Discussion on R&R from all regions
Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

Ya Ali Madaad
nagib wrote:Imam Jaffar Sadiq Ma Bap has said that the one who martyred Imam Husseyn Ma Bap, and who was the damned Shimar, had declared while killing Mowla: "I practise Namaz and I must hasten to martyr you as I have to go say my evening Namaz". Look how evil he was: He had come to martyr Imam-e-Zaman, and on the other side, he said "I cannot miss the Namaz"!

He who does not know his Imam, no matter the number of Namaz and fastings he accomplishes, it will do him no good. Those who are the slaves of the Namaz, and who draw their sword against Imam-e-Zaman, are doomed to Hell.
Aga Ali Shah quoting Mowlana Jafar Sadiq on the subject of Namaz On 3rd of the Month of Bhadar Ashoud 1934 of the Samvat Calendar (1877 A.D.)
Hats off for your knowledge my brother.

Imam replies everyone according to there personality and understanding of faith and belief. Namaz was Allah gift to Prophet Muhammad Umath (followers) not for Sunnis or Shias. Prophet Muhammad Met Allah on Maharaj Night and he bought Namaz for his followers from Allah.

Let it be Sunni or Shia or Ismaili we follow Prophet just know your Kalima or declaration of your faith “la ilaha ill al lahu, muham madur rasulul lahi” (I think everyone knows the meaning of our Kalima if not check Part two of Dua

One of Prophetic hadith “One day while we were sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:"O Muhammed, tell me about Islam". The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so." He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about eman."He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof." He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then tell me about ehsan." He said: "It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you". He said: "Then tell me about the Hour". He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner." He said: "Then tell me about its signs." He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings." Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was Jebreel (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion."”.

For my faith is “I believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil there of. God is one”

Let me explain my faith I believe in Allah, His angels, His books meaning all the holy books (Bhagavath geta, Bible, Quran) His messengers meaning From Prophet Adam to Hazir Imam by saying Hazir Imam I m referring to physical body = Adam+ Krishna + Mosa + Jesus + Prophet + Mowla Ali + Mowla Hazir Imam, Which means I believe in all the faiths and their practices as it’s the same Noor which taught this practices

We easily criticises other Faith and practices. Every criticism goes to Allah.

For example if your critics Namaz then ask yourself some questions.

Q. Who taught Namaz?

A. Last Prophet of Allah.

Q. What is the relationship between Prophet Muhammad with Mowlana Hazar Imam or Mowlana Ali or Allah (The Holy Noor)?

A. “Imran bin Husayn has narrated that Allah's Messenger said: What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? Then added: Surely Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian of every believer.”

It’s the same prophet who said Mowlana Ali as the Master of Every Believer.

“It is narrated by Zayd bin Arqam When Allah's Messenger was returning after the Hajjat-ul-wada, he stayed at Ghadir Khum. He commanded that a canopy should be put up and so it was done. Then he said: It seems as if I am about to breathe my last which I shall accept. Indeed, I am leaving two important things in your midst which exceed each other in importance: One (is) Allah's Book and the other (is) my progeny. Now it is to be seen how do you treat both of them after me and they will not be separated from each other, and they will appear before me at the Fountain of kawthar. Then added: Surely Allah is my Master and I am the master of every believer. Then, holding Ali’s hand, he said: One who has me as his master has this (Ali) as his guardian. O Allah! Befriend him who befriends him (Ali) and be the enemy of one who is his enemy.”

Prophet Muhammad explained us who is Ali in simple way to make us understand.

“It is related by Sad bin Abi Waqas I heard Allah's Messenger say: One who has me as his master has Ali as his master. And I heard him say (to Ali ): You are in my place as Harun was in Musa's place, but there is no prophet after me. And I also heard him say (on the occasion of the battle of Khaybar): Today I shall bestow the flag on the person who loves Allah and His Messenger.

What The Master of Believers says about Prophet Muhammad and their relationship.

“It has been disclosed to me by my lord (referring to Hidden Knowledge)…….. And this knowledge was hidden from all prophets except the Master of this Shari’s of yours (i.e. Muhammad). He taught me his knowledge and I taught him my knowledge. We are the first warning and the last and the warning for all times and periods. Through us perishes him who perishes and through us is saved him who is saved”.

All this statements are for us to understand. Do you think Ali didn’t know who is Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Muhammad didn’t knew who Ali is?

Q. Who holds the Prophetic Noor or who holds the position of Prophet today?

A. Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, He holds both the rank of Prophet and Ali. In tasbi Pir Shah: Pir is refers to the light of Holy Prophet and Shah is refers to Light of Hazrat Ali.

Q. Were does your criticism go?


Q. If you believe in MHI. Think how much time it will take MHI to make all his creation do Dua?

A. Not even a sec.

Q. Why are we arguing………………?

A. let them practice Namaz, let them do puja, let them go to Masjid or church it doesn’t affect our Faith. Everyone is accountable for His Deeds good or bad.

And if you thing Sunnis or other sect go direct into hell and we Ismailies have licence to heaven.

Allah is Rehamat, if you ask Him justice on the Bases of your Deeds (I.e.) your good deeds (Tasbi, Dua, etc) and on your bad deeds. I will tell you there will be very few who have zero bad deeds. One can only enter Janat on the Rehamat of Allah. Stop believing Ismailies have got licence to heaven, when we recognise Imam we are lucky that we got a Path and by following this we can reach Allah and we are in the beginning stage of this path.

Imam Aga Ali Sha replied for a question in 1934 and if you understand the concept of the Farman, it was for Ismailies to be regular to Prayers. Namaz was an example.

Today Mowlana Hazar Imam is talking about Islam and Pluralism. Institutions are building to tech Pluralism. Today Islam and Human community is divided, please don’t let our kid inherit problem that we faced. Let them inherit our Faith not our individual belief.

Posts: 1117
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madaad
nagib wrote:Imam Jaffar Sadiq Ma Bap has said that the one who martyred Imam Husseyn Ma Bap, and who was the damned Shimar, had declared while killing Mowla: "I practise Namaz and I must hasten to martyr you as I have to go say my evening Namaz". Look how evil he was: He had come to martyr Imam-e-Zaman, and on the other side, he said "I cannot miss the Namaz"!

He who does not know his Imam, no matter the number of Namaz and fastings he accomplishes, it will do him no good. Those who are the slaves of the Namaz, and who draw their sword against Imam-e-Zaman, are doomed to Hell.
Aga Ali Shah quoting Mowlana Jafar Sadiq on the subject of Namaz On 3rd of the Month of Bhadar Ashoud 1934 of the Samvat Calendar (1877 A.D.)
Hats off for your knowledge my brother.

Imam replies everyone according to there personality and understanding of faith and belief. Namaz was Allah gift to Prophet Muhammad Umath (followers) not for Sunnis or Shias. Prophet Muhammad Met Allah on Maharaj Night and he bought Namaz for his followers from Allah.

Let it be Sunni or Shia or Ismaili we follow Prophet just know your Kalima or declaration of your faith “la ilaha ill al lahu, muham madur rasulul lahi” (I think everyone knows the meaning of our Kalima if not check Part two of Dua

One of Prophetic hadith “One day while we were sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:"O Muhammed, tell me about Islam". The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so." He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about eman."He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof." He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then tell me about ehsan." He said: "It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you". He said: "Then tell me about the Hour". He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner." He said: "Then tell me about its signs." He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings." Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was Jebreel (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion."”.

For my faith is “I believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil there of. God is one”

Let me explain my faith I believe in Allah, His angels, His books meaning all the holy books (Bhagavath geta, Bible, Quran) His messengers meaning From Prophet Adam to Hazir Imam by saying Hazir Imam I m referring to physical body = Adam+ Krishna + Mosa + Jesus + Prophet + Mowla Ali + Mowla Hazir Imam, Which means I believe in all the faiths and their practices as it’s the same Noor which taught this practices

We easily criticises other Faith and practices. Every criticism goes to Allah.

For example if your critics Namaz then ask yourself some questions.

Q. Who taught Namaz?

A. Last Prophet of Allah.

Q. What is the relationship between Prophet Muhammad with Mowlana Hazar Imam or Mowlana Ali or Allah (The Holy Noor)?

A. “Imran bin Husayn has narrated that Allah's Messenger said: What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? Then added: Surely Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian of every believer.”

It’s the same prophet who said Mowlana Ali as the Master of Every Believer.

“It is narrated by Zayd bin Arqam When Allah's Messenger was returning after the Hajjat-ul-wada, he stayed at Ghadir Khum. He commanded that a canopy should be put up and so it was done. Then he said: It seems as if I am about to breathe my last which I shall accept. Indeed, I am leaving two important things in your midst which exceed each other in importance: One (is) Allah's Book and the other (is) my progeny. Now it is to be seen how do you treat both of them after me and they will not be separated from each other, and they will appear before me at the Fountain of kawthar. Then added: Surely Allah is my Master and I am the master of every believer. Then, holding Ali’s hand, he said: One who has me as his master has this (Ali) as his guardian. O Allah! Befriend him who befriends him (Ali) and be the enemy of one who is his enemy.”

Prophet Muhammad explained us who is Ali in simple way to make us understand.

“It is related by Sad bin Abi Waqas I heard Allah's Messenger say: One who has me as his master has Ali as his master. And I heard him say (to Ali ): You are in my place as Harun was in Musa's place, but there is no prophet after me. And I also heard him say (on the occasion of the battle of Khaybar): Today I shall bestow the flag on the person who loves Allah and His Messenger.

What The Master of Believers says about Prophet Muhammad and their relationship.

