What is Brahm? Not the word "Brhama" a Hindu God!

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What is Brahm? Not the word "Brhama" a Hindu God!

Post by Trueismaili786 »

I am confused:- Your help is needed and very quickly!

What is Brahm? ( please remember this word, it is not "Brahma" a Hindu
God, who has 4 head) but it is written "BRAHM ",

Some say it has no shape!
Some say it has no smell!
Some say it has no hands, legs, mouth and eyes!
Some say it not a male, or a femal or a nutral thing!! but it is some thing!!?
Some say it nothing but it is everything!! What????
"Brahm" is nothing! but it is every thing (!!??) how its possible! when it is nothing then how can it see every thing? how can he/she/it can do any thing? ( like creat whole universe)
What is Brahm at least? can anyone in this forum answer me?
I am totally confused! Please answer me, I read "Brahma Prakash" compose by pir Shams,
Vedant by Hindu scholars, Gita to find answer of my querry but after reading all these granths, I got even more confused! your help is needed and very quicly.
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Post by kmaherali »

I think in our tradition Brahm is always understood as meaning 'Divine' as in Brahm Prakash - Divine Light.
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Post by agakhani »

First of all please accept my many thanks to bring this very, very, and very tough question to answer in this forum, it prove that there are some interesting persons around and in this forum too. there are some readers who always through some junk and garbage in this froum every day doing coping and pasting.

As I wrote above "Brahm" is a very tough subject and nobody knows its best answer, pir Sahms mabaap says in Brahma prakash;

"બ્રહ્મ સુખકી ક્યાં કહું મેં વડાઇ,
મહિમા અધિક કહી નવ જાયે."

But "brahm" usually called as a "energy, light, Noor, Tej.
There were six (6) different vedanti in Hindu religion, like Budhha, Kapil, Jaimini e.t.c but they all had different meaning of "Brahm" so nobdoy can give you exact meaning of the word "Brahm" not even Pir Shams (s.a.) please read above ginanic verses of pir mabap, in this verses pir says it is very tough to explain Brahm.
I can write pages and pages here but it is not necesary because most of readers will not digest it, because it is very tough to digest and understand.
But without eyes, Brahm can see
Without hand brahm can do any thing,
Without ears brahm can listen
without nose; Brham can smell
Brahm Is every where but it has not shape, no smell, it is
Nirajan, Nirakar, Niravalambi,Nirgun it is all these but it is nothing it is like electric city nobody can describe you the shape of electic but it is some thing which we can't see but we can't denied that there is not a electric city.
if you enter electric city in freezer it gives you cool, if you enter it in heater it gives you heat, if electic enters in TV it gives you vision and sound but this same electric city has no shape at all same way "Brahm" is every where but it has not shape, it was not born from anybody but it is there, it has no gender so you can tell him he/she/it.

In Quran Allahtala says in Suratul Iklas"
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem Qul Huwa-llahu 'Ahad Allahus-Samad Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad Walam Yakul-La-hu Kufuwan 'Ahad. the meaning is very simple we recite three times daily in our prayer and this Ayah Allahtal mention very beautifully what is "Braham".;

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
In vedant is is called 'PARMATMA'
I hope I answer your question well as per my ability, but as I wrote above nobody can give you exact meaning of word "Brahm and you would not find in Gita or in Vedas because they all say different story, so as per the SMS" farman you need to ask this question to your self if possible everyday if not every week and if not then every month ; i.e. who am I? what is sould? why I am here? when I died where will I go?e.t.c" and I am pretty sure you will receive answer of your question.
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Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:45 pm

Post by Trueismaili786 »

Thanks Kmaherali and Agakhani.

Your's comments are good but agakhani's answer is more reliable and acceptable since he gives Ginanic, Quranic and Vedic references which are tally with each others. Now I must accept that word 'Brahm" is not easy to explain.
Thanks for your quick reply.
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