It isn't a matter of silence - it's matter of how much more can we dumb ourselves down to get you and sheri to grasp the concept..tret wrote:This coming from a *mahrifati* or *attorney of Ali*, seems unbelievable.nuseri wrote:...They are just trying to weaken n confuse the members ...
If one's belief and faith/Iman is weaken or shaken by just words of someone, then either my words or powerful, or your faith is already weak, and not really faith, but doubt.
This is the difference between you (members a like) and me; My faith/Iman is not shaken a bit, no matter what you say/claim; however, yours (members a like) are shaken/weaken/confused, simply by words, and yet you guys are claiming that you have found Allah? It's amazing...
A sage was showing a layman the moon by pointing with his finger; the layman was looking at his finger as opposed to the moon.
Now my challenge is extended to all participants who claim Ali is Allah.
please describe what do you perceive as Allah? It could be the Allah that you come to understand is not the same as Muslims do? Then that would explain, for sure.
Everyone of you goes to silence, when asked this question. Even the *PHD*.
It is a matter of recognising that the other side is not interested in learning at all - but rather in ramming their interpretation down' everyone else's throat.
Both of you asked for Farmans - we provided Farmans - and references.
You went as far as to say that there was no such thing as PreAlid Imams - when Tusi - disagreed with you..not only did Tusi disagree with you - the Imam Mustawdas (the Pirs from Ahl-e-Bayt) disagreed with you - thus we got the Old Du'a which has the names of the Pre-Alid Imams.
Sheri claimed that the concept of Ali-Allah wasn't present in the Old Du'a in any version - when we have the text proclaiming otherwise - on top of that - we have the 2 Mission Conference references of Imam Sultan Mohammed Shah - talking about Ali-Allah and endorsing it- now these are in English and are Farmans that are modern era - so you can't even challenge those...but you seem to gloss over those - so how will I explain to you what I perceive...
According to you and Sheri - you are way beyond our understanding.
And speaking of pluralism - your comment about hindu ismailism clearly shows where you stand - in terms of pluralism - which is against the imam's farmans.
Do you even know what Islam is? Islam isn't Arabic culture - Islam is universal - it is about acceptance.
When the Imam says - anyone that proclaims the Shahadah is a muslim - there is nothing there about anything else - yet you're choosing to be the decision maker on our faith and calling us UnIslamic Ismailies.
So since when did the Central Asian Tradition become higher than the Satpanthi or Pir Sadardeen Tradition?
You don't accept Ali-Allah - that's not our issue - but rather yours.
As Hazrat Ali once stated - make sure you're listening to listen - not listening to respond.
What you and Sheri are apparently looking for - is for people to say - aah - these people have evolved - they understand ismailism.
Now - if you look at the Imam as the intercessor - as the Imam Al Mustawda only - then He isn't the Imam Mustaqar - or the Noor of Imamah - which is different...and to the world that's the role that Imam plays almost all of the time.
If you look at the Imam as the goal - as the IMAM - then that noor is the Noor of Allah.
I don't think I need evidence to prove to myself anything - nor to anyone else..
Please don't go around preaching that your interpretation of Ismailism is correct.
With you whole siratul ikhlas argument - you are proclaiming ala Shafik Sachedina - to claim to know what the Imam was thinking ..."Imam thinks in French but speaks in English" thus His Farmans need to be edited.
If you had all the answers - as you pretend to - you'd have a lot more humility to respect other viewpoints.
to Sheri's point - this isn't someone's translation of the farman - but how farmans and other documentation was recorded in the day - it is standard practice to attribute the quote.
I think for Sheri and you, these grapes have become sour - you came looking for a fan club and adulation - ...had you stuck to your pluralisitic stance - that might have happened - yet you became bitter and partisan and patronizing.
Whatever you want to believe - all the more power to you.
You want to go and do Namaz - all the more power to you.
As someone that has spent a lot of time recently in both Central Asia, Syria and China - i'll tell you - that it's not standard practice anymore for Ismailies to go to the mosques and pray.
It never was in Tajikistan - because for the most part it was under communist rule - and religion was forbidden - most Tajikis - were brought into the faith and made aware of the faith at the age of the question of the namaz doesn't come into you'll challenge this - but i have it on first hand knowledge and research to challenge you on that...anyways..
Our Faith allows many interpretations and pluralism contrary to what you and sheri have been preaching.
I think - this debate is over - with the Farmans of not only Aga Ali Shah, Hasan Ali Shah but statements from the Mission Conferences shared as well.
Now as i've stated before - you want to turn away from the noon day sun and deny it - that's nothing I can do about that...
and if i am hallucinating - I am happy in that are others.
Lastly - old Du'a again.
"Ali Mohammed Yak Khuda, Haq Shanasi Dafe Bala"
My transliteration maybe incorrect.
3x a day that was stated every day..and we still say Ali=Allah 3x a day..whether we accept it or just don't see it.