Younger Generation

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Younger Generation

Post by Sass »

The following is from the speech make by MHI in Vancouver on August 25, 1992:

".........The second question is within that vision of the younger generation, one generation from now, two generations from now, what are the questions that they will be asking? They will be asking, first of all, how do they relate to our Tariqah? And therefore, they will be asking, what is the essence of our Tariqah? And are we able to articulate the essence of the Tariqah in a language which is a language that they will understand, not having been born in our traditional societies, never having seen them, never having been exposed to them, how will they sense their position within our Tariqah? Question number one. And that of course, affects the articulation of Imamat. Because you cannot articulate the Tariqah without articulating the concept of Imamat."

This is what is happening today with our younger generation when they reach the university level, they have their own minds and thus seek such information. When they are not told correctly about our tariqah they seem to lose the interest and call it a quit. Sometimes some one from other religion would brain wash them and poison their minds. Those who marry outsiders too have not been truly in love with their religion or they did not take their faith seriously.

My question is do you think our parents are to be blamed for not molding their children at a very early age?

Do you think our Tariqah Education Board in the western countries is doing enough to guide them to the right path?

Any thoughts on the abov matter?
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Post by yaali101 »

"Those who marry outsiders too have not been truly in love with their religion or they did not take their faith seriously."

I don't think this a 100% accurate remark. Islam considers marriage as a contract and nothing more. As for the matter of raising a family in a background that encourages one belief, etc., yes it has it’s benefits. I don’t think there is really anyone to blame here. My reasoning for this is that we are in a new culture and it is the effects of the culture on the younger generation. I think as long as the fundamentals are taught about our religion to the younger generation we should not have any issues. The only issue is ho do we adapt to the culture and take what is good from it and leave out what is bad. From what I have been seeing we are taking many good things from the western culture and applying it to our lives. Unfortunately there are also many bad habits we have picked up from living. working, and studying here that are affecting our lives. I am not speaking of just drinking, drugs, etc. I am speaking of other habits like people becoming workaholics and not remembering God at all throughout the day.
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Post by unnalhaq »

yaali101 wrote:"Those who marry outsiders too have not been truly in love with their religion or they did not take their faith seriously."

I don't think this a 100% accurate remark.
I agree with you. I think you could have western culture but your value system must prioritize what is important and in what order. Western culture is not about drinking and drugs as many may think. The Western culture is about Free Will. It is the same premise that we know that is The God’s gift to humankind. But over time different civilizations had set their own artificial boundaries where the value system had become a culture rather than having individual (family) value system with in a given culture.
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