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Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Post by ismaili103 »

Thanks, if Surja lived during the time of Pir Shams, then obviously there is no way that she herself could survive till today. Perhaps her descendants might be somewhere.
According to the one of the waez of late Alwaez abu ali, Surja rani was not a single personality, but surja rani mean Ismaili Jamat of China. As we know Pir Shams converted many people into ismailism in China, he also established 100 of Jamak Khana in China.

So Surja Rani was Ismaili Jamat of China,
Dait Kalinga( Husband of Surja) is Anti Religion, which mean Ismailis of China lives in a communist country.
Surja Rani has two kids...Ajayay and Vijaya means Unconquered and Winner respectively, it means Ismailism is still unconquered in land of communism, no power in thousands of years vanishes Ismailism from China, and Winner mean Ismailism or Satpanth will be Winner when Imam will kill Dait Kalinga.

Above interpretation is by alwaez abu ali which he interpreted from a Ginan, I forget the name of the Ginan, but anyone can find it by above keywords like Ajaya, Vijaya, Surja etc.
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Post by shivaathervedi »

kmaherali wrote:
shivaathervedi wrote:SURJA RANI

Heritage Dictionary of ismailism, entry #395
Surja=sun rani=Queen. Queen of the Sun. Was married to Daint Kalinga in China. Met and learned the teachings of Pir Shams. She will try very hard to convert her husband, but without success. She will killed her husband at the time of apocalypse. Had 2 daughters: Ajia and Wajia and 2 sons Kamla and Damla.
Thanks, if Surja lived during the time of Pir Shams, then obviously there is no way that she herself could survive till today. Perhaps her descendants might be somewhere.

But Daet Kalingo is still alive and trouble maker.
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Post by shivaathervedi »


There is a wealth of Astronomical data available in ancient Hindu scriptures. Modern Astronomy talks about a Single Universe comprising of Dark Matter and brighter Heavenly bodies like the Galaxies, Stars, Planets, Asteroids, Satellites etc. This entire matter (and anti-matter) is believed to have emerged about 14 Billion Years ago in time, from a momentous explosion called the Big Bang.

Many of us may have encountered the number 108 in various ancient cultures. There are 108 gopis of Vrindavan, Mukhya Shivaganas are 108 in number, Zen priests wear 108 bead rosaries, Chinese and South-Indian martial arts describe 108 pressure points on the body.
The distance between EARTH and SUN = 108 times sun-diameter!
The distance between EARTH and MOON = 108 times Moon-diameter!
Turning to the scriptural descriptions, Shrimad-Bhagavat Puraan has extremely scientific approach. Inside this literary Masterpiece, one can find descriptions of the different planets from our Solar System and beyond; our Galaxy; different Planetary systems; as well as our entire Universe! Let's see what it has to offer to an interested reader in terms of Astronomy.

Hindu Mythology talks about TWO separate Realms in this Creation, the SPIRITUAL and the MATERIAL.
The Spiritual Realm is full of the Effulgence of Supreme Lord that spreads throughout and banishes darkness from each and every corner of this Realm. Religions that envision God as a Being of Bright Light worship the same Brahmajyoti.

This Supreme Heaven is believed to be the abode of Supreme Brahman in the religious books like Vedas, Allah in Quran, Jehovah in Jewish texts, Param Purakh in Sikhism and the King-of-Kings in Bible. This is the Supreme Abode that all souls in the material realm strive for, and reach after attaining Nirvana. Srimad Bhagvatam, calls this the dwelling place of Lord Krishna who resides in His Spiritual abode of Golok Vrindavan.

Around this central world, there exist other Spiritual planets that revolve around it like the planets in Solar System revolve around the Sun. These are collectively known as the Vaikunth planets and each of these is the Divine residence of a Vishnu form.
On these planets reside Lord Vishnu's different incarnations alongwith Goddess Lakshmi and the Pure souls who have been able to transcend the bonds of Material Nature.

In one corner of this huge bright realm, like a ‘Dark cloud in a clear bright sky’, lies the Material Creation, where Individual Souls take birth, evolve, exist, eat, earn, reproduce and ultimately die.

Even though Material Realm is created for souls who want to live independent lives, the Lord, by means of His infinite expansions, still ensures they can have a smooth sailing. He takes the form of Shri Maha Vishnu for the Creation of this Material Realm and it is from Him that everything in this world emanates.

Now there is oe major difference in the Hindu notion of the Material world and the current scientific understanding about it. Hindu scriptures state that the Material Realm is composed of Billions and Trillions of Universes and NOT just a single one!

Scientifically, it is still undetermined whether the universe exists by itself or is just one of the countless trillions within a larger Multiverse, itself contained within the Omniverse that is the Material World. But, according to scriptures, the Universe that we live in, is just a tiny infinitesimal part of the entire Material Creation and all these millions of Universes are born at the Same Time from the Same Primeval Source - Shri Maha Vishnu.

EVERYTIME the Lord exhales, a Universe emerges from EACH of his body pores and with EACH of His inhalations, ALL these Universes merge BACK into His body! The multiple universes generated are floating, and they are scattered all over the Causal Ocean.

Madam Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society describes this phenomenon;

The Great Breath goes forth and returns again.
As it proceeds outwards, objects, worlds, and men appear.
As it recedes all things disappear into the original source.
The Great Breath is, so to speak, the universal and eternal Perpetuum Mobile.

If ever there is a Grand description of God in World literature, it has to be this one! How infinitesimal and tiny our entire existence appears to be if we humbly give thought to this notion. Our entire lifetimes are nothing, not even a fraction of a second for Lord Maha Vishnu!