“It has been disclosed to me by my lord (referring to Hidden Knowledge)…….. And this knowledge was hidden from all prophets except the Master of this Shari’s of yours (i.e. Muhammad). He taught me his knowledge and I taught him my knowledge. We are the first warning and the last and the warning for all times and periods. Through us perishes him who perishes and through us is saved him who is saved”.

All this statements are for us to understand. Do you think Ali didn’t know who is Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Muhammad didn’t knew who Ali is?

Q. Who holds the Prophetic Noor or who holds the position of Prophet today?

A. Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, He holds both the rank of Prophet and Ali. In tasbi Pir Shah: Pir is refers to the light of Holy Prophet and Shah is refers to Light of Hazrat Ali.

Q. Were does your criticism go?


Q. If you believe in MHI. Think how much time it will take MHI to make all his creation do Dua?

A. Not even a sec.

Q. Why are we arguing………………?

A. let them practice Namaz, let them do puja, let them go to Masjid or church it doesn’t affect our Faith. Everyone is accountable for His Deeds good or bad.

And if you thing Sunnis or other sect go direct into hell and we Ismailies have licence to heaven.

Allah is Rehamat, if you ask Him justice on the Bases of your Deeds (I.e.) your good deeds (Tasbi, Dua, etc) and on your bad deeds. I will tell you there will be very few who have zero bad deeds. One can only enter Janat on the Rehamat of Allah. Stop believing Ismailies have got licence to heaven, when we recognise Imam we are lucky that we got a Path and by following this we can reach Allah and we are in the beginning stage of this path.

Imam Aga Ali Sha replied for a question in 1934 and if you understand the concept of the Farman, it was for Ismailies to be regular to Prayers. Namaz was an example.

Today Mowlana Hazar Imam is talking about Islam and Pluralism. Institutions are building to tech Pluralism. Today Islam and Human community is divided, please don’t let our kid inherit problem that we faced. Let them inherit our Faith not our individual belief.

You quote a hadith of the prophet...i quote many farmans of the imam...say you dua....nowhere does the imam say..Say your Namaz..Imam says.>SAY YOUR DUA<
You claim to be an ismaili..however it seems that you have been endowed with your own sect..choosing to follow that which pleases you and that which fits in with your other beliefs.
the first thing you have to learn about ismailism and being an ismaili is that Ismailism is based SOLELY on one THING..and that is the IMAM.
The Imam is the Alpha and the Omega..the beginning and the end...upon him..ISMAILISM is based..not on the Qu'ran..
As an Ismaili..i am bound to the farmans of the Imam..he says die..i questions second thoughts....understand that and you will understand ismailism's core.

and you tend to overlook one major aspect of the dua..this dua wasn't cooked up by me..or my grandfather or anyone else's grandfather...but by the IMAM of the TIME...

Keep that mind....

Ya Ali Madad.

Posts: 74
Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:31 pm


Post by GMR »

I'm also an Ismaili by birth and I trust in one God and His Greatness, His messengers (124,000 prophets), His angels, His Imams, on the Day of Judgement based on the bad or good deeds. When Imam of the Time is speaking about Islam and pluralism, who we are to intepret our faith according to our wishes and beliefs. We have to think about this. I myself have heard in Holy Deedars of the Imam since 1960 speaking (Insha Allah) meaning (if God wanted). However I fully agree with the views expressed by brother Zubar.
Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

ShamsB wrote:
zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madaad
nagib wrote:Imam Jaffar Sadiq Ma Bap has said that the one who martyred Imam Husseyn Ma Bap, and who was the damned Shimar, had declared while killing Mowla: "I practise Namaz and I must hasten to martyr you as I have to go say my evening Namaz". Look how evil he was: He had come to martyr Imam-e-Zaman, and on the other side, he said "I cannot miss the Namaz"!

He who does not know his Imam, no matter the number of Namaz and fastings he accomplishes, it will do him no good. Those who are the slaves of the Namaz, and who draw their sword against Imam-e-Zaman, are doomed to Hell.
Aga Ali Shah quoting Mowlana Jafar Sadiq on the subject of Namaz On 3rd of the Month of Bhadar Ashoud 1934 of the Samvat Calendar (1877 A.D.)
Hats off for your knowledge my brother.

Imam replies everyone according to there personality and understanding of faith and belief. Namaz was Allah gift to Prophet Muhammad Umath (followers) not for Sunnis or Shias. Prophet Muhammad Met Allah on Maharaj Night and he bought Namaz for his followers from Allah.

Let it be Sunni or Shia or Ismaili we follow Prophet just know your Kalima or declaration of your faith “la ilaha ill al lahu, muham madur rasulul lahi” (I think everyone knows the meaning of our Kalima if not check Part two of Dua

One of Prophetic hadith “One day while we were sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:"O Muhammed, tell me about Islam". The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so." He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about eman."He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof." He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then tell me about ehsan." He said: "It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you". He said: "Then tell me about the Hour". He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner." He said: "Then tell me about its signs." He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings." Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was Jebreel (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion."”.

For my faith is “I believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil there of. God is one”

Let me explain my faith I believe in Allah, His angels, His books meaning all the holy books (Bhagavath geta, Bible, Quran) His messengers meaning From Prophet Adam to Hazir Imam by saying Hazir Imam I m referring to physical body = Adam+ Krishna + Mosa + Jesus + Prophet + Mowla Ali + Mowla Hazir Imam, Which means I believe in all the faiths and their practices as it’s the same Noor which taught this practices

We easily criticises other Faith and practices. Every criticism goes to Allah.

For example if your critics Namaz then ask yourself some questions.

Q. Who taught Namaz?

A. Last Prophet of Allah.

Q. What is the relationship between Prophet Muhammad with Mowlana Hazar Imam or Mowlana Ali or Allah (The Holy Noor)?

A. “Imran bin Husayn has narrated that Allah's Messenger said: What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? What do you people want about Ali? Then added: Surely Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian of every believer.”

It’s the same prophet who said Mowlana Ali as the Master of Every Believer.

“It is narrated by Zayd bin Arqam When Allah's Messenger was returning after the Hajjat-ul-wada, he stayed at Ghadir Khum. He commanded that a canopy should be put up and so it was done. Then he said: It seems as if I am about to breathe my last which I shall accept. Indeed, I am leaving two important things in your midst which exceed each other in importance: One (is) Allah's Book and the other (is) my progeny. Now it is to be seen how do you treat both of them after me and they will not be separated from each other, and they will appear before me at the Fountain of kawthar. Then added: Surely Allah is my Master and I am the master of every believer. Then, holding Ali’s hand, he said: One who has me as his master has this (Ali) as his guardian. O Allah! Befriend him who befriends him (Ali) and be the enemy of one who is his enemy.”

Prophet Muhammad explained us who is Ali in simple way to make us understand.

“It is related by Sad bin Abi Waqas I heard Allah's Messenger say: One who has me as his master has Ali as his master. And I heard him say (to Ali ): You are in my place as Harun was in Musa's place, but there is no prophet after me. And I also heard him say (on the occasion of the battle of Khaybar): Today I shall bestow the flag on the person who loves Allah and His Messenger.

What The Master of Believers says about Prophet Muhammad and their relationship.

“It has been disclosed to me by my lord (referring to Hidden Knowledge)…….. And this knowledge was hidden from all prophets except the Master of this Shari’s of yours (i.e. Muhammad). He taught me his knowledge and I taught him my knowledge. We are the first warning and the last and the warning for all times and periods. Through us perishes him who perishes and through us is saved him who is saved”.

All this statements are for us to understand. Do you think Ali didn’t know who is Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Muhammad didn’t knew who Ali is?

Q. Who holds the Prophetic Noor or who holds the position of Prophet today?

A. Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, He holds both the rank of Prophet and Ali. In tasbi Pir Shah: Pir is refers to the light of Holy Prophet and Shah is refers to Light of Hazrat Ali.

Q. Were does your criticism go?


Q. If you believe in MHI. Think how much time it will take MHI to make all his creation do Dua?

A. Not even a sec.

Q. Why are we arguing………………?

A. let them practice Namaz, let them do puja, let them go to Masjid or church it doesn’t affect our Faith. Everyone is accountable for His Deeds good or bad.

And if you thing Sunnis or other sect go direct into hell and we Ismailies have licence to heaven.

Allah is Rehamat, if you ask Him justice on the Bases of your Deeds (I.e.) your good deeds (Tasbi, Dua, etc) and on your bad deeds. I will tell you there will be very few who have zero bad deeds. One can only enter Janat on the Rehamat of Allah. Stop believing Ismailies have got licence to heaven, when we recognise Imam we are lucky that we got a Path and by following this we can reach Allah and we are in the beginning stage of this path.

Imam Aga Ali Sha replied for a question in 1934 and if you understand the concept of the Farman, it was for Ismailies to be regular to Prayers. Namaz was an example.

Today Mowlana Hazar Imam is talking about Islam and Pluralism. Institutions are building to tech Pluralism. Today Islam and Human community is divided, please don’t let our kid inherit problem that we faced. Let them inherit our Faith not our individual belief.

You quote a hadith of the prophet...i quote many farmans of the imam...say you dua....nowhere does the imam say..Say your Namaz..Imam says.>SAY YOUR DUA<
You claim to be an ismaili..however it seems that you have been endowed with your own sect..choosing to follow that which pleases you and that which fits in with your other beliefs.
the first thing you have to learn about ismailism and being an ismaili is that Ismailism is based SOLELY on one THING..and that is the IMAM.
The Imam is the Alpha and the Omega..the beginning and the end...upon him..ISMAILISM is based..not on the Qu'ran..
As an Ismaili..i am bound to the farmans of the Imam..he says die..i questions second thoughts....understand that and you will understand ismailism's core.

and you tend to overlook one major aspect of the dua..this dua wasn't cooked up by me..or my grandfather or anyone else's grandfather...but by the IMAM of the TIME...

