Uniform Ismaili Namaz/Salat

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Uniform Ismaili Namaz/Salat

Post by zznoor »

Kmaherali posted in Qul thread
While there are fundamental practices such as Dua which are uniform for all Ismailis, there has to be room for diversity to account for the different historical contexts in which our traditions have evolved. I think the non-optionality of Namaz for those who perform it is due to the context and not according to Farman. Please quote any Farman of the Imam's making Namaz non-optional for the majority. The Farman mentions the importance of having one uniform Namaz as opposed to different versions prevailing. It does not indicate that Namaz has to be preformed uniformly across our community. The uniform Namaz is available to those who choose to practice it.

Like Sunni and Shia sects have guide line for Namaz time and method

Please post How and when Ismaili can and do perform Uniform Ismaili Namaz?.
Kbhai has repeatedly claimed it is available to those who need to perform it.
So tell us how they do it or should do it?
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Post by nuseri »

Ya Ali Madad:
The word dua,namaaz,prayer, pooja etc MEANS THE SAME.
BTW ,what is the percentage of the world population perform it daily at mandated level by their prophets.
Come to reality of 2017.
the word sunnah is not mentioned in the holy book.Any act and behaviour of an entity is guiding for the period and NEVER EVER BINDING till eternity.That why over 360k prophets was sent.
MHI has said DUA is part of tariqa not the word sharia is used.
the ignorant have taken very narrow meaning of the word Namaaz ,being act in xyz firm for xx duration nothing more n less ,(90% have junked this idea to do at 5x as daily dose.
If seen as prayer then the meditation act of the entity ,ayat of zikr better than salaat and hadith saying service to humanity is best of religion,QUACKs with self interest saw good( namaaz) and ingnored ibadaat(better) and khidhmat ( best).
by coining word Namaaz with Ismailsm is OK where it mean prayers with wider options and benefit from it.Not mimicking of acting as 1400 years old.
What exactly posturing and duration time is NOT MENTIONED IN THE HOLY BOOK.that is binding ,one can pray in sleeping posture as well.Prophet enjoyed meditation but lower act was shown to him by an angel.
The time taken then all people had all the time in the world and 99% ignorants need heavy drill time & ring a ring roses.capacity of prophet and great souls to pray physically much much more than normal human,they die and ignorant followers become suckers to it.
Prophet lead to IMAM E MUBEEN to evolve the religion, but politic twisted that truth.rest is HISTORY.
do you pray DAILY for two hours a day ?
Telling truth is bitter.
I have shortened my each dua time by 90 seconds as ALI/MHI is engraved in my heart ,so by default I skip 49 names of IMAMS.My intent has not changed.
If fancy Arabic words like shariat,tariqat,Haqiqat & marifat ,how does one shariti reach that destination.
If train is chained at originating station,it is train to NOWHERE.
our first station is tariqat with full green signal to move to Haqiqat and marifat.( use of reasoning & intellect).
By sticking to narrow meaning of the word namaaz/prayer has devastated the Ummah.how the person who prays with tribal dance look like jokers to us.SHARITIS act of namaaz are seen as dangerous jokers in act
This is most RUBBISH topic if we Ismailis see Intellect as our base and not common sense.already being in high school,colleges,university ,bring all down to talk of ringa ringa roses and PT drill,FOR ALI'S SAKE GROW UP.
no prophet came as BINDER AT ALL,they were not God,but came as Guider for 20-50 years of their living age.If some dry region if x entity clean back of body with sand( no water) after toilet does it become it personal hygiene ,does that become Sunnah.WHAT NONSENSE.
to graduate we need to absorb the teacher and proffesors in class room And NOT their dress,behaviour,habit or personal hygiene habit.
That person in today reasoning will see this person as a Looney bin.
Sadly they are in a billion.
WHY ROT in the past AT ALL? ,when we can bloom now and future with IMAM E MUBEEN.
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Re: Uniform Ismaili Namaz/Salat

Post by kmaherali »

zznoor wrote: Like Sunni and Shia sects have guide line for Namaz time and method

Please post How and when Ismaili can and do perform Uniform Ismaili Namaz?.
Kbhai has repeatedly claimed it is available to those who need to perform it.
So tell us how they do it or should do it?
For Ismailis, Namaz is optional and complimentary to Dua.

The method would be very similar to the Namaz of other tariqahs. The same sequence of actions. The difference is only that the Ismaili Namaz will emphasize Ismaili concepts. For example there will be ayats that relate to Imamat and the Shahada would include mention of Ali.

It will be performed when anyone needs to perform it. There are no times specified for it. If a person has the motivation and time to perform it 100 times a day, no one will stop this individual so long as the practice remains outside the time of Tariqah practices. Hence it cannot be a substitute for Dua for example.
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Post by zznoor »

Ismaili concepts. For example there will be ayats that relate to Imamat and the Shahada would include mention of Ali.
There is not a single Aya in Quran related to Imamat. If there was there would have been 1.6B Shia Muslims. There is no Aya or partial Aya mentioning Ali in Quran.

For Muslim 5 Namaz are compulsory. It's a settled issue and both Shia and Sunni agree on it. Namaz can be performed only in traditional time frame.

So when it will be published?
Or it will be like Imam MSM's promise to wire down 10 more chapters and corrected addition or deletion.
He died and lie is still repeated.
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Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:54 am

Post by nuseri »

To zznoor.:Ya Ali Madad.
There are few ayats ,mentioned time & again.others can direct you there or re post.
One important in Imam e Mubeen.
There are two books Koran + other and IMAM as definition is to a person.
Just by fear of the rulers then ,it was made to mid read at a book again.
See the graves of those who manipulated ,I can be sure we can see scorpions & snakes in the ground if dug up just few feet.
If prophet was for the whole world then why only 1.60 billion ( looks like Muslim outwardly,but hollow inside) are there from 7 billion?
These 5.4 billions are majority ,you can jump there and even save 2.5% of monetorty/etc obligations.
Why 99.99% of world population cannot get $ 2000 pet month for being unemployed but only the population of Switzerland.( many say it is heaven on earth.(BTW MHI,Prince rahim and prince Irfan are born there.)
So fortunates would always be micro percentage like 85 billioniare having same wealth as bottom 3.5 billion.
If a million start from nursery level studies ,there would only fre thousand completing master and may 2-3 being granted PhD status.
It is pyramid, bottom tapering out in top in all areas.
5x namaz, duration and fix timing is already 70% failure products those ready using it ,and it will be soon 90% failure exercise in few decades from now.
Why join bunch of already 70% losers just they seem to be in majority.
So faith reward is not an academic period of 20 year and few thousand life cycles as to pas each cycle of 30-75 years. Guess the final passing out ratio.THE BLESSED ONES ARE ISMAILIS.
Only God can order nature and humans cannot even predict a wrath quake few moments away.
MHI has told just last november what acts of nature will happen,where it will happen,when it will happen.A clear two decade warning as he has concern for those areas.
You are trying to apply a 70% failure face cream for glow,not trying to see what is the content, only manufacturing date but no expiry date and no TOLL FREE number to seek clarity on it.
the 05 candles were fair 1400 years back,now it look like junk and amusing.
In my colleges ,few students used to get VHS movie cassete to show off and exchange it , but in 25 years with advent disc,pen drive,etc any person seen with VHS cassette in hand now may be assumed as a historian,antique collector or a Looney bin.What was pride once is a shameful now.
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