Indeed our entire Universe (which by current estimates is about 13.7 Billion years old), was born with a SINGLE exhalation of the Lord and will merge back into Him with His NEXT intake of Breath!! The concept also fits the Big Bang Theory, as the moment it emerges from Lord Vishnu's body pores is the moment of Big Bang for each Universe!

The findings of data from NASA's WMAP Program (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) which has been studying the cosmic microwave background in the Universe suggests that
basically the light emitted by our Universe when it was just 400,000 years old. The study of this data which is being collected since 2001 suggests that apparently, new universes could be created spontaneously from what we perceive as empty space! The support for this view also comes from the observation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of Entropy that states that each closed system (like our Universe) has a tendency to get into disorder spontaneously (hence it's expansion) this implies that to begin with, the Universe was in an ordered state!
Caltech astronomers studying this data claim that this initial order is entirely possible if the so called Big Bang happened in the cold space of a previous Universe. Imagine then, Lord Mahavishnu lying in the cold dark material realm, surrounded by this empty space, giving rise to multiple universes including our own! After exploding out of the body of Sri Maha Vishnu, each Universe continues to expand, and after reaching a critical threshold, again begins to contract until it is assimilated back in the body of Lord Maha Vishnu.

Puranic literature is full of descriptions of multiple as well as parallel Universes. Hindu scriptures also declare there's Intelligent life out there in the Universe and this is gotta be the absolutely FIRST mention of ALIENS in World Literature ever!! Few examples from different texts to illustrate the point.Srimad Bhagavatam [6.16.37] eulogizes the Supreme Lord Vishnu in following words:

There are Innumerable Universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called 'Without-limits'.

In verse 10.14.11, it again states:

Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window.

Lord Shiva in verse 9.4.56 again mentions thus:

My dear son, I, Lord Brahma and the other devas, who move within this universe, cannot exhibit any power to compete with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for Innumerable Universes and their inhabitants come into existence and are annihilated by the simple direction of the Lord Hari.

Similar views are shared by Lord Brahma in the Brahma Vaivarta Puraan where a mention of Multiple, Parallel Universes is made-

And who will search through the wide infinities of space to count the universes Side by Side, each containing its Brahma, its Vishnu, its Shiva? Who can count the Indras in them, ALL those Indras Side by Side, who reign at once in all the innumerable worlds; those others who passed away before them; or even the Indras who succeed each other in any given line, ascending to godly kingship, one by one, and, one by one, passing away?

Hindu scriptures declare there's Intelligent life out there, and this is gotta be absolutely the first mention of ALIENS in World Literature ever.

A large body of Scientific intelligentsia believes in multiple Universes existing perhaps in parallel dimensions. The most brilliant mind of our times Stephen Hawking, whose phenomenal work 'A Brief History of Time', is by far one of the most important book on Space Science ever, in this monumental work, Mr Hawking talks about something known as Chaotic Boundary Conditions and the Anthropic Theory. He states and I quote,

"According to the Strong Anthropic Principle, there are either MANY different Universes or MANY different regions of a single universe, each with its own initial configuration and, perhaps, with its own set of laws of science."

Till now, Science has been unable to tell us, what existed BEFORE the Big Bang. WHERE did the explosion take place if there was nothing before it happened?? WHAT caused the explosion in the first place??

Our ancient beliefs are not just Myths, but Parables for explaining profound Scientific principles to the common man.

At first was no Being neither Non-being,
There was yet no Air nor Sky spread.
So what was covering? Where was it present?
Was Water there, in the unfathomable depth?

There was no Death, nor Immortality;
Of Night or Day there was yet no sign.
The One breathed windless, self-sustaining,
Other than HIM was nothing divine.

Darkness was there, wrapping more Darkness,
And All was Water indistinguishable, Dark.
The Cosmic seed was wrapped in the Void,
Rising at last, by the power of Thought.

In this beginning, Desire took form,
The primal seed, born of the Mind.
Wisely sifting, Existence from Non-existence,
Sages have found all this in their Heart.

A Ray was stretched across the Void,
Know what was below, and what above.
Bearers of seed were there and Mighty forces,
Below was Strength, and Creative-will above.

Who really knows? Who can declare?
When did it happen? How Creation came on?
Even the Devas came after its emergence.
So who truly knows, Whence it was born?

He, from Whom this Creation Arose,
Did He fashion it or did He not,
He, who surveys it from the Highest Heaven,
He surely knows or maybe even He does not!
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Post by shivaathervedi »

Is complete ASAL DUA by Pir Sadardin posted on this forum?
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Post by agakhani_1 »

The whole ginan is the dialogue between king of China ( daint Kalinga) and Surja Rani ( Jamat ) in this ginan Pir Shams beautifully predicted what will happen at that time , i.e. during Zahurat time.