Keep that mind....

Ya Ali Madad.

YA Ali Madaad,

Shams not again! I don’t have any book of Farmans as it’s not easy to find one. I am not against Dua. Since I learn Dua I m practicing it sincerely. Read my posting again you will find I am not talking against Dua or Namaz I m talking of individual beliefs that are dividing society and religion. I am telling here to respect other faiths and practises. Don’t you have any Farman in which Imam tell us to respect other religion and practises.

If you don’t want me to write Hadith plz send all book which have Farmans. I tried to get Farman books from Paris JK but they didn’t reply. It’s not possible to get Farmans from India as non of my friend knows about Ismailis.

Stop talking he say Die,,,, i Die...........Where in world Imam says talk against any me farmans were imam says That.

I believe nothing but IMAM. He said "I am not wrong Zubair" so he isnt Wrong which means he and his creation isnot wrong. nothing is wrong. i find Imam in Masjid, Mandir, Gurodura, Jamath khana and every place on earth. if u undertand HE is first and He is Last understand than He on both the sides and I am with him. I am an Ismaili.

Posts: 1117
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote:
ShamsB wrote:
zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali MadaadYA Ali Madaad,

Shams not again! I don’t have any book of Farmans as it’s not easy to find one. I am not against Dua. Since I learn Dua I m practicing it sincerely. Read my posting again you will find I am not talking against Dua or Namaz I m talking of individual beliefs that are dividing society and religion. I am telling here to respect other faiths and practises. Don’t you have any Farman in which Imam tell us to respect other religion and practises.

If you don’t want me to write Hadith plz send all book which have Farmans. I tried to get Farman books from Paris JK but they didn’t reply. It’s not possible to get Farmans from India as non of my friend knows about Ismailis.

Stop talking he say Die,,,, i Die...........Where in world Imam says talk against any me farmans were imam says That.

I believe nothing but IMAM. He said "I am not wrong Zubair" so he isnt Wrong which means he and his creation isnot wrong. nothing is wrong. i find Imam in Masjid, Mandir, Gurodura, Jamath khana and every place on earth. if u undertand HE is first and He is Last understand than He on both the sides and I am with him. I am an Ismaili.


Show me one instance in my post where I have said anything against other faiths...nothing against other claim to be an ismaili...all i am saying is..FOLLOW ISMAILISM then..which is FOLLOW THE IMAM and HIS GUIDANCE....
in regards to Farmans of the Imam..those Farmans are made for the Murids of the Imam...have you officially been accepted as an Ismaili by the Tariqah Board....has the Imam given Guidance to the Local Boards to permit you entrance to the Jamat Khana and access to the Farmans....?
Until and unless he does that..only He can grant you access to those Farmans....
I am glad to hear that you are practising dua diligently....and I am glad to hear that you consider yourself an Ismaili..however our faith isn't in Taqiya anymore nor are we in a period of Dawr e Satr...we can openly proclaim our faith openly and proudly in most parts of the world..."I am a follower of the Aga Khan" other parts we practise guptism..but those instances are rare and mostly in China..(note i said mostly)...
You live in Paris..i beleive France allows freedom to practise whichever religion you have faith in the you say..proclaim your faith and step a Follower of the Imam....what are you afraid of?
A little out of context but it fit the bill
"te Din Saami mune paas tedavo jo ji...Paklido je maro Haath"

Ya Ali Madad.

Posts: 1117
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote:
ShamsB wrote:
zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali MadaadYA Ali Madaad,

Shams not again! I don’t have any book of Farmans as it’s not easy to find one. I am not against Dua. Since I learn Dua I m practicing it sincerely. Read my posting again you will find I am not talking against Dua or Namaz I m talking of individual beliefs that are dividing society and religion. I am telling here to respect other faiths and practises. Don’t you have any Farman in which Imam tell us to respect other religion and practises.

If you don’t want me to write Hadith plz send all book which have Farmans. I tried to get Farman books from Paris JK but they didn’t reply. It’s not possible to get Farmans from India as non of my friend knows about Ismailis.

Stop talking he say Die,,,, i Die...........Where in world Imam says talk against any me farmans were imam says That.

I believe nothing but IMAM. He said "I am not wrong Zubair" so he isnt Wrong which means he and his creation isnot wrong. nothing is wrong. i find Imam in Masjid, Mandir, Gurodura, Jamath khana and every place on earth. if u undertand HE is first and He is Last understand than He on both the sides and I am with him. I am an Ismaili.


Show me one instance in my post where I have said anything against other faiths...nothing against other claim to be an ismaili...all i am saying is..FOLLOW ISMAILISM then..which is FOLLOW THE IMAM and HIS GUIDANCE....
in regards to Farmans of the Imam..those Farmans are made for the Murids of the Imam...have you officially been accepted as an Ismaili by the Tariqah Board....has the Imam given Guidance to the Local Boards to permit you entrance to the Jamat Khana and access to the Farmans....?
Until and unless he does that..only He can grant you access to those Farmans....
I am glad to hear that you are practising dua diligently....and I am glad to hear that you consider yourself an Ismaili..however our faith isn't in Taqiya anymore nor are we in a period of Dawr e Satr...we can proclaim our faith openly and proudly in most parts of the world..."I am a follower of the Aga Khan" other parts we practise guptism..but those instances are rare and mostly in China..(note i said mostly)...
You live in Paris..i beleive France allows freedom to practise whichever religion you have faith in the you say..proclaim your faith and step a Follower of the Imam....what are you afraid of?
A little out of context but it fit the bill
"te Din Saami mune paas tedavo jo ji...Paklido je maro Haath"

Ya Ali Madad.

Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

Ya Ali Madaad
ShamsB wrote:Show me one instance in my post where I have said anything against other faiths...nothing against other claim to be an ismaili...all i am saying is..FOLLOW ISMAILISM then..which is FOLLOW THE IMAM and HIS GUIDANCE....
which if said in congregation exceeds that said solo by 27 degrees (hadith of the prophet)...

so if your namaz/salat is your are you going to have the congregation follow you?

You not once but twice point finger on my faith.

Sunni Faith is based on 5 pillars. 1) Kalama, 2) Namaz, 3) Roza, 4) Zakat and 5) Hajj and Jihad (some say Jihad is its 6 pillars but I put Jihad with hajj as everyone has a unique definition of it). By pointing finger Namaz or talk wrong about it you and other disturb one pillar of it. Most of u has heard little about namaz, we don’t do namaz as we do Dua but it doesn’t mean that is wrong way to communicate with Allah! I have seen people who don’t hear, see and talk they don’t do Dua or namaz like us but they have a way to communicate, similarly Sunni belief’s are so strong that sometime Sunnis don’t understand when they talk about our faith. I move with Sunni friends, they hat us, in the beginning they had their perception about us which was total wrong and when I found a situation I explain them about our concepts, over a period of time they have started respecting our concepts. We as human have right to knowledge but most of us dont understand others and have negative image about others.
ShamsB wrote:In regards to Farmans of the Imam. those Farmans are made for the Murids of the Imam...have you officially been accepted as an Ismaili by the Traiqah Board....has the Imam given Guidance to the Local Boards to permit you entrance to the Jamat Khana and access to the Farmans....?
Farman of Imam. The first Farman I got from Imam is “I am not wrong zubair” and similarly I received 15 Farmans which guided me, one of them was to Do Dua. I don’t need to go to JK for Farmans if Imam will he can give me Farman anywhere. As per my permission and acceptance by Traiqah Board it does take time, Al Waaz saab said me that It may take yrs for Board to accept me as per motivation and my back ground. My motivation is Imam’s Dedaar. People in India and Pakistan have lied, used this as motivation for there personal benefits and have hurt Jamat. Access to JK and Farman of imam in JK are matter of time and I pray everyday to imam to give me patience as patience is my key.
ShamsB wrote:You live in Paris..i beleive France allows freedom to practise whichever religion you have faith in the you say..proclaim your faith and step a Follower of the Imam....what are you afraid of?
Its true that I live in Paris, even if i was living in Saudi I would have practiced my faith, I don’t fear dearth as it’s in hands of Allah. As I said before I come from a Sunni family, my parents and family member are everything to me. When I wanted to take admission in Jamat, I was disturbed and always thinking what to explain to my family and didn’t know were to go. I read this hadith of Prophet “No person can be mumin unless he loves me more than his family” I think Imam now holds this position of Prophet and he replied me. I went on by the Name of Allah and applied for admission. I had become insecure may time what if my mom come to know about it (as she is my first inspiration, she is my teacher). When I started learning Dua I read this verse.

“(O Prophet) Verily, those who give Thee their
allegiance, they give it but to Allah (Himself); Allah's
hand is upon their hands. Then he, who breaks it, he
certainly breaks it against himself. And he who fulfills
what he has pledged with Allah. He shall in return
reward him in plenty”

I said Allah I gave my hand in your hand by this I shouldn’t lose my mother hand or any once hand. When I did Dua I spiritually put my mother on my left side and in 6 Part I said SJD mama. Well imam proved me that I will not lose my mothers hand and I am proud that she accepts IMAM and is Ismaili like me.(Now u know y i write SJD at the end of my posting as i want everyone to have his Dedaar which is the Biggest Reward for anyone) Can you imagine Imam blessing on me, in Paris I see Ismailis getting there childrens to JK to teach them faith but end up in cry, pledging to Imam (as there childrens dont understand our concept and donot follow our faith). I get every thing by His Blessing ofcourse I didn’t get permission to attend JK. I often end up sitting in Subway or sitting out side JK during Big days (like chand raat, etc) praying and asking Imam for permission to JK. I believe Imam Knows my needs better than me, He Know what is good for me at a particular time and I don’t think it time for me to attend JK so Imam didn’t give me permission.

