Chitti upadvani
Chitti upadvani
i remember visiting in the 70s to 80s the mumbai darkhana jamatkhana for Lail tul Qadr nights tasbih. At the time there was a custom there ( may still be existing) and this was only exclusively in Darkhana mumbai jamatkhana ! it was called Chitti Upadvani , A card ( chitti) was distributed to all and then the jamat would look at the card and recite various tasbihs then keep this chitti on the head and recite various tasbihs written on the card then the jamat would be asked to keep card in hand look at it and do nek man dua. it is said that whatever was asked for at this time his wishes were definately fullfilled. does anyone remember this? i want to know this tasbih and more about this tradition..[/b]
I have not heard about this custom but it is nothing wrong if in Mumbai Darkhana jamat khana still doing this! its not violating of our traditions, after all they are reciting various tasbihats.
But the situation has been changed rapidly, here in USA the JK times has been shorten dramatically because Jamats do not like to stay hours and hours in JK!!
because they have more important things to do after JK like watching TV, going in club or going for eat in various restaurants, jamat has lots of time for these kind activities but they do not have time to spend more time in JK!! what a change!!! If a waezin delivers waez more then his alloted time jamats complains about this, if some one recite long ginans many jamati members become irritates.
Not long ago jamats used to go in khane at midnights and used to stays there till morning in bandagi.
Jane kaho gaye woh din!
I have not heard about this custom but it is nothing wrong if in Mumbai Darkhana jamat khana still doing this! its not violating of our traditions, after all they are reciting various tasbihats.
But the situation has been changed rapidly, here in USA the JK times has been shorten dramatically because Jamats do not like to stay hours and hours in JK!!
because they have more important things to do after JK like watching TV, going in club or going for eat in various restaurants, jamat has lots of time for these kind activities but they do not have time to spend more time in JK!! what a change!!! If a waezin delivers waez more then his alloted time jamats complains about this, if some one recite long ginans many jamati members become irritates.
Not long ago jamats used to go in khane at midnights and used to stays there till morning in bandagi.
Jane kaho gaye woh din!