Please read it here, and also read the summary of mine after the ginan:-

Eji Jaake paachham dise ne khanddh eraak maanhe
setar dip minjaar ho ji;
ghar sar vadhaayun tiyaan bahu range hoe se,
ne raaj kare chhe dhanni maaro ... ho ji...
naasare naasare tun daint kaalingaa,
paachham thi dhanni aave ho ji;
khonn navaannu taaro khuddie tale jaae se,
na jaannu sehen taaro sie mukhe jaaese;
tab tuje konn chhoddaave ho ji 1

Naasare: Run away
Khonn: One division of an army, normally 10,000 or 32,000 soldiers
Khuddie tale: under horses’ feet
Daint: The Lord’s enemy
Daannav: The Lord’s enemy (but more sly)
Surjaa: Daint’s wife
Kamlaa: Daint’s son
Ajiaa & Vijiaa: Daint’s daughters

Pir Shams says in the ginaan that when Our Lord will come from the west (west of India), from Iraq, the houses of momins will be blessed. Our Lord will rule.
Pir says: I do not know where the army of Daint will disappear, I do not know who will give you (Daint) freedom.
Kamal means lotus. The lotus grows in muddy water. The lotus is beautiful and scented. The lotus (Kamlaa) is the momin who lives in the country where there is no religion.
Ajiaa means the one who cannot be defeated. This is the Jamat’s strength. No one can conquer the Jamat.
Vijiaa means victorious or successful. This is the Jamat’s prayers. Prayers will give the Jamat success.
Surjaa means an alert mind; a woman who is clever and alert. This is the Jamat. The wife is normally weaker than the husband and similarly, Satpanth jamat will live in Daint country and will be much smaller in number than the forces of Daint.
Satpanth jamat has been in China for over 1,100 years.
The Daint will have a regular army of 6.6m soldiers.
Daint will be science based.
Pir has said that Daint will make “goor” out of tar (saccharin is made out of residue today), and will make ghee out of water (margarine is vegetable ghee today) and that the paper will talk like a parrot (newspapers and TV news)

Eji Paachham disene tanbal vaajase,
vaaje te gor nishaan ho ji;
trann trann bhavanme Shaah maaro haank dilaave,
ne seje kilaave Sultaan ho ji. - naasare 2

Tambal vaajashe: announcement will be made
Gor nishaan: dark before the war, it will be tense
Trann bhavan: jamin, aasmaan and paataal – everyone will receive the news
Haank: declaration
Sultaan: King (Islamic term) – Imam will be declared King of the Islam
Communism will expand and religion will decline.
12 kos = 25 miles (1 kos is 2 miles). This means that there will be one momin every 25 miles – divaa jalegaa – one light every 25 miles.
Another ginaan: thar thar moman bhaai koi koi rahese, ati jaago viraa bhaai, ati jaago – means that mind will not be stable (with stable imaan), very few momins will have true faith. The stability of their faith will be questioned by the events.
There will be many small wars. The Muslims and the communists (China) will get together. The Christians will be defeated. Then, about three quarters of the world will be under the communist influence.
The communists (China) will think that they do not now require the Muslims. This is when the Muslims will look for a leader. Imam of the time will become the King of Muslims (Sultan)
Then Asvaari will take place. We are probably looking forward just over one hundred years from now.

Eji Jaake chanchal chalatra pavan rath ghoddaa,
ne haathiddun Shaah sanngaare ho ji;
chhatris aayudh (hathiyaar) lai nar naklanki chaddshe,
ne chaud bhavan maan jejekaar ho ji - naasare 3

Chanchal chalatra: very astute, very clever. This refers to Imam’s work
Pavan rath: planes, the planes will be very large and able to carry large numbers of people
Chhatris aayudh: 36 types of weapons in the Lord’s army
Chaud bhavan: 14 bhavan – that is seven heavens and seven earths – all beings from these places will come to help and applaud
During the battle of Badr (there were 313 momins) and The Lord sent 3,000 angels to help.
Names of leaders of the angels who will come to assist are in the Granth Anant Akhaaddo.

Eji Jaake nauv naath ne sidh choraasi,
ne jogaddiyun kare jejekaar ho ji;
Ajiyaa ne Vajiyaa devi chamar ddharaave,
ne Kamlaa kunvar sir chhatra dharese ho ji - naasare 4

Nauv naath and sidh choraasi: these are the good people who believe in God. Sidh means one with karaamat, that is someone like a sufi or a guru or kutub or a kalandar
Ajiyaa & Vajiyaa will fan the Lord – chamar means to fan the head of the leader
Joganni: small Jamats in the world who worship and pray – will applaud on the day
Kamlaa kunvar sir chhatra: momins will be in the front and momins will rule

Eji Jaake singaddie shank sabd ghannun vaaje,
ne nauve khandde paddere bhangaann ho ji;
lakh jojan Shaah moro din panth chaale,
ne esaa karese piyaannaa ho ji - naasare 5

Singaddie shankh: trumpet – announcement of the King (Radio, TV, News)
Sabd ghannu vaaje: words of the Imam of the time will be heard
Nauv khandd: nine continents
Paddere bhangaann: will read news, or will hear the news of the Imam
Lakh jojan: one jojan is 6 miles. So lakh jojan means 600,000 miles
Shaah moro din panth chaale: Imam will cover 600,000 miles in one day. The speeds of 25,000 miles per hour will be a norm at that time.
Piyaannaa: happy arrangements

Eji Haare raanni tregannaa kott maare ati rang dise;
ne maae devtaa kare chhe kamaai ho ji;
baarei megh maaro paanni bhare chhe,
ne surje tape rasoi ho ji - naasare 6

Conversation between Daint and the Queen.
Tregannaa kott: three quarters – 75% of the world sing my name
Baarei megh: rains when I wish
Surje tape rasoi: cook with help of the sun

Eji Haare raajaa trann bhavan jivanjo daataar,
tin sun tun vaad chalaave ho ji;
chaud bhavan jivann ko saami,
teni karo sevaa to kuchh paamo ho ji - naasare 7

Queen replying to Daint.
Trann bhavan: jamin, aasmaan and paataal
Vaad chalaave: arguing – why are you arguing with the Lord. You know that he will succeed. Serve the Lord and attain your salvation.