I am not afraid of any think except I don’t want anyone to point finger on my faith (that’s our Imam). I live in Paris but my family member’s lives in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Europe and North America, and are very religious. I have to manage everything, if they come to know about me they would go crazy, they will not accept me and I am afraid of my family reputation as we don’t live alone( I am unmarried, only son of a reputed and well off family they are lot of Sunni families who want to have relationship with my family). I am not afraid but want to avoid conflicts. I think now you know y even Traiqah Board taking time for decision making, board consist of Panel which look all aspects of my life not just motivation, I think they believe me at the same time want to give me time to understand life. I believe if Imam will and I am sincere with Imam and myself I will soon be accepted by Traiqah Board inshallah. Please be me friend shams I need Ismailis to stand by not against me. I am just liker you but I am basically Sunni and I have to maintain myself Zahari and Bataine. Imam lives two lives and I can follow him till I die inshallah.

I am not afraid anything y I should be.


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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madaad
ShamsB wrote:Show me one instance in my post where I have said anything against other faiths...nothing against other claim to be an ismaili...all i am saying is..FOLLOW ISMAILISM then..which is FOLLOW THE IMAM and HIS GUIDANCE....
which if said in congregation exceeds that said solo by 27 degrees (hadith of the prophet)...

so if your namaz/salat is your are you going to have the congregation follow you?

You not once but twice point finger on my faith.

Sunni Faith is based on 5 pillars. 1) Kalama, 2) Namaz, 3) Roza, 4) Zakat and 5) Hajj and Jihad (some say Jihad is its 6 pillars but I put Jihad with hajj as everyone has a unique definition of it). By pointing finger Namaz or talk wrong about it you and other disturb one pillar of it. Most of u has heard little about namaz, we don&#8217;t do namaz as we do Dua but it doesn&#8217;t mean that is wrong way to communicate with Allah! I have seen people who don&#8217;t hear, see and talk they don&#8217;t do Dua or namaz like us but they have a way to communicate, similarly Sunni belief&#8217;s are so strong that sometime Sunnis don&#8217;t understand when they talk about our faith. I move with Sunni friends, they hat us, in the beginning they had their perception about us which was total wrong and when I found a situation I explain them about our concepts, over a period of time they have started respecting our concepts. We as human have right to knowledge but most of us dont understand others and have negative image about others.
ShamsB wrote:In regards to Farmans of the Imam. those Farmans are made for the Murids of the Imam...have you officially been accepted as an Ismaili by the Traiqah Board....has the Imam given Guidance to the Local Boards to permit you entrance to the Jamat Khana and access to the Farmans....?
Farman of Imam. The first Farman I got from Imam is &#8220;I am not wrong zubair&#8221; and similarly I received 15 Farmans which guided me, one of them was to Do Dua. I don&#8217;t need to go to JK for Farmans if Imam will he can give me Farman anywhere. As per my permission and acceptance by Traiqah Board it does take time, Al Waaz saab said me that It may take yrs for Board to accept me as per motivation and my back ground. My motivation is Imam&#8217;s Dedaar. People in India and Pakistan have lied, used this as motivation for there personal benefits and have hurt Jamat. Access to JK and Farman of imam in JK are matter of time and I pray everyday to imam to give me patience as patience is my key.
ShamsB wrote:You live in Paris..i beleive France allows freedom to practise whichever religion you have faith in the you say..proclaim your faith and step a Follower of the Imam....what are you afraid of?
Its true that I live in Paris, even if i was living in Saudi I would have practiced my faith, I don&#8217;t fear dearth as it&#8217;s in hands of Allah. As I said before I come from a Sunni family, my parents and family member are everything to me. When I wanted to take admission in Jamat, I was disturbed and always thinking what to explain to my family and didn&#8217;t know were to go. I read this hadith of Prophet &#8220;No person can be mumin unless he loves me more than his family&#8221; I think Imam now holds this position of Prophet and he replied me. I went on by the Name of Allah and applied for admission. I had become insecure may time what if my mom come to know about it (as she is my first inspiration, she is my teacher). When I started learning Dua I read this verse.

&#8220;(O Prophet) Verily, those who give Thee their
allegiance, they give it but to Allah (Himself); Allah's
hand is upon their hands. Then he, who breaks it, he
certainly breaks it against himself. And he who fulfills
what he has pledged with Allah. He shall in return
reward him in plenty&#8221;

I said Allah I gave my hand in your hand by this I shouldn&#8217;t lose my mother hand or any once hand. When I did Dua I spiritually put my mother on my left side and in 6 Part I said SJD mama. Well imam proved me that I will not lose my mothers hand and I am proud that she accepts IMAM and is Ismaili like me.(Now u know y i write SJD at the end of my posting as i want everyone to have his Dedaar which is the Biggest Reward for anyone) Can you imagine Imam blessing on me, in Paris I see Ismailis getting there childrens to JK to teach them faith but end up in cry, pledging to Imam (as there childrens dont understand our concept and donot follow our faith). I get every thing by His Blessing ofcourse I didn&#8217;t get permission to attend JK. I often end up sitting in Subway or sitting out side JK during Big days (like chand raat, etc) praying and asking Imam for permission to JK. I believe Imam Knows my needs better than me, He Know what is good for me at a particular time and I don&#8217;t think it time for me to attend JK so Imam didn&#8217;t give me permission.

I am not afraid of any think except I don&#8217;t want anyone to point finger on my faith (that&#8217;s our Imam). I live in Paris but my family member&#8217;s lives in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Europe and North America, and are very religious. I have to manage everything, if they come to know about me they would go crazy, they will not accept me and I am afraid of my family reputation as we don&#8217;t live alone( I am unmarried, only son of a reputed and well off family they are lot of Sunni families who want to have relationship with my family). I am not afraid but want to avoid conflicts. I think now you know y even Traiqah Board taking time for decision making, board consist of Panel which look all aspects of my life not just motivation, I think they believe me at the same time want to give me time to understand life. I believe if Imam will and I am sincere with Imam and myself I will soon be accepted by Traiqah Board inshallah. Please be me friend shams I need Ismailis to stand by not against me. I am just liker you but I am basically Sunni and I have to maintain myself Zahari and Bataine. Imam lives two lives and I can follow him till I die inshallah.

I am not afraid anything y I should be.


Ya Ali Madad Zubair

Once again you misread..i never said my dua/salat was my the contrary..i said the dua was given to us by the IMAM of the was prescribed by him and ALL ISMAILIES..WHEREVER IN THE WORLD they maybe are REQUIRED as part of the Faith to recite this 3x a day..first and foremost., above and beyond any other supplication.
The Dua previous to this was also a standard DUA given to us by the Pir.

We aren't sunnis or other shias..we have a living Imam who guides us. We follow this Imam. There is no standard version of the Namaz as far as I know for all Sunnis or all other Shias...if you go into a different mosque you will end up finding that the person leading the prayer may not be reciting what another mosque recites..however EVERY JAMAT KHANA..EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD..THE SAME DUA IS BEING RECITED..there is a theme of commonality..a creation of common ground..a UNIFYING FORCE.

You bring up the issue at pointing fingers at your Faith..what exactly is your faith..are you following the Imam - Shah Karim..if so then you aren't a SUNNI anymore..but a shia...and if you want to follow can't..
Mowlana Sultan Mohammed Shah has often can't be a child of two can only have one father...
not only the previous imam but the current imam has said numerous times...
We are a faith of Conviction..not one of can either remain in it or leave it..

Ismailism besides being based on the Imam has 7 pillars..they have been discussed elsewhere on the i will not elaborate on them here..but please do seek the posting out and read about it.

when we become ismailies..we give our tan (body) man (mind) and dhan (wealth/possesions) to the Imam..the soul is already his...
you speak of your family's reputation..etc...
are you sure you are ready to become an ismaili??
remember we are the same faith that was the Assasins..the fidayeen.....for us..everything is the IMAM..nothing else exists outside the IMAM...not our parents..not our honor..not our families..but just the IMAM and his word....ponder upon that....

you quoted a hadith of the prophet in regards to loving him more than your own family.....when you realize will understand what i am talking about....

In regards to the biggest reward....i will direct you to read the Rumi..ismailism isn't about getting deedar of the imam..but about salvation..about become fanafillah...annhilated in the supreme being....

As for Shah Jo Deedar...
do you say SJD when ending your dua?
It took me a long time to figure out what SJD stood for...until i read your last post..
once is a matter of a few keys and a few spaces..really are we that lazy that we can't be bothered to type out the whole prayer.....

I don't wish to hurt your feelings..all i am attempting to do is show you what I understand ismailism to be..and how looking at ismailism outside the box..helped me understand who i was and who the imam was and where the soul needed to go.

with Ya Ali Madad

Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

Ya Ali Madad shams.

I thank u for discussing faith with me. I am learning many things.
ShamsB wrote:Once again you misread..i never said my dua/salat was my the contrary..i said the dua was given to us by the IMAM of the was prescribed by him and ALL ISMAILIES..WHEREVER IN THE WORLD they maybe are REQUIRED as part of the Faith to recite this 3x a day..first and foremost., above and beyond any other supplication.

The Dua previous to this was also a standard DUA given to us by the Pir.

