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What is Hallal Roji? I know what Hallal Meat is but what if Hallal Roji?
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

Hallal roji means lawful consumption. It is consumption after sacrifice or Dasond has been offered from lawful income. The following verses from the Gita (3: 10-15) best explain the concept.

Thus spoke the Lord of Creation when he made both man and sacrifice: 'By sacrifice thou shalt multiply and obtain all thy desires.

By sacrifice shalt thou honour the gods and the gods will then love thee. And thus in harmony with them shalt thou attain the supreme good.

For pleased with thy sacrifice, the gods will grant to thee the joy of all thy desires. Only a thief would enjoy their gifts and not offer them in sacrifice'.

Holy men who take as food the remains of sacrifice become free from all their sins; but the unholy who have feasts for themselves eat food that is in truth sin.

Food is the life of all beings, and all food comes from rain above. Sacrifice brings the rain from heaven, and sacrifice is sacred action.

Sacred action is described in the Vedas and these come from the Eternal, and therefore is the Eternal everpresent in a sacrifice.
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