Eji Haare raanni muvaa jivaaddun ne pirtaa pujaavun,
ne khaann khavaddaavun kotth ghoddaa ho ji,
moro te lashkar anant karoddi,
tere Shaah jidhaa lashkar thoddaa ho ji - naasare 8

Daint relies: I wake the dead, make them worship (pirtaa pujaavun)
I give food (and fuel) to the metal machines
My army is large, your Lord has a small force.

Eji Haare raajaa muaa jivraaie ne pirtaa pujaaie,
pann teraa lashkar kaachaa ho ji;
najare chaddiyo Shaah moro bhasham karese,
ne ubhaa te rehese sati saachaa ho ji - naasare 9

The Queen replies: you may wake the dead and make them worship, but your army is not very strong.
Pir Sadardin has composed the ginaan: Saami naa daal jyaare chaalshe, tyaare sat dharam ne vehvaar;
Sat joog will come again where the momins will receive all there is from the Lord.
China will become very powerful and will conquer India. In the communist world, everything will be cheap and on Imam’s side there will be few people and everything will be expensive.
Natural disasters will take place. Many of the Daint’s forces will die due to these natural disasters. Up to 75% of duniyaa will become barbaad.

Eji Haare raanni khaao piyo ne dhan kharacho hamaaro,
ne shaaho shaaho kari pukaaro ho ji;
esaa hay koi chinnab nagari maanhe,
je Surjaade raanni kun samjaave ho ji - naasare 10

Daint says: you live with me, eat my food and spend my money. Yet you say: Shaah, Shaah;
Is there anyone in China who can put some sense in Queen Surjaa
In 1921, Soviet Russia started communism. There were people like Marx and Lenin. Lenin became the communist President. Lenin said that they will remove religion within 20 years. Then the war came. After the war, they continued with the program. In 1960, they commissioned a report to see how far they were with the program. The report was published in London in 1969 and the report said that religion in Russia had actually increased.
Russia is known as Daannav by our Pirs and China is known as Daint.

Eji Haare raajaa jugaa jug hun tun ne ketij aavi,
tun kudd kyaare kaalingaa ho ji;
trann trann jug maaro kahiyo nav maaniyo,
chothe te saaheb lekhaa leshe ho ji - naasare 11

Queen replies: I have been warning you over the last three joog. You have not listened. Now in this fourth joog, my Lord will take account of your deeds.
Pirs have mentioned ratan joog which is similar to sat joog after the asvaari. Imam will make the declaration of ratan joog.

Eji Haare raanni evire vaat taaraa dev paase bhanniye,
saambhlo Surjaade raanni ho ji;
amaari nagari maanhe vaas vase chhe,
ne vaat karo aap jaanni ho ji - naasare 12

Daint says: Talk to your Lord about these things. While you are here, talk good things about me, do not talk about your Lord.

Eji Chaddere daint ne padde dal manddhann,
chinnab nagri minjaar hoji;
Ishvar, Bhirmaa tiyaan karere utaaraa,
ne aj kal dasme avtaar ho ji - naasare 13

Padde dal manddhann: fight will start
China will be extinguished and the Lord together with Brahmaa (Pir) will go to China.

Eji Haare raajaa til til kaa Shaah moro lekhaa lese,
teni Sat Gur pure chhe saankh ho ji;
nar ne pirsaade Pir Shams boliyaa,
raaj rakhisarne Shaah dese ho ji - naasare 14

Satgur pure chhe saankh: Pir is a witness to all that is said above in the ginaan.
Canada: There is a reason why Ismailis have come to Canada. Muslims, including Ismailis, will suffer in Pakistan and India. Ismailis are very well organised. We in the West, will have to give a lot of our time and knowledge to the East. We have to sacrifice in order to help our Ismailis. The wealthy in the west should consider this as a Baraka to assist the needy in the East. The majority of the Ismailis (90%) are in the East and are many are living in poverty. This is what our Imam wants from us – to assist and share.
Canada will be the seat of Ismailis. Our religion will thrive in Canada. In the future, due to political or other reasons, Imam may start Namaaz instead of Dua. But the Canadian Jamat has to remain strong in bandagi. Canadian Jamat will then bring the religion back to the East.

Last edited by atharvedi on 14 Feb 2012 12:27 pm, edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: 29 Apr 2011 03:42 am Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post

I always love to listen "DAINT KALINGA" waez of RAI ABU ALI' I don't remember now how many times I already listened it, but I am still hungry to listen it again and again.
Let me give you more details and facts about the 'ZAHURAT" this will save you and other readers lots of times in reading, listening waez and searching related literature, this is an essence for you which I took from many waezs, ginans and Ismaili granths regarding Zahurat.