We aren't sunnis or other shias..we have a living Imam who guides us. We follow this Imam. There is no standard version of the Namaz as far as I know for all Sunnis or all other Shias...if you go into a different mosque you will end up finding that the person leading the prayer may not be reciting what another mosque recites..however EVERY JAMAT KHANA..EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD..THE SAME DUA IS BEING RECITED..there is a theme of commonality..a creation of common ground..a UNIFYING FORCE.
Sunni also have standard Namaz as we have a Standard Dua. They follow a standard pattern of namaz everywhere in the world. Only difference is that in every rakath Sunnis have choice of Sura (it should be fully sura not just a versa).

For example:

Fajar namaz 2 rakath farz

In 1st rakath Sunnis start by sana, then Sura al Fatiha and Sura of choice (it depend of occasion of Namaz and which namaz)………..

In 2nd rakath Sura al fatiha and sura of choice………….

Fajar Namaz 2 rakath sunnath

In 1s rakath Sana…Sura Al fatiha…….sura of choice……………

In 2nd rakath Al fatiha……….sura of choice……

Physical they are differences as per different beliefs some of the physical differences are some hold hand some don’t while namaz. When declaring faith some left their finger, some don’t.

ShamsB wrote: You bring up the issue at pointing fingers at your Faith..what exactly is your faith..are you following the Imam - Shah Karim..if so then you aren't a SUNNI anymore..but a shia...and if you want to follow can't..
Mowlana Sultan Mohammed Shah has often can't be a child of two can only have one father...
not only the previous imam but the current imam has said numerous times...
We are a faith of Conviction..not one of can either remain in it or leave it..

I am an Ismaili. I am Muslim. I am a human. I am a son. I am brother.

I cannot leave anything, my faith has not taught me to leave responsibilities, Individually I don’t compromise with my faith and religious obligations when I am in group I have to fulfill social obligation and I do fulfill social obligation keep in mind my religious obligations limitation.

To fulfill my social obligation I don’t go and drink wine with French. I go out with them I celebrate their festivals etc….

I go to Masjid as I am born in Sunni family. I can’t oppose or take a talibani approach that I accept imam so I am Ismaili then I won’t come to Masjid I will go to Jamatkhana. It will take time to explain my family and friends. I don’t have a magic word to tell them so that they agree………. If I tell them then next minute you will hear religious clashes in India. You have to understand culture it’s not about convenience. I said before I don’t want any problem or conflict cause of me and my faith. They have been many cases in India and Pakistan, Jamatkhana have been attached by Sunni mobs, that’s one of the reason y convention to Ismaili faith in Pakistan have stopped.

I follow Imam……….. I don’t care about anything happening to me, I care about my family, society and image of Jamat. My silence is compulsory. If Imam will all will accept my faith.
ShamsB wrote: Ismailism besides being based on the Imam has 7 pillars..they have been discussed elsewhere on the i will not elaborate on them here..but please do seek the posting out and read about it.
Can you plz help me to local 7 pillars in forum……….
ShamsB wrote: When we become ismailies..we give our tan (body) man (mind) and dhan (wealth/possesions) to the Imam..the soul is already his...
you speak of your family's reputation..etc...
are you sure you are ready to become an ismaili??
remember we are the same faith that was the Assasins..the fidayeen.....for us..everything is the IMAM..nothing else exists outside the IMAM...not our parents..not our honor..not our families..but just the IMAM and his word....ponder upon that....

you quoted a hadith of the prophet in regards to loving him more than your own family.....when you realize will understand what i am talking about....
I exactly know meaning of tan, man and dhan. Even I gave and I will give inshallah. Imam is all knowing.
ShamsB wrote: In regards to the biggest reward....i will direct you to read the Rumi..ismailism isn't about getting deedar of the imam..but about salvation..about become fanafillah...annhilated in the supreme being....
I agree with you on Dedaar. For me Dedaar of Hazar imam made me believe him, that’s y I say biggest reward is Dedaar which gave me faith and if people have Dedaar they faith in will be like me and other Ismailis. That’s y I say Shah Jo Dedaar.
ShamsB wrote: As for Shah Jo Deedar...
do you say SJD when ending your dua?
Yes I say Shah Jo Dedaar in 6th part after names of Imams before going in prostration. If I am wrong correct me please. We can discuss Dua.

Shah Jo Dedaar
Posts: 1117
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madad shams.

I thank u for discussing faith with me. I am learning many things.

Sunni also have standard Namaz as we have a Standard Dua. They follow a standard pattern of namaz everywhere in the world. Only difference is that in every rakath Sunnis have choice of Sura (it should be fully sura not just a versa).

For example:

Fajar namaz 2 rakath farz

In 1st rakath Sunnis start by sana, then Sura al Fatiha and Sura of choice (it depend of occasion of Namaz and which namaz)………..

In 2nd rakath Sura al fatiha and sura of choice………….

Fajar Namaz 2 rakath sunnath

In 1s rakath Sana…Sura Al fatiha…….sura of choice……………

In 2nd rakath Al fatiha……….sura of choice……

Physical they are differences as per different beliefs some of the physical differences are some hold hand some don’t while namaz. When declaring faith some left their finger, some don’t.
Once again, you make my point for me....Dua is the prescribed prayer for the Sevener Shias - Followers of the Aga Khan. That is our OBLIGATORY PRAYER...anything else is above and beyond. Dua is first and foremost.

zubair_mahamood wrote: I am an Ismaili. I am Muslim. I am a human. I am a son. I am brother.

I cannot leave anything, my faith has not taught me to leave responsibilities, Individually I don’t compromise with my faith and religious obligations when I am in group I have to fulfill social obligation and I do fulfill social obligation keep in mind my religious obligations limitation.

To fulfill my social obligation I don’t go and drink wine with French. I go out with them I celebrate their festivals etc….

I go to Masjid as I am born in Sunni family. I can’t oppose or take a talibani approach that I accept imam so I am Ismaili then I won’t come to Masjid I will go to Jamatkhana. It will take time to explain my family and friends. I don’t have a magic word to tell them so that they agree………. If I tell them then next minute you will hear religious clashes in India. You have to understand culture it’s not about convenience. I said before I don’t want any problem or conflict cause of me and my faith. They have been many cases in India and Pakistan, Jamatkhana have been attached by Sunni mobs, that’s one of the reason y convention to Ismaili faith in Pakistan have stopped.

I follow Imam……….. I don’t care about anything happening to me, I care about my family, society and image of Jamat. My silence is compulsory. If Imam will all will accept my faith.
I exactly know meaning of tan, man and dhan. Even I gave and I will give inshallah. Imam is all knowing.
So you're essentially saying that if it were a choice between following the Farman of the Imam and your family's reputation..your family's reputation stands first?
You fail to see the meaning of tan, man and means everything, no one else stands above the one else takes precedence above the Imam.

zubair_mahamood wrote: Yes I say Shah Jo Dedaar in 6th part after names of Imams before going in prostration. If I am wrong correct me please. We can discuss Dua.

Shah Jo Dedaar
My point was to the abbreviation..SJD....not to saying Shah jo Deedar....
I am glad to see you've stopped using abbreviations.

Ya Ali Madad.

Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:47 am

Post by mendicant »

from ShamsB

So you're essentially saying that if it were a choice between following the Farman of the Imam and your family's reputation..your family's reputation stands first?
You fail to see the meaning of tan, man and means everything, no one else stands above the one else takes precedence above the Imam.
Ya Ali madad,

Taqiyya has and will continue to be intrinsic part of Ismaili faith. There are many factors responsible and personal safety being paramount.

If one wishes to practise the faith in secrecy for fears of any sort then, so be it.

True faith springs eternal in the heart & is practised in the heart.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:20 pm

Post by ShamsB »

mendicant wrote:from ShamsB

So you're essentially saying that if it were a choice between following the Farman of the Imam and your family's reputation..your family's reputation stands first?
You fail to see the meaning of tan, man and means everything, no one else stands above the one else takes precedence above the Imam.
Ya Ali madad,

Taqiyya has and will continue to be intrinsic part of Ismaili faith. There are many factors responsible and personal safety being paramount.

If one wishes to practise the faith in secrecy for fears of any sort then, so be it.

True faith springs eternal in the heart & is practised in the heart.
Ya Ali Madad,

If one were practising wouldn't be announcing one's faith on the internet, especially these days..and Taqiya in France???

Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

ShamsB wrote: So you're essentially saying that if it were a choice between following the Farman of the Imam and your family's reputation..your family's reputation stands first?

You fail to see the meaning of tan, man and means everything, no one else stands above the one else takes precedence above the Imam.

If one were practising wouldn't be announcing one's faith on the internet, especially these days..and Taqiya in France???

Ya Ali Madaad shams,

Imam and my family is one and same…my family head is Imam. Don’t make any decision form my side. There is no question of Imam or my family.

I said it will take time for ppl to understand. My name is zubair Mahamood, I didn’t use any fake identity and my personal email address is also available on which all my family members and friends have. How much time it will take for my family member to know about my faith? ………..Just a click….. And if they do come to know now they will come to know soon may be tomorrow or a year from now or 10yrs from now or 50 yrs from now… I can’t hide my faith forever.

I said I don’t fear anything meaning that I fear absolutely nothing……..y I should fear I didn’t do anything wrong…. If I fear than it means I don’t have faith in Imam…. I have see him without any curtain (without any physical barrier) that is what I can not explain to peoples, I said people will not believe me and y should I make ppl believe me when Imam himself doesn’t appear like that to everyone. That Dedaar was for me, I was looking for answers from Allah and he replied me. I said people about Dedaar as I wanted to follow Imam that’s it. I didn’t declare my faith on net. I am here to learn…..

