it was not long before Bohm began to feel that there was something missing from Bohr’s interpretation believing that it placed a limit about what could be said about the quantum world. Both Bohm and Bohr did agree in the essential wholeness of Quantum Theory, but Bohr believed the quantum world to be unanalysable believing that there can be no layer of reality beyond quantum statistics, meaning that nothing could be said about the underlying reality.

Einstein completely disagreed with Bohr believing, like Bohm, in an underlying reality. But Einstein did not like the probabilistic nature of this underlying reality stating famously that “God does not play dice with the Universe”. He believed that outcomes are determined and predictable. Bohm believed in a more causal approach where outcomes can be influenced and not necessarily determined.

Bohm began to believe that the quantum world is radically different to the classical world and began to dispute the conclusions he himself had written in his book on quantum theory. Bohm, while more influenced by Einstein than Bohr, nonetheless felt that there was something very mysterious underlying the statistical features that quantum theory produced.

The key difference for Bohm was that he believed what we observe as distinct and separate in our everyday world of space and time, is in fact connected and NOT separate at the deeper quantum level because everything is part of a single system where separation does not exist. Bohm responded with a more causal or realistic interpretation of quantum theory which he put into a paper called Hidden Variables. And it was the Publication of that paper that changed everything about the way we have come to understand the nature of wholeness, the nature of consciousness, our essential interconnectedness and how the manifest reality which we experience through our senses emerges from a deeper underlying reality we refer to as the quantum domain.

What Niels’s Bohr could not accept or understand became David Bohm’s key to unravelling the mysteries of the Universe. No wonder Einstein, referring to the need for a radical new quantum theory, said of Bohm

“If anyone can do it, then it will be David Bohm”

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected to INFINITE POTENTIAL.

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Post by kmaherali »

Questioning Faith in God

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Is Faith just a Blind Leap in the Dark?

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Post by KayBur »

kmaherali wrote:Is Faith just a Blind Leap in the Dark?


I prefer to rely on real facts. Faith is good, but I prefer to believe in more material things than to shift the responsibility to an abstract force for the fact that I failed to do something.
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Post by kmaherali »

KayBur wrote: I prefer to rely on real facts. Faith is good, but I prefer to believe in more material things than to shift the responsibility to an abstract force for the fact that I failed to do something.
We are not in control of everything in life and hence there are limits to reason and freewill. Hence while applying reason and freewill in the course of life we also need to be aware of the limits and hence reliance of faith for things that we cannot control. Hence the need to apply the phrase: Insha Allah (If God wills) in all matters even when matters seem certain to happen as planned.
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Post by kmaherali »

The Ground Beyond Consciousness…

The Ground beyond Consciousness is the unmanifested.. But how can we ever know the ground beyond consciousness if it is unmanifested? David Bohm suggests that it is the unmanifested that acts into the manifested, and that action becomes an appearance in Consciousness. And that appearance in Consciousness therefore implies a ground from which it came….

So the reality we encounter unfolds from the deeper unmanifested, non-local, or as Bohm references it, the implicate Order.

Watch film at:

This also suggests that we may yet get beyond our current understanding of Quantum Theory, implying that there will be a NEW theory from which we will see how quantum theory and the classical world emerges…

It was Bohm’s questioning of everything, in physics, in mathematics and in dialogue that provides us with clear direction towards something much more subtle, an awareness of consciousness as something that is beyond name and form…

That is why Bohm suggests that mathematics needs to evolve beyond calculations; why science needs to continually go beyond the limits of old formulae; why philosophy needs to go beyond MIND and Religion beyond DOGMA…

Bohm realised that none of these can explain CONSCIOUSNESS.

He continually tried to get some idea of what might be the process which was implied by the mathematics and the science of quantum theory, a process he calls enfoldment, in which the mathematics suggests a movement in which any particular element of space may have a field which unfolds into the whole and the whole folds and enfolds into it….

If we in the WEST get beyond our current understanding of Quantum Theory, we may find common ground in the ancient mystical philosophical views of the EAST, where the relationship of the observer and the observed find each other in both traditions.

This is why the old disciplines only serve to deepen the illusion of manifest reality. Bohm encourages us to look beyond the veil of form and separation which he suggests can put us on the threshold of what is real and deepen our understanding of the nature of Reality. Once realized we encounter wholeness, undivided wholeness - CONSCIOUSNESS itself – The “I” that “I am” which is beyond name and form….