1, The day will be Thursady ( called as 'THAWAR RAT' in our ginans.)
2, The time will be evening ( actually after 4.00 p.m.)
3, Nakshatra: Rohini
4, Month as per Hindu calender : Chaitra
5, Year will be 2115, As per one waez of Rai Abu Ali.
6, The name of Imam : Imam Kasam Shah, this name is given in
7, Country involve in War: almost every country during that time but main
countries will be China, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran.
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Post by kmaherali »

ismaili103 wrote:So Surja Rani was Ismaili Jamat of China,
Dait Kalinga( Husband of Surja) is Anti Religion, which mean Ismailis of China lives in a communist country.
Surja Rani has two kids...Ajayay and Vijaya means Unconquered and Winner respectively, it means Ismailism is still unconquered in land of communism, no power in thousands of years vanishes Ismailism from China, and Winner mean Ismailism or Satpanth will be Winner when Imam will kill Dait Kalinga.
The phenomenum of communism lasted for only about 40 years last century. How did Kalingo manifest in China for centuries before then?
Last edited by kmaherali on Wed May 18, 2016 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kmaherali »

shivaathervedi wrote:But Daet Kalingo is still alive and trouble maker.
How does he manifest himself today?
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Post by kmaherali »

shivaathervedi wrote:ASTRONOMY
Many of us may have encountered the number 108 in various ancient cultures. There are 108 gopis of Vrindavan, Mukhya Shivaganas are 108 in number, Zen priests wear 108 bead rosaries, Chinese and South-Indian martial arts describe 108 pressure points on the body.
The distance between EARTH and SUN = 108 times sun-diameter!
The distance between EARTH and MOON = 108 times Moon-diameter!!
Number 18 signifies 1 infinite source, i.e, 1 & 8 (8 turned 45 degrees is sign of infinity). The Bhagavad Gita has 18 chapters.

1, 0 and 8

1 stands for God or higher truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

http://www.sanskritimagazine.com/ritual ... 08-number/
shivaathervedi wrote: Turning to the scriptural descriptions, Shrimad-Bhagavat Puraan has extremely scientific approach. Inside this literary Masterpiece, one can find descriptions of the different planets from our Solar System and beyond; our Galaxy; different Planetary systems; as well as our entire Universe! Let's see what it has to offer to an interested reader in terms of Astronomy.
In Islam this universe is only one of Allah's infinite manifestations as per MSMS's statement in the Memoirs:

"Once man has thus comprehended the essence of existence, there remains for him the duty, since he knows the absolute value of his own soul, of making for himself a direct path which will constantly lead his individual soul to and bind it with the universal Soul of which the Universe as much of it as we perceive with our limited visions one of the infinite manifestations. Thus Islam's basic principle can only be defined as mono-realism and not as monotheism. Consider, for example, the opening declaration of every Islamic prayer: "Allah-o-Akbar". What does that mean? There can be no doubt that the second word of the declaration likens the character of Allah to a matrix which contains all and gives existence to the infinite, to space, to time, to the Universe, to all active and passive forces imaginable, to life and to the soul. Imam Hassan has explained the Islamic doctrine of God and the Universe by analogy with the sun and its reflection in the pool of a fountain; there is certainly a reflection or image of the sun, but with what poverty and with what little reality; how small and pale is the likeness between this impalpable image and the immense, blazing, white-hot glory of the celestial sphere itself. Allah is the sun; and the Universe, as we know it in all its magnitude, and time, with its power, are nothing more than the reflection of the Absolute in the mirror of the fountain."


Compared to Allah the Sun, this universe is a pale reflection.
Last edited by kmaherali on Wed May 18, 2016 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kmaherali »

agakhani wrote:Eji Haare raanni muvaa jivaaddun ne pirtaa pujaavun,
ne khaann khavaddaavun kotth ghoddaa ho ji,
moro te lashkar anant karoddi,
tere Shaah jidhaa lashkar thoddaa ho ji - naasare 8

Daint relies: I wake the dead, make them worship (pirtaa pujaavun)
I give food (and fuel) to the metal machines
My army is large, your Lord has a small force.
In my opinion Kalingo is the power of delusion caused by science to turn the faithful away from faith. This is further elaborated in the Ginan: Gurnar Thi Bhula Tansu - Translation http://ismaili.net/heritage/node/24309

ejee veekhaddee vellaa maa(n)he deel tthor na raheshejee
saamee raajo raakhshe tenee raheshejee......................13

In this difficult period the hearts will not remain steady. Only the ones under the protection of the Lord will remain steady.

ejee geenaan mahaaras peer shamsh boleeyaa jee
evaa evaa chen chalaavshejee................................14

This hymn which is has great nector(water of life) is recited by Peer Shams. Such will be the wonders and plays performed by the evil demons(to lure you away from the Path).

Please read the entire Ginan...
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Post by ismaili103 »

Thanks Agakhani Bhai for providing the Ginan, its very beautiful and beautifully interpreted by you.
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Post by ismaili103 »

kmaherali wrote:
ismaili103 wrote:So Surja Rani was Ismaili Jamat of China,
Dait Kalinga( Husband of Surja) is Anti Religion, which mean Ismailis of China lives in a communist country.
Surja Rani has two kids...Ajayay and Vijaya means Unconquered and Winner respectively, it means Ismailism is still unconquered in land of communism, no power in thousands of years vanishes Ismailism from China, and Winner mean Ismailism or Satpanth will be Winner when Imam will kill Dait Kalinga.
The phenomenum of communism lasted for only about 40 years last century. How did Kalingo manifest in China for centuries before than?
Its not the story of some 100 years, but China is very conservative country from thousands of years. Anti religion people are always inthe world.

China is very big country, if some regions have religion than many regions donot have any sign of religion, especially the Xiziang plateau where Ismailis live.

