Sati maa roza

Discussion on R&R from all regions
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Post by swamidada_1 »

kmaherali wrote:As per the article reports were submitted to MHI for the various rites and ceremonies performed around the world in 2016. The author himself was among those involved in the process. Until any decision is made by the Imam, things should continue as they have been.
I know author very well. He is knowledge-able and reliable person.
According to my knowledge Imam gave Hidayat to leaders in late seventies to explore means how to uniform rites and ceremonies and majalis. But because of differences in 2 groups of leadership work was slowed down. Later Imam refer the work to IIS. Till today only 4 things came out. Tariqah Eid Namaz, Janazah Namaz, Chirogh e Roshan, and Nikah. There are changes in pipe line.
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Post by Admin »

swamidada wrote: "It is improper claim of some persons that the Shamba is the occasion of the marriage of Hazrat Ali with Fatima. Granted for a while that it is the wedding occasion, then it must be celebrated worldwide in the Jamatkhanas like Yaum-e-Ali and Eid-e-Ghadir in accordance with the holy guidance".

With reference to above paragraph from the article, I am quoting the following part of choghriyo. What is the significance of this part?

yaaraa tith satai(n) maa rohonn nakhshatra
sa(n)j thaavar thi(n)do shaahjo viaa(n)
I don't know about Shambo and Bibi Fatima, the onl thing I know about Shambo is from my late father (born 1920) who said it was related to Sataima jo rojo and confirmed several times by Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah during his Imamate.

As for the fact that I have always maintained that this Mijlas is related to the Manifestation of the Imam for the entirety of the creation, I have already written on this and its relation to the chogadias in this or other threads.

There is a recent article on Shambo and Sataima jo rojo by Mumtaz Ali in which I do not agree with many things though he is an uthor which I respect and trust for most of the historical issues related to Ismailism. I think his interpretation is a post fact, influenced by the surrounding beliefs and the history of Sataima as reported by local sources.
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Post by Admin »

Found an old precious historical document where Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah mentions Satima Mandli of Pretoria in 1955. Later I will post some by Shah Karim Hazar Imam also.

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Post by GUEST58 »

I attended this Majlis for a year & what I wished for never happened.
I am told that after the 7th Majlis, my issues will be resolved.
should I continue for an other year after Imamat day?
attending the Majlis and JK, the fasting is necessary?
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Post by Admin »

You may have issues, sometimes unbearable like everyone else, life is problem. God is not going to resolve all the issues of all the people at a time limit given to him by those who seek his help. He knows better.

The Satima jo Rojo Mijlas commemorates the coming of the Manifestation of the Noor for all beings of the universe, what is called "Aswari "or Epiphany that will happen on the seventh day. Read about the Mijlas in the thread before posting.

People who doubt the Mijlas will definitely not benefit from any Rojo on that day.

This is my 2 cents worth, not intended for controversies.
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Post by GUEST58 »

I never doubted. NEVER WILL. my question was I missed the Fasting till 10AM, however I did go to JK and prayed for Mushkil asan.

is fasting necessary in order to obtain the full benefit?
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Post by Admin »

I believe the fast of half day is to be done in order to benefit from Satima jo Rojo.

Count Merali Ramji told me that once it was Satima jo Rojo and Sultan Muhammad Shah came for Didar early morning. Count Merali Ramji asked him if he would accept bakshamni for the rojo because of Didar. Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah said "the rojo of half day?", Count replied yes, then Mowla did not accept the request for bakshamni.

This is why I think you have to do it in order to receive the benefit.
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Post by Admin »

The Rasalo (Risalo) of Imam Jafar Sadiq was read in the olden days in Jamatkhana during the Satima jo Rojo mijlas. Here the first page from a copy of a Khojki manuscript from Tanzania in possession of

This is how the work starts:

Allah Toahar
Rasalo Hajrat Imam Jafar Sadiq jo likhiyasi
Vasile Shah Pir je
Bismillah hir Rahemanir Rahim

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Post by kmaherali »

It would be nice to have the translation available.
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Re: Sati maa roza / Shambo

Post by Admin »


Just to mention that sometimes back I was fliping though a Khojki manuscript of Farmans made in 1891 by Aga Jangi Shah on behalf of Sultan Muhammad Shah our 48th Imam and there is a reference of Shambo which date I think was also on 7th Ramazan. I thought it was important to mention this as it is a very old reference to Shambo. (132 years ago)
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Post by Admin »

kmaherali wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:09 am It would be nice to have the translation available.
There are tons of marterial in manuscripts beside Farmans and Ginans which have not been translated or published such as Meraj Namo, Risalo Imam Jafar Sadiq, Kathiare ji warta, Noor Nama, Khak Nama, Fal of Imam Jafar Sadiq, history, etc... most are still in khojki, some are in Gujarati. It is a gigantic task which will take a long time but more and more these documents are becoming available on the web to the international community.
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