Here we find a potential that empowers us to act positively in the world, to change the world to our needs. To re-imagine and reshape our spiritual, political, social and economic structures so that they can begin to adapt to a new reality? That's where David Bohm’s legacy comes to be very, very valuable and puts us “on the edge of something”, an appearance in consciousness that is entirely new…

Thank you again for your continued support. Keep watching!

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Faith & Modern Science

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How do we know nature had a beginning?

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Post by kmaherali »

Brain Circuit for Spirituality Identified

Summary: A new study has identified a specific brain circuit centered in the periaqueductal gray that is linked to spiritual acceptance and religiosity.

Source: Brigham and Women’s Hospital

More than 80 percent of people around the world consider themselves to be religious or spiritual. But research on the neuroscience of spirituality and religiosity has been sparse. Previous studies have used functional neuroimaging, in which an individual undergoes a brain scan while performing a task to see what areas of the brain light up. But these correlative studies have given a spotty and often inconsistent picture of spirituality.

A new study led by investigators at Brigham and Women’s Hospital takes a new approach to mapping spirituality and religiosity and finds that spiritual acceptance can be localized to a specific brain circuit.

This brain circuit is centered in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a brainstem region that has been implicated in numerous functions, including fear conditioning, pain modulation, altruistic behaviors and unconditional love.

The team’s findings are published in Biological Psychiatry.

“Our results suggest that spirituality and religiosity are rooted in fundamental, neurobiological dynamics and deeply woven into our neuro-fabric,” said corresponding author Michael Ferguson, PhD, a principal investigator in the Brigham’s Center for Brain Circuit Therapeutics. “We were astonished to find that this brain circuit for spirituality is centered in one of the most evolutionarily preserved structures in the brain.”

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Post by kmaherali »

Beyond Bohm - Science, Order and Creativity - Online Event Starts Tomorrow...


Beyond Bohm
Science, Order and Creativity.
Online Event (Part 1) Starts July 10th..

Our dear friends at the Pari Centre in Tuscany, Italy, are hosting a wonderful Online Summer Series titled Beyond Bohm, Science, Order and Creativity beginning with Part 1 on Saturday 10th July and Sunday 11th July continuing through Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of July and closing on Sunday July 25th. This first session is titled Physics and Metaphysics.

Part 2, titled Contemplation and Creativity will begin August 14th -15th, and continue through 21st – 22nd and 28th – 29th. The sessions will allow you to dive deep into the life and enduring ideas of David Bohm while giving you the opportunity to meet many of the participants you know from our movie Infinite Potential, including Basil Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen, David Schrum, Lee Nicol and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini. So, there’s a real treat is in store for you.


This presents an opportunity to explore David Bohm’s ideas and what they mean, not just for the times we live in, but also for the collective future we all share. It gives each the opportunity to engage with many of those who knew him well and worked with him throughout his lifetime. Each session will be of two hours duration and will be live. Recordings of each session will be available after the sessions. So if you are unable to attend the live sessions for any reason – it will be easy to catch up!

As you will no doubt be aware from our film Infinite Potential, David’s ideas, while initially finding inspiration in physics, crossed into many other levels of understanding where he gives us insights into the meaning of undivided wholeness, non-duality, interconnectedness. His explorations in other disciplines were just as innovative. Artistic expression, philosophical inquiry, the nature of thought, indigenous peoples and dialogue. David pushed the limits of understand in order to stir up debate so that we might embrace a more complete picture of ourselves and our place in the cosmos.


Thank you once again for your continued support. We urge you to connect with our dear friends at the Pari Centre who have endured through thick and thin to keep the life and Ideas of David Bohm alive.

This Summer Series 2021 is such a wonderful opportunity for you all to connect with those ideas, ideas that can change the world.

From the Producers of Infinite Potential ... 5dd2856923
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Did "nothing" create the universe?

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Can Silicon Valley Find God?


Artificial intelligence promises to remake the world. These believers are fighting to make sure thousands of years of text and tradition find a place among the algorithms.

An extended article at: ... 778d3e6de3
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Design in the universe


Implications of a fine-tuned Universe
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God of the gaps arguments

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Science's 'god' of the gaps

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