I had seen a video of tourist in Xiziang in which he meets ismailis living in remote villages, Ismailis are facing threats beacuse they are recognizable because of there blonde hairs and European complexion and other peoples are Han people they are chinese and have black hairs. I remember that one person get that tourist to jamat khana, which was like a small room and have a locker in which there was Hazir Imam photo.
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Post by kmaherali »

ismaili103 wrote:Its not the story of some 100 years, but China is very conservative country from thousands of years. Anti religion people are always inthe world.
That is true for any part of the world, I was just questioning your equation of communism with Kalingo.
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Post by ismaili103 »

kmaherali wrote:
ismaili103 wrote:Its not the story of some 100 years, but China is very conservative country from thousands of years. Anti religion people are always inthe world.
That is true for any part of the world, I was just questioning your equation of communism with Kalingo.
Science rejects the existence of God, and this is what Kalinga is. Kalinga is negative aspect of science.
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Post by shivaathervedi »

kmaherali wrote:
shivaathervedi wrote:But Daet Kalingo is still alive and trouble maker.
How does he manifest himself today?

In my OPINION modern Daet Kalingo is CAPITALISM and its side kicks like world stock markets, hedge funds, mutual funds, corruption, kick backs all revolving around GREED and is called IDOLATORY OF MONEY AND WEALTH.

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Post by shivaathervedi »


Yama or Yamraj is also called Imra, is a god of death, the south direction and the underworld, belonging to an early stratum of Rigvedic deities. In Sanskrit, his name can be interpreted to mean "twin". In the Zend-Avesta of Zoroastrianism, he is called "Yima". According to the Vishnu Purana, his parents are the sun-god Surya and Sanjna, the daughter of Vishvakarman. Yama is the brother of Sraddhadeva Manu and of his older sister Yami or Yamuna. According to Harivamsa Purana her name is Daya.
In the Vedas, Yama is said to have been the first mortal who died. By virtue of precedence, he became the ruler of the departed, and is called "Lord of the Pitrs".
Mentioned in the Pāli Canon of Theravada Buddhism, Yama subsequently entered Buddhist mythology in Tibetan and East Asian Buddhism as a dharmapala under various transliterations. He is otherwise also called as "Dharmaraja".

In Hinduism, Yama is the lokapala ("Guardian of the Directions") of the south and the son of Brahma. Three hymns (10, 14, and 35) in the 10th book of the Rig Veda are addressed to him. He has two dogs with four eyes and wide nostrils guarding the road to his abode . They are said to wander about among people as his messengers.
In the Puranas, Yama, although one of the most powerful controllers, is still subordinate to Shiva and Vishnu because they are different aspects of the overruling Brahman. A story of Yama's subordination to Shiva is well-illustrated in the case of Markandeya, where Shiva as Kalantaka ("Ender of Death") stops Yama and rescues his devotee Markandeya from his clutches.

Another story found in the Bhagavata Purana shows Yama's subordination to Vishnu. The man Ajamila had committed many evil acts during his life such as stealing, abandoning his wife and children, and marrying a prostitute. At the moment of his death, he involuntarily chanted the name of Narayana (another Sanskrit name for Vishnu) and achieved moksha and was saved from the "yamdoot"s - the servants of Yama. Although Ajamila had actually been calling out the name of his youngest son, Narayana's name has powerful effects, and thus Ajamila was released from his great sins. Ajamila after having heard directly the conversation between the Yamadoots and Vishnudoots realized the importance of human life, left his family, did intense bhakti in Vrindavan and finally Vishnu appeared and granted him liberation from the death and re-birth cycle.
In art, Yama is depicted with blue skin and red clothes and rides a water buffalo. He holds a loop of rope in his left hand with which he pulls the soul from the corpse. His earthly counterparts in Mahabharata were Yudhishthira and Vidura.

In Buddhism, Yama is a dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas ("Hells" or "Purgatories") and the cycle of rebirth.
The Buddhist Yama has however, developed different myths and different functions from the Hindu deity. He has also spread far more widely and is known in every country where Buddhism is practiced, including China, Korea, Vietnam and Japan.

Naraka,"Narag" (Hindu);
Naraka in Hinduism serves only as a temporary purgatory where the soul is purified of sin by its suffering. In Hindu mythology, Naraka holds many hells, and Yama directs departed souls to the appropriate one. Even elevated Mukti-yogyas and Nitya-samsarins can experience Naraka for expiation of sins.
Although Yama is the lord of Naraka, he may also direct the soul to a Swarga (heaven) or return it to Bhoomi (earth). As good and bad deeds are not considered to cancel each other out, the same soul may spend time in both a hell and a heaven. The seven Swargas are: Bhuvas, Swas (governed by Indra), Tharus, Thaarus, Savithaa, Prapithaa, and Maha (governed by Brahma).

Naraka (Sikhis);
The idea of Naraka in Sikhism is like the idea of Hell. One's soul, however, is confined to 8.4 million life cycles before taking birth as a human, the point of human life being one where one attains salvation, the salvation being sach khand. The idea of khand comes in multiple levels of such heavens, the highest being merging with God as one. The idea of Hell comes in multiple levels, and hell itself can manifest within human life itself. The Sikh idea of hell is where one is apart from naama and the Guru's charana (God's lotus feet (abode)). Without naama one is damned. Naama is believed to be a direct deliverance by God to humanity in the form of Guru Nanak. A Sikh is hence required to take the Amrit (holy nectar/water) from gurubani, panj pyare (khanda da pahul) to come closer to naama. A true Sikh of the Gurus has the Guru himself manifest and takes that person into sach khand.

Naraka (Buddhist);
Naraka is usually translated into English as "hell" or "purgatory". A Naraka differs from the hells of western religions in two respects. First, beings are not sent to Naraka as the result of a divine judgment and punishment; second, the length of a being's stay in a Naraka is not eternal, though it is usually very long. Instead, a being is born into a Naraka as a direct result of his or her previous karma (actions of body, speech and mind), and resides there for a finite length of time until his karma has exhausted its cumulate effect.
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Post by agakhani_1 »

In my OPINION modern Daet Kalingo is CAPITALISM and its side kicks like world stock markets, hedge funds, mutual funds, corruption, kick backs all revolving around GREED and is called IDOLATORY OF MONEY AND WEALTH.

