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Post by Firukurji »

I was just wondering how far is it okay to use the services of astrologers. Would it be okay to get a "Janam Kundli" done from o&shy;ne, if somebody tells me wear a certain type of stone it would benefit you, would all this be okay.<BR>Remember I also have full faith in Hazar Imam
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Post by kmaherali »

Astrology (Ar. ilm at-tanjim). As divination, astrology is usually condemned in Islam, as in most religions, because it is a science potentially misleading to the soul. The danger inherent in astrology, despite the insights it offers as a cosmological and symbolical science, is that it may trap the soul in some existential illusion or error; that is to say, divination can throw up some illusion which is actually the projection of a subjective flaw. If what is foreseen by divination then appears to be confirmed by events, the soul is snared in an unreality of its own making. As the HadTth says: "Even when the soothsayers tell the truth, they lie". And: "Let no-one malign fate for God savs, 'I am destiny.'

Moreover, Islam commends surrender to fate, and the importance of this attitude precludes from the outset recourse to predictions. In Judaism for example, a practising Jew is considered to have no astrological sign; that is, a sacred identity as a bondsman of God replaces the individual identity; the Talmud savs: "Israel has no constellation."

Nevertheless, astrology tor the purposes of divination has been widely practiced. In antiquity virtually all mathematicians were astronomers, and all astronomers were astrologers. Such men as Nasr ad-Din at-Tusi and al-Biruni were famous astrologers. The latter attacked astrologers for poor calculations rather than for their science. (Excerpt from The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam by Cyril Glasse)
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