There is evidence today that every star is born with a twin which confirms the theory of the Dual of the sun outlined above by Swami Sri Yukteshwar.kmaherali wrote: A short discussion with mathematical calculation of the yugas or ages will
explain the fact that the present age for the world is Dwapura Yuga, and
that 194 years of the Yuga have now (A.D. 1894) passed away, bringing a
rapid development in man’s knowledge.
We learn from Oriental astronomy that moons revolve around their planets, and planets turning on their axes revolve with their moons round the sun; and sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth – a celestial
phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand centre called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.
When the sun in its revolution round its dual comes to the place nearest to
this grand centre, the seat of Brahma (an event which takes place when the Autumnal Equinox comes to the first point of Aries), dharma, the mental virtue, becomes so much developed that man can easily comprehend all, even the mysteries of Sprirt.
New evidence that all stars are born in pairs
Did our sun have a twin when it was born 4.5 billion years ago?
Almost certainly yes—though not an identical twin. And so did every other sunlike star in the universe, according to a new analysis by a theoretical physicist from UC Berkeley and a radio astronomer from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory at Harvard University.
Many stars have companions, including our nearest neighbor, Alpha Centauri, a triplet system. Astronomers have long sought an explanation. Are binary and triplet star systems born that way? Did one star capture another? Do binary stars sometimes split up and become single stars?
Astronomers have even searched for a companion to our sun, a star dubbed Nemesis because it was supposed to have kicked an asteroid into Earth's orbit that collided with our planet and exterminated the dinosaurs. It has never been found.
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