You can interpret whatever you think about the word "Daint Kalinga" but.........
In Ismaili ginans, many pirs directly pointed out and mentioned China
(the ruler of that time in China) as a Daint Kalingo, so there is know question arise that who will be Daint Kalingo! please read following ginanic verse.
There are many verses but right now at work I only recall one:-

"Eji Chinab nagari mahe daint kero vaas"

Chinab: china
Vass: Daint's residence

FYI:- China will become more powerful even America will be afraid to fight with China, One of day China will attack many neighbouring countries including India!!!

"Eji Dildi/Delhi Gadhe Kalingo Besase ji"
Means Kalingo will sit in Delhi and (rule from there)!!

"khonn navaannu taaro khuddie tale jaae se,
na jaannu sehen taaro sie mukhe jaaese;
tab tuje konn chhoddaave ho ji 1

Sahen: Army
Khonn: One division of an army, normally 10,000 or 32,000 soldiers
Khuddie tale: under horses’ feet
Daint: The Lord’s enemy
Daannav: The Lord’s enemy (but more sly)

They above verses tells about the war between Daint Kalinga and our Imam. As per my own thinking our Imam will take leadership and become Caliph for all Islamic countries and he might fight with devil ( the daint )

"trann trann bhavanme Shaah maaro haank dilaave,
ne seje kilaave Sultaan ho ji. - naasare 2"
Sultaan: King (Islamic term) – Imam will be declared King of the Islam

For your Information:- China has border dispute with not one, two or three countries but its has Border dispute with 22 different countries!!!!!
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Post by nuseri »

Ya Ali madad.
My personal observations.
I feel any entity lower than ALI say when and what time he should speak out and what name he should have.
This is wishful imagination or even a level of speculation.
Any word of importance has to be understood in broad based batik context and maybe not in Zahiri narrow geographical context and jump into conclusion
The word daint is used to personify an ideology or dogmas of atheism & non religious population of the world and not a individual person or country.
There were only 5% atheist and non religious just 150 years back ,now they are almost 36%..they are gaining very fast in last two decades.a poet has to give a name and personify this scenario ( as they cannot define every word the word in poems itself.
Zahurat is evident in near future.
Number 7 will be central to it.
Period of 51-52 Imams would be important.
Name of Imam would be closest to the word ALI.
name of the Pir ( prophet by his right side on day of judgement) will be from Ahle Bayt with name closest to Mohammed.
It would be proclaimed in west ( magrib,pacham).We already have Lisbon matching it.
1600 years from ghadir e khum in Islamic calender years can be studied 25 years before or afters .1437 Islamic years gone.
Hint would more available from dates of Khuba e bayan date of Hz Ali,proclamation sermon of Imam Hakimbiamrillah,land qiyamat ul qiyamat sermon of Imam Alai zikrsalam.
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Post by ismaili103 »

For your Information:- China has border dispute with not one, two or three countries but its has Border dispute with 22 different countries!!!!!
Agakhani bhai I read in Ginan that, at the time of Zahoorat, Imams throne will be in Multan,Pakistan. As we know that Pakistan is the most powerful muslim country because its only muslim country who has Nuclear weapons.

What had been predicted is going on now adays, as we know the good and freindly relationship between China and Pakistan, China is investing billions of dollars in Pakistan like CPEC.

I'm sure that China along with Pakistan conquer every country and every religion and than China will decide to conquer Islam and at that time Pakistan will be the hub of Islam( as its predicted that Pakistan will be the most populated Muslim country by 2050).

And then Imam will come to Multan and war will start.
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Post by kmaherali »

ismaili103 wrote:Science rejects the existence of God, and this is what Kalinga is. Kalinga is negative aspect of science.
Science per se does not reject the existence of God. It is how science is perceived. If it is perceived as a means to boost the ego and the delusion that the human mind can create anything independant of God, then it serves as a means of rejection of God. On the other hand it can engender owe, wonder and humility in consideration of the magnificience of Allah's creation and hence increase ones faith. Kalinga is the former aspect.

Also I don't see any connection between science and communism.
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Post by kmaherali »

shivaathervedi wrote:In my OPINION modern Daet Kalingo is CAPITALISM and its side kicks like world stock markets, hedge funds, mutual funds, corruption, kick backs all revolving around GREED and is called IDOLATORY OF MONEY AND WEALTH.
So it has no connection with Surja Rani?
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Post by ismaili103 »

Also I don't see any connection between science and communism
Both has a common connection with China, China is becoming hub of science and inventions and in near future China will be the hub of Science in the world.

According to the Ginans, Kalinga is Science. As its mentioned by agakhani bhai by above Ginanic verses.
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Post by kmaherali »

ismaili103 wrote:
Also I don't see any connection between science and communism
Both has a common connection with China, China is becoming hub of science and inventions and in near future China will be the hub of Science in the world.

According to the Ginans, Kalinga is Science. As its mentioned by agakhani bhai by above Ginanic verses.
If China rises in the future, it won't be because of communism but Confucianism. Communism will kill scientific progress. There was an article recently which states:

"Cynics sometimes suggest that China’s rise as a world power is largely a matter of government manipulation of currency rates and trade rules, and there’s no doubt that there’s plenty of rigging or cheating going on in every sphere. But China has also done an extraordinarily good job of investing in its people and in spreading opportunity across the country. Moreover, perhaps as a legacy of Confucianism, its citizens have shown a passion for education and self-improvement — along with remarkable capacity for discipline and hard work, what the Chinese call “chi ku,” or “eating bitterness.”