When I had Holy Dedaar I first tried to understand it and next morning I meet my Ismaili friend to explain what happened. That was the first time I declare my faith in Imam. From that day I said I am Shia Imami Ismaili to everyone I meet (Muslims or Non Muslims) but I was difficult to tell this to my family and friend as I cannot explain them I saw Imam with Noor and I have faith in him…. How will they believe me… u Shams u tell me,,, you as Ismaili don’t trust my words and I have seen many Ismailies ignoring me saying its not possible.. They must be something wrong with Zubair… (I don’t know y)

If it was easy for me to explain Imam then problem of word would be solve in a second all would follow Imam….. Follow his Farmans…. No war… No fights… only peace… the world will never be same….

All friends I made after 31 may 2005 I introduced myself as an Ismaili as I believe in Imam...31 may is the day when I had Dedaar of Imam and I celebrate it as my birthday. I can’t forget my past. Its just 16 months I have lived as Ismaili in my life of 26yrs. I say it will take time for people to understand me. Initially I said I will tell everyone about Dedaar, if someone doesn’t believe me and want to end up relation with me, I will not explain them or compromise with them… I will not leave them but if they prefer to leave me it will be up to them…. (This I have said to my Ismaili friend and to myself)

But one incident has changed my approach. I know a Pakistani Sunni family for more than 4yrs who lives in Paris. Once I had problem of accommodation and this family invited me to live with them as paying guest, when I wanted to give them money they refused to take by saying you are like our kid so please don’t give us money. I lived with them for 8 months without paying for food, electricity,, etc . Then I found a place to live and I shifted. They helped me for only one reason and the reason was my sincerity toward Allah and the way I lived my life on the bases of my faith.

They treated me as their kid and I also respected them like my parents. I found a mother and friend in Paris with whom I discussed everything. As I had Imams Dedaar I was not able to explain her about my faith changes but she could easily see that I was hiding something from her, she was very much worried about me. As she was worried she often called me to know how I was doing, etc

Then one day I made up my mind to tell her what had happened. I told her everything. She didn’t believe Me. She thought something else and said if u leaves your faith for something….. Then your not trust worthy… I don’t trust you any more and don’t want to see you any more… I knew she was angry and I was also angry at her as I was not telling lie… we both reacted crazily… I left her home in anger… she had to take her kid to hospital for routine check she went to hospital and I stared towards my home… on the way I realised I have hurt her… I did a mistake… Dedaar was for me not for her…. I was accompanied by a friend who thought I am very angry and trying to make me cool by reading Nadi Ali over me…

I saw her crying it was something that I never dreamed. Then I turn back went to hospital. I said her sorry and she said me you are my kid how can you leave me like that. She also said I wasn’t able to believe that u left me… how can u do this zubair... I apologised.
Today I meet her as I used too… go to their place on weekend… Do Dua at her place she doesn’t talk about my faith and even I don’t discuss anything that may hurt her again…. Then from that day I decided I will only tell people who understand me about my faith…. All friends I made after Dedaar don’t know about my past so they don’t bother to discuss my past.

So shams here is a mother who just gave me food and shelter for 8 month she couldn’t understand me n my faith. My mother who carried me for 9 months how will she bare losing her only child and how can I explain her about my faith…… how can I justify myself when I face ALLAH after my death… I can’t see tears in anyone eyes that to cause of me… I heart of my mother and my family…. Do u mean I should break there heart…. Left them crying… Imam is helping so many in third worlds to get back smiles on faces ppl who hardly know Imam and His followers. Do u want me to leave my parent crying. As per me I am not so great to have a holy Dedaar of imam… if something great I have that I should be proud off… is my mother who Faith in Allah has given me His Dedaar and show me true Path.

I have to be silent and when imam will he will let everything possible.
Last edited by zubair_mahamood on Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShamsB »

zubair_mahamood wrote: Ya Ali Madaad shams,

I saw her crying it was something that I never dreamed. Then I turn back went to hospital. I said her sorry and she said me you are my kid how can you leave me like that. She also said I wasn’t able to believe that u left me… how can u do this zubair... I apologised.
Today I meet her as I used too… go to their place on weekend… Do Dua at her place she doesn’t talk about my faith and even I don’t discuss anything that may hurt her again…. Then from that day I decided I will only tell people who understand me about my faith…. All friends I made after Dedaar don’t know about my past so they don’t bother to discuss my past.

So shams here is a mother who just gave me food and shelter for 8 month she couldn’t understand me n my faith. My mother who carried me for 9 months how will she bare losing her only child and how can I explain her about my faith…… how can I justify myself when I face ALLAH after my death… I can’t see tears in anyone eyes that to cause of me… I heart of my mother and my family…. Do u mean I should break there heart…. Left them crying… Imam is helping so many in third worlds to get back smiles on faces ppl who hardly know Imam and His followers. Do u want me to leave my parent crying. As per me I am not so great to have a holy Dedaar of imam… if something great I have that I should be proud off… is my mother who Faith in Allah has given me His Dedaar and show me true Path.

I have to be silent and when imam will he will let everything possible.
Ya Ali Madad Zubair.

One correction...i don't disbelieve you...all i am trying to do is help you understand my fanaticism around the imam and his farmans..and around Ismailism....and the tenets of ismailism as I understand them and follow them...and following the farmans of the me when i say this..the majority of ismailies actually only pay lipservice to the farmans of the don't aren't alone..most of us put our convienence before conviction when it comes to the practise of our faith...
(sorry to be generalizing rest of the readers)....daily attendance in JK is down (unless there is deedar approaching..then attendance peaks)....wearing black clothes is a HUGE fashion statement in our community..disregarding farmans of the Imams.....i don't think (and this is my OPINION) majority of ismailies even manage to say dua on time...
forget following the other farmans such as helping fellow ismailies and trust me...i am not free of sin when throw stones at you.....but as a new ismaili ...or a potential convert..i want to alert you to what ismailism is...(in my view)..this isn't an easy is a path of total submission to the his his his farmans....i am an ismaili 24x7....365 days a year..366 every leap year...

What you have stated above is that you will declare yourself to be an ismaili when it doesn't inconvienence others...when it doesn't hurt others...

sorry it doesn't work that way..
no offense to the lady that took care of you...think about why did she take care of you? for you as you the person..regardless of caste, creed or faith...or did she take care of you as a fellow Sunni Muslim?...and now that you are an are persona non grata?

Being an ismaili is nothing to hide or be ashamed of....why hide it? are you not proud to be a follower of the imam?

If they truly care about you..then it shouldn't matter to them whether you are a christian or a muslim or a jew....
it is YOU...that they should care about...not your faith...

you apologized to her for becoming an ismaili...why? did you do something wrong? did you feel guilty? i understand that she was hurt...but can't apologize for what you believe in....

With Ya Ali Madad.

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Post by zubair_mahamood »

ShamsB wrote:you apologized to her for becoming an ismaili...why? did you do something wrong? did you feel guilty? i understand that she was hurt...but can't apologize for what you believe in....

Ya Ali Madaad

I apologised her not for being Ismaili but for being rude to her. I apologised her for deciding not to have any relation with her. She accepts me today with my faith.

All (Muslims or Non Muslims) think that they are on right path. When a mother gives a child her faith and believes she expects him to follow it as she thinks by follow this path my child will be safe. I am following my mother but not according to her expectations that what made the lady hurt.

We believe in Allah without seeing Allah but we need proofs to support our faith. I don’t have any proof of Imam except myself and Imam. Most of the people I meet have said Ismailies are Non Muslims but I don’t care about them. More than 90 percent of world population do not believe in Imam, we don’t talk to them or we don’t even encourage Conversions. Declaration of Prophet Muhammad at Gadir in book and other declaration are material proof. Reality is that neither u nor me were present 1400 yrs ago expect Allah. Neither u no I can give proof except Him. We follow what our parent taught us and I am following what Allah has taught me and if someone asks y I am following… I don’t have a proof that’s what makes me helpless… I can’t explain ppl but I explain my faith to ppl who understand me… all my Sunni friend with whom is discussed Imam and His Dedaar advised me to Follow him if I believe him and there is not even a dent in our relationship.

In 16months I feel I have lived 1400 yrs because I got to know reality of life. The main difference between yes and no. I thank Allah for this… My only worry or quest is Why Imam has down such a big favour to me…. It makes me think y he selected me? It makes me think who am I? What doesn’t he want from me?

They are many in this world, Who talk wrong or think wrong about him… but when I thought wrong about him…. He was standing in Front of me by saying “I am not wrong” and took me into his arms……… why did he do that… why did he reply me…. Why doesn’t he reply others…. I have lakhs of questions….

U know shams unlike other Ismailies I don’t go to night school to learn Dua… no one explained me…. When I learn Dua no even an Ismaili was with me but I learn it. When other Ismaili met me they were surprised. I don’t remember numbers and names. It took me not even a day to memorize 49 names of Imam… they just came like that….. Do u think I can explain Sunnis about this no I don’t think…….. its Imam who can and he know when is best time and place to explain… he did explain it to my mom and so I hope if he wills he will explain everyone about my faith.

I didnt want to discuss my personal life but i have seen ismailies losing faith. thats y i decided to tell everyone about me and imam. thts y i share my experiences on net....

