tret wrote:a_27826 wrote:tret wrote:Imam Ali was the first Manifest Imam as we know it to do the Tah'wil of the divine message after the prophet. However the concept of Tah'wil existed since Prophet Adam, where the spiritual world came to existence. And every Major prophet (Natiq, according to Ismaili terminology) had a Wasi (Or legatee) who is in the same rank as Maula Ali is to the Prophet at his time. This is what Hadis of Prophet Mohammad was indicating.
As i understand the world cannot exist without Imam of the Time.
Now you are implying that Imams before Imam Ali were only present when Prophets were sent, to assist them.
But the Prophets were not always present, that is, sometimes there were gaps between one Prophet and the next.
So i am i wrong in my understanding that "the world can not exist without Imam being present" ?
By Imam of the Time [or Imam] it's meant the Nur of Imamat in spiritual realm. The existence of the Divine Intellect on earth, which was the case since Prophet Adam. That's why there are references that Ali was there from the beginning and will be there till the end. Ali in fact is referred to that Divine Intellect.
That is your understand - not mine.
Please don't shove your understanding as the correct one for all Ismailies.
Also Sheri - go learn about the ADAMS
not one ADAM - but different ADAMS
There was the ADAM that descended from Heaven - and there was the ADAM ABUL BASHR
and no - this isn't Hindu mythology - but actually ARABIC and ISLAMIC THEOLOGY
but how will you know -
you don't even understand the basic tenets of Ismailism - how are we to expect that you will know all of this.
Krishna was before the ADAM of this AGE - Imam of the last age...this is a new cycle.
Oh before you go into a hindu bashing mode - the notion of Ages is not unique to Hindu thought - but also a key part of Arabic thought - the idea of cycles - but once again - way beyond your IQ level.
You stick to what you understand and derive happiness from that.
Let us stick to what we understand.
And please don't self appoint yourselves as the spokespeople of all Ismailes.
Oh and the mention of PreAlid Imams - all over Tusi's works - and he wasn't a hindu convert - and nor was he trying to convert Hindus.
In regards to the "spiritual noor" always being present - there is a farman of Imam Jafar as Sadiq - if there were only 2 men left on the earth - one of them would be the IMAM.
The Imam has always been present - physically - knowledge of who the Imam is - has been hidden. Without an Imam the world will perish...
Now your interpretation maybe it is a spiritual noor - and ours is that it is a physical manifestation.
that list of Pre Alid Imams - contains Haroon and Shimun Shafa (Simon Peter).
Now it is better to admit that you don't understand this - and we are unable to explain it further - and let it be - but don't appoint yourselves spokespeople for the Ismailies.
Oh and btw - the central Ismaili tradition - also acknowledges the notion of a PreAlid Imam - and that the Imam must be manifest at all times; so I don't know what you're quoting or referring to Tret when you say this is not part of that tradition.
I have spent time talking to elders not only in Syria but Central Asia and China and have discussed their traditions and belief system.
You'll ask for a reference - here it is....
"The Manifestation of the Imam is essential for the Existence of the
It is also necessary to know that the Imam must necessarily exist in all three kawns, i.e., worlds, - material, spiritual and cosmic, because he is in fact the "indispensably existent," and every thing besides him is but "possibly existent."By this latter name anything is called which cannot exist by itself. And as now all these "possibly existent" objects in fact exist, (it follows that) the Imam is manifested in their generic class in both worlds (kawn). Where it not so, the worlds (akwan) could not exist."
Fasl dar Bayan-I Shinakht-I Imam
Translated from Farsi by Ivanow - truly a good book - Badakshani/Tajiki in origin. Not of Indian origin.
Section 3 - The fourfold knowledge of the Imam.
as per this text - which as I'll point out to you and a2786 and Sheri - is NOT HINDU OR INDIAN IN ORIGIN - but rather Central Asian the notion of PreAlid Imams - is all around - now in your "sunni" islamic approach - you may not choose to accept it - that is a different story.