And it will be many decades before China can challenge America:

"It will be many, many decades before China can challenge the United States as the overall “No. 1” in the world, for we have a huge lead and China still must show that it can transition to a more open and democratic society. But already in discrete areas — its automobile market, carbon emissions and now women’s chess — China is emerging as No. 1 here and there, and that process will continue. "

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/opini ... nted=print

In the era of nuclear warfare and sophisticated technology numbers will not matter.

If science is the Kalinga, why are we encouraged to study it, if it will destroy our faith which is more important?
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Post by ismaili103 »

If science is the Kalinga, why are we encouraged to study it, if it will destroy our faith which is more important
We should study science, it tells us about the existence of the Univerese. But believing that There is no God and everything is solely happening because of the science is totally wrong and that's actually kalinga is, the negative aspects of Sciene, those who do scientific research are also do many acts against the nature and will of God which is wrong and here's where concept of Kalinga developed.
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Post by kmaherali »

ismaili103 wrote:We should study science, it tells us about the existence of the Univerese. But believing that There is no God and everything is solely happening because of the science is totally wrong and that's actually kalinga is, the negative aspects of Sciene, those who do scientific research are also do many acts against the nature and will of God which is wrong and here's where concept of Kalinga developed.
That is what I said before. Science is not harmful but how we perceive it can be harmful. See my earlier post.
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Post by shivaathervedi »


Mohini is the only female avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. She is portrayed as a femme fatale, an enchantress, who maddens lovers, sometimes leading them to their doom. Mohini is introduced into the Hindu mythology in the narrative epic of the Mahabharata. Here, she appears as a form of Vishnu, acquires the pot of Amrita (an elixir of immortality) from thieving asuras (demons), and gives it back to the devas (gods), helping them retain their immortality.
Many different legends tell of her various exploits and marriages, including union with Shiva. These tales relate, among other things, the birth of the god Shasta and the destruction of Bhasmasura, the ash-demon. Mohini's main modus operandi is to trick or beguile those she encounters. She is worshipped throughout Indian culture, but mainly in Western India, where temples are devoted to her depicted as Mahalasa, the consort of Khandoba, a regional avatar of Shiva.

The name Mohini comes from the verb root moha, meaning "to enchant, perplex, or disillusion", and literally means "delusion personified." In the Baiga culture of Central India, the word mohini means "erotic magic or spell. The name also has an implied connotation of "the essence of female beauty and allurement.

The earliest reference to a Mohini-type goddess appears in the Samudra manthan episode of the 5th century BCE Hindu epic Mahabharata. The Amrita, or nectar of immortality, is produced by the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The Deva and the Asura fight over its possession. The Asuras contrive to keep the Amrita for themselves, angering the Devas. Vishnu, wise to their plan, assumes the form of an "enchanting damsel". She uses her allure to trick the Asuras into giving her the Amrita, and then distributes it amongst the Devas. Rahu, an Asura, disguises himself as a god and tries to drink some Amrita himself. Surya (the sun-god) and Chandra (the moon-god) quickly inform Vishnu, and he uses the Sudarshana Chakra (the divine discus) to decapitate Rahu, leaving the head immortal. The decapitated body becomes Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are both regarded as celestial bodies that assume one's destiny. The other major Hindu epic, Ramayana, narrates the Mohini story briefly in the Bala Kanda chapter. This same tale is also recounted in the Vishnu Purana four centuries later.
In the original text, Mohini is referred to as simply an enchanting, female form of Vishnu. In later versions, Mohini is described as the maya (illusion) of Vishnu. Later still, the name of the avatar becomes Mohini from the original phrase describing his deliberate false appearance (mayam ashito mohinim). Once the Mohini legend became popular, it was retold, revised, and expanded in several texts. The tales of Mohini-Vishnu also increased among devotional circles in various regions. The same expanded Mahabharata version of the story is also recounted in the Bhagavata Purana in the 10th century CE. Here, Mohini becomes a formal avatar of Vishnu.
This legend is also retold in the Padma Purana and Brahmanda Purana. In the Brahmanda Purana, however, Vishnu-Mohini simply, after mediation upon the Great Goddess Maheshvari, acquires her form to trick the thieving asuras.

Mohini also has an active history in the destruction of demons throughout Hindu texts. In the Vishnu Purana, Mohini defeats Bhasmasura, the "ash-demon". Bhasmasura invokes the god Shiva by performing severe penances. Shiva, pleased with Bhasmasura, grants him the power to turn anyone into ashes by touching their head. The demon decides to try the power on Shiva himself. Shiva runs terrified. Vishnu, witnessing the unfortunate turn of events, transforms into Mohini and charms Bhasmasura. Bhasmasura is so taken by Mohini that he asks her to marry him. Mohini agrees, but only on the condition that Bhasmasura follows her move for move in a dance. In the course of the dance, she places her hand on her head. Bhasmasura mimics the action, and in turn, reduces himself to ashes. The legend of Bhasmasura is retold in the Buddhist text Satara Dewala Devi Puvata, with a slight variation. In this tale, Vishnu assumes his female form (the name "Mohini" is not used) and charms Bhasmasura. The female Vishnu asks Bhasmasura to promise never to leave her by placing his hand on his head as per the usual practice to swear on one's head