Shah Je Dedaar
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Post by Noorallahs/okamruddin »

skaswani wrote:YA ALI MADAD <BR><BR>call it Namaz, call it Dua call it Salat, what is the difference?<BR><BR>the thing is how to Communicate with ALLAH<BR><BR>no where in Quran its mention how to pray/namaz/salat<BR><BR>Prophet told us 1400 years before<BR><BR>now, its Imam who tell us<BR>what is the point of dis agreement??<BR>i dont get it<BR><BR><BR>at that Time Muslims always said "As Salam Wa Le Kum..." , today as Shia & Ismaili we say YA ALI MADAD we we meet each other, so??<BR><BR><BR><BR>please try to relate things &Y have faith / eman o&shy;n Imam<BR><BR>i am not saying DONT ASK QUESTION, DO ASK , DO ASK what ever problem you have , but when u get some reply try to see is that a logical reply or not!<BR><BR>regards
<BR>I am not Alwaaz, but my opinion if you r true Ismaili, you listen MAULA's farman,if HE says now it is nite, though it is day,but you must listen him.<BR>Difference between DUA n NAMAZ. in DUA apart from Quranic Ayats we also rising our hands n offering special Dua like Iman ki salamati, sehat, rozi etc, but in Namaz we r offering o&shy;nly Quranic Ayats o&shy;nly.
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Post by zubair_mahamood »

Noorallahs/okamruddin wrote:
skaswani wrote:YA ALI MADAD <BR><BR>call it Namaz, call it Dua call it Salat, what is the difference?<BR><BR>the thing is how to Communicate with ALLAH<BR><BR>no where in Quran its mention how to pray/namaz/salat<BR><BR>Prophet told us 1400 years before<BR><BR>now, its Imam who tell us<BR>what is the point of dis agreement??<BR>i dont get it<BR><BR><BR>at that Time Muslims always said "As Salam Wa Le Kum..." , today as Shia & Ismaili we say YA ALI MADAD we we meet each other, so??<BR><BR><BR><BR>please try to relate things &Y have faith / eman o&shy;n Imam<BR><BR>i am not saying DONT ASK QUESTION, DO ASK , DO ASK what ever problem you have , but when u get some reply try to see is that a logical reply or not!<BR><BR>regards
<BR>I am not Alwaaz, but my opinion if you r true Ismaili, you listen MAULA's farman,if HE says now it is nite, though it is day,but you must listen him.<BR>Difference between DUA n NAMAZ. in DUA apart from Quranic Ayats we also rising our hands n offering special Dua like Iman ki salamati, sehat, rozi etc, but in Namaz we r offering o&shy;nly Quranic Ayats o&shy;nly.
Namaz also include Salamati, sehat, rozi......... the only difference i think between namaz and Dua is......Namaz is for ppl who follow Prophet and Dua is for the one who r following IMAM..... they are diffrent ways to worship.. thanks...etc
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Post by ShamsB »

Ya Ali Madad Zubair...
zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madaad

You not once but twice point finger on my faith.

Sunni Faith is based on 5 pillars. 1) Kalama, 2) Namaz, 3) Roza, 4) Zakat and 5) Hajj and Jihad (some say Jihad is its 6 pillars but I put Jihad with hajj as everyone has a unique definition of it). By pointing finger Namaz or talk wrong about it you and other disturb one pillar of it.
So which is exactly your faith?...are you following the Imam?
(until you give baiyat you can't be an ismaili..but you can follow the Imam)
If you are following the are a Shia..and not a Sunni anymore...
and if you claim to follow the Imam..then the above statement creates a paradox for you.
Btw..i never pointed a finger at the Namaz..all i said was it wasn't the prescribed prayer for Ismailies..or followers of the Imam...

zubair_mahamood wrote: I am just liker you but I am basically Sunni and I have to maintain myself Zahari and Bataine. Imam lives two lives and I can follow him till I die inshallah.

I am not afraid anything y I should be.



Basically Sunni?......please elaborate on that.....Sunnism doesn't accept the concept of if you're basically Sunni..then you can't be a murid of the Imam....

The balance you speak of..relates to not only living your physical/material life as per the farmans of the imam (the key ones being these days helping humanity..those less fortunate then you)....and keeping the spiritual in harmony with both your lives..
not the balance between practising sunni islam and ismailism at the same time...

i'll let you in on something that Imam has said...DO AS I SAY...NOT AS I DO...
As an Ismaili..i am not concerned with the physical body or the physical activities of the body....rather of the essence..the SOUL..the Nur of Imamah...that is present today in Shah Karim.

Hope this helps.

Ya Ali Madad.

Posts: 238
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

ShamsB wrote:Ya Ali Madad Zubair...
zubair_mahamood wrote:Ya Ali Madaad

You not once but twice point finger on my faith.

Sunni Faith is based on 5 pillars. 1) Kalama, 2) Namaz, 3) Roza, 4) Zakat and 5) Hajj and Jihad (some say Jihad is its 6 pillars but I put Jihad with hajj as everyone has a unique definition of it). By pointing finger Namaz or talk wrong about it you and other disturb one pillar of it.
So which is exactly your faith?...are you following the Imam?
(until you give baiyat you can't be an ismaili..but you can follow the Imam)
If you are following the are a Shia..and not a Sunni anymore...
and if you claim to follow the Imam..then the above statement creates a paradox for you.
Btw..i never pointed a finger at the Namaz..all i said was it wasn't the prescribed prayer for Ismailies..or followers of the Imam...
Shams let me explain when I get online I see these Namaz Vs Dua…. Sunni Practices/Tradition Vs Ismaili Practices/Tradition…etc.

I am sorry to say but I see people relaying on paper work which can any time change… I am sorry again we need paper work to explain but don’t need paper work to proof our Faith… our Faith must be in Imam word but not on explanations.

I see for example I believe Dua as its better than Namaz as it has XYZ++ points then Namaz…. I believe in Zakath 12.5 not 2.5 as now the world is XYZZZZZZZZZ… I see Ismailies brother trying to explain each other we r better than other as our Practices r better than xyz.

If I say I would say I Do Dua as Imam said me to do…. I have faith in Him not in Dua/Namaz/Britney Spear/ etc. I follow Him by his word not by comparing His words with other and satisfying myself with paper explanation. Our faith should be in Imam words not on silly explanation I don’t see any Difference in Namaz and Dua they are equally Powerful Prayers (let me remind u I Did my Namaz After I had His Dedaar.. I do Dua as He says not as it has Roti, Rozu included in it) tomorrow Imam says do Namaz not Dua I will do it without asking any question.

V believe since humans creation Allah messages have been changing according to time and need of His creation. My Faith doesn’t relay on Books of any sort… Its only based on Imam… hear we r making not Imam but is teaching superior… we know Dua may change as per time what will u explain u r kids y they have stopped practicing Dua…. I think the biggest mistake what Muslim did was making his word fixed but didn’t think of Allah being Fixed…

I have taken Baiyat a BAIYAT that Imam took from me. He Selected me I don’t select him. If u think formal baiyat at Muki hand and a certificate makes someone Ismaili then I have meet many who left Imam after being Ismaili and they blame Ismaili as those who left said we were never given respect by Jamat, we were looked by suspicion and even I was a victim. I don’t go to Jamatkhana with my choice. I go for Imam. If I were not motivated by The NOOR I would have left Jamatkhana the day I applied to Traiqah board. Please don’t ever again talk about my faith. I feel insulted if someone says I am not an Ismaili. Just tell me what my fault is if I am born in Sunni family. I have always called him for Help and protection as all Ismailies do… but my way is different.
ShamsB wrote:
zubair_mahamood wrote: I am just liker you but I am basically Sunni and I have to maintain myself Zahari and Bataine. Imam lives two lives and I can follow him till I die inshallah.

I am not afraid anything y I should be.



Basically Sunni?......please elaborate on that.....Sunnism doesn't accept the concept of if you're basically Sunni..then you can't be a murid of the Imam....

The balance you speak of..relates to not only living your physical/material life as per the farmans of the imam (the key ones being these days helping humanity..those less fortunate then you)....and keeping the spiritual in harmony with both your lives..
not the balance between practising sunni islam and ismailism at the same time...

i'll let you in on something that Imam has said...DO AS I SAY...NOT AS I DO...
As an Ismaili..i am not concerned with the physical body or the physical activities of the body....rather of the essence..the SOUL..the Nur of Imamah...that is present today in Shah Karim.

Hope this helps.

Ya Ali Madad.

I am basically Sunni mean I am basically Sunni. I see on form in the topic Is Hazar Imam God People explaining Ismailism on the bases of Bagavata Geeta and other accepting there explanation. Why did they accept it? as they have knowledge of Bagavata Geeta so they understand it. When our Pirs reach India they learn B G/ language and explained them according to the level of Faith with B G/ Gujarati but not in Farsi or with Quran.

According to Sunnah they were nearly 1.24.000 Prophets before Prophet Muhammad so every one has bought message of Allah. All books like Torah, Bible, Bhagavata Geeta, Quran will clearly explain Imam and when a Jews, Christen, Hindu, Sunni follow Imam he understand him according to his basic understanding of GOD. My basic of Allah is from Sunni traditions that y when in begging I felt Imam is Allah but I didn’t say it.
Practically speaking I also did a mistake by explaining people Namaz by comparing now I do Dua and have no explanation except God is One He I AHAD.

Shams I know Ismaili will have tough time understanding me as I didn’t learn Faith at Ismaili School but at Sunni School, as I don’t say he is Allah based on Book read but based on what I saw. I have to balance every think. I know what is True and False but don’t know what’s next. I believe Mowla and follow him.

The bottom line is that even after living as an Ismaili when I dye they will be a group who will say Zubair was an actor he was not an Ismaili.

Shams we all have limited senses.

The Limited capability of our Five senses

According to us, i.e. individual being endowed with 5 senses, there is a universe we live within and there are also other macro and micro universes. However, one should not miss the fact that all these determination are relative to the data acquired through our eyes.
Now, let us suppose that the room we are in at the movement was taken, as example, and its ceiling was removed before it was placed onto the slide of an electro microscope with a capacity of 60 million times magnificence. And then we went up to have a look through that microscope down to the room we were inside just a while ago. What would we be seeing then?

We would not be able to observe any material object any more after they are magnified to a billion times, but instead we would be observing their atomic components then. Imagine what would happen if this magnification reached up to 60 billion time? All the object in our sight such as chairs, tables, people and everything in the room would entirely disappear, so would our brain’s commentary on its surrounding prior to the microscope experience and unconsciously we would utter the following in astonishment:

“Hey! What is going on! There is nothing here! Nothing but atoms with nuclei and electrons moving around them! Well bu where have all the people and the object gone?

The brain who arrived at the view above is no one other than the brain who used to determine the presence of people and objects only a minute ago, prior to looking through the microscope. The things did not change. Neither did the brain at all; but an additional range was added as a change to the capacity of perceptive instrument so that the range of perception be transformed. It is that brain’s evolution of its surrounding alter as the capacities of its sensory means transform.

The discernment of the brain will transform into a new level each time the sensory range is increased or altered. Here, the brain’s determination according to the conditions of its normal sensory means that there were a number of things and people existent altered to a different discernment after the change that there is nothing but only atoms present, countless number f electrons orbiting nuclei.

What would happen if we were to live on such a series of powerful lenses like those in an electro microscope, form birth to death? If we were to perceive the world all our lives through such an electro microscope , as in the example, what would be real to us? Would we still b able to claim the existence of those things as we determine now at this movement??? Or would we defend the idea that everything around us, the world, the space and everything we perceive is just whole one absolute substance composed of atoms???

Still further, if our brains were to be in a condition of observing the universe through an electro microscope with a capacity of 10 trillion times, would we still be speaking of separate, independent “things” and people any more? Or would we understand the existence of the unseparated, undivided, ever-abiding, limitless and infinite One that is “AHAD”?

Hopefully I am making our idea clear to you.

What I am trying to explain at this point we have arrived at is that: the only ONE that exists in ABSOLUTE REALITY is the infinite and external ONE, who is undivided, unbroken WHOLE, the AHAD! ALLAH is AHAD as there is nothing other than “Allah” neither in macro nor in micro plan, and there is nothing to be his counterpart, like or to match Him!
You know this……….


There is no deity except Allah, the Ever-Living, the Eternal.

There is no deity except Allah, the Sovereign, the Ultimate Truth, the Evident:

There is no deity except Allah, the Sovereign, the Ultimate Truth, the Certainty:

There is no deity except Allah. the Lord of the Day of Judgment:

However, because of our dependence on our normal sensory means, we are fooled into thinking in which we mistakenly view the whole ONE existence to be composed of many separate parts or fragments. It must be understood that our brains determination is in accordance with the condition of its sensory means, it is that our current way of fragmenting the world into parts results from the capacity of our intersecting- perceptive- instruments.

However, if only the brain didn’t remain restricted in that very narrow range of the perception capability, if only he could understand and interpret all the perception phenomena evident to five senses as signs and samples drawn out among countless sensory experiences in the cosmos…. If only after that he could sink into deep thought and discover what else is out there after these samples… if then he could sail to a dimensional journey into the constitutional depth of these countless yet unknown phenomena… and there he could meet with the cosmic self the cosmic Essence and could finally realize the non-existence of his individual self, in anyways.. This is the most significant point of the theme!

They were different Believes, Hopes, Practices and Tradition existed before which have changed they will be different Believes, Hopes, Practices and Tradition which may change but Allah will not.

If Ismailies practices are right and Non Ismailies practices are wrong then tell me who has created Non Ismailies? Allah has…. That’s y I don’t see nothing wrong in anything I respect Shacharit, Puja, Namaz, Dua, all other practices. But I do Dua only as Imam said so not that it better or superior…. I am an Ismaili but my bases are not form Gujarat or my parent are not Hindus nor my grand parent were so I understand Ismailism from Quran and Hadith not from Bahagavat Geet or ginnas. Please understand me.

we can discuss Fiath but now... I need some important information regarding fasting;; can u help me,,,, please reply me soon.

Shah je Dedaar

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Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:14 pm

Post by Arshad_Z »

Zubair. You seem like a very intelligent person. I welcome you as my spiritual brother, although I am a little confused on the bases of your belief. You say that you believe in the farmans of the Hazar Imam, yet you are not following them. Our salat has been transformed and evolved ever since the time of RasoolAllah(saws), because we have followed our beloved Prophet's orders of following the Imam of the time. This is the only sect in Islam which has the ahl of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(saws), the ahl which our prophet said that would be tied with the Quran until the day of judgement. Now if we are told to follow the Imam until the day of judgement, then we cannot do something which he has told us to change, for example, we used to say namaaz at the time of Prophet Muhammad(saws), and it has evolved into our holy Dua. Now if the Imam of the time has told us to say our Dua, then I think we should say our Dua. I don't know what your situation is like, and I bet I cannot even imagine how it feels like to be in your shoes. I can understand that you do not want to let your family find out about your beliefs, but I think that should be the only reason why you do perform namaaz...only because you don't want your parents to find out. However, when you say that there is no proof that this is the right sect, we have the biggest proof, our IMAM. If it was true that our Imams were not the real ahl of the Prophet, don't you think that the Imammat would have died off by now (nauzbillah)? Don't you think that all our enemies would have destroyed the lineage of our beloved Imams? It is not POSSIBLE. It is IMPOSSIBLE. We have been promised by our Imams that they will be with us until the Day of Judgement. He has been here before creation, nonstop, even before time, but manifest since Prophet Muhammad(saws). This is not the only proof. If you believe, and you go into the Quran and our Ginans written by our beloved Pirs, which ISMS has challenged humanity by saying that by studying the ginans and the Quran side by side you will find every verse of the Ginans are stated in the Holy Quran. The proofs are there, it is just that a lot of us have not found them. I am sure by studying these you will be able to tell your family about your beliefs as an Ismaili, and I pray that Inshallah they will be able to accept you for what you believe in, and Inshallah they will know the true path.

Last thing I wanted to tell you Zubair was that I was a little thrown off by you saying that you are Sunni. I was interested in what you had to say, but that part totally through me off. Our beloved Imam keeps reminding us that we are "Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims" in his farmans. So then how can you be a Sunni? I hope I misunderstood that sentence, and hope for clarification in your future posts. Thank you Zubair, I will pray for your success my spiritual brother, and I would also hope that you enlighten us all with how you started believing in the sat panth.

Ya Aly Madad!
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Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:12 pm

Post by zubair_mahamood »

Ya Ali Madaad,

I have already cleared that why did I write I am sunni. I come from a sunni family so I understand thing will sunni prospective that it! I have not other sense. When I meet people today I say I am a Muslim and if they ask me further about my sect I tell them I am an Ismaili. I don’t introduce my self sunni Muslim.

Second thing is I didn’t have a proof that Hazar Imam and Ismailies are on right path. I had Dedaar of Hazar Imam so I follow him, I have left all traditional practices what I had been practicing before its tough to forget 24 years of once life but I am trying my best. And about material proof’s like books and other document I don’t think it can change anyone believe and faith. Sunni Muslim’s basic about Imamate is that Mowla Ali is The First Imam appointed by Prophet but while practicing not one really teachers or follows his word other Khalifas words are taken into consideration.

Today I don’t think it matter to me if my family knows about my faith. I am at stage of life that they will soon come to know about my faith. hope thing go well.

Thanks for writing me and I am sorry for replying u late as I don’t have net connection.

Shah je dedaad,
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Post by Admin »

Are we not happy that our Imam of the Time has given us farmans that have allowed us to live ahead of our time... exactely 840 years ahead of our time in the case of the following:

Turkey: Fatwa allows Muslims to pray just three times a day

Ankara, 10 Oct. (AKI) - Turkish Muslims will be allowed to pray only three times a day from Wednesday instead of the usual five - without fear of committing a sin.

A member of the scientific council of Istanbul University, Muhammad Nour Dughan, has issued a controversial fatwa or religious edict cutting Islamic prayer requirements from five to three times a day.

The move has provoked widespread debate as well as opposition from orthodox imams or Muslim clerics.

Sharia law allows for the possibility of praying three times a day in case of sickness or travel.

The fatwa extends this option allowing Muslims to pray three times a day, especially when they are heavily committed with work or personal issues.

The Turkish debate echoes a similar one that has already taken place in Egypt where the fatwa has also drawn support.

Jamal al-Banna, brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna, endorsed the Turkish move.

"Merging prayers has become a modern necessity," he told the al-Arabiya website. "In most cases, people do not always perform the five prayers on time due to the pressures of modern life."

Al-Banna is often criticised for his modern interpretation of Islamic rules. He said the Prophet Mohammad himself had given followers this option that could be applied when prayers cannot be carried out in a given time.

A member of Egypt's Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Youssef al-Badri, rejected the argument saying it was unacceptable to merge prayers unless it was due to travel, illness, rain or pilgrimage.

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Post by ShaykhKalonji »

As Salamu Alikum Warahmantu Allah Wabaraktu,<BR><BR>As I am Ithna As Sharei I am not familar with this salah duaa can some o&shy;ne please explain it and give its details,<BR>
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Post by kmaherali »

ShaykhKalonji wrote:As Salamu Alikum Warahmantu Allah Wabaraktu,<BR><BR>As I am Ithna As Sharei I am not familar with this salah duaa can some o&shy;ne please explain it and give its details,<BR>
Salaam Alaykum,

The entire Dua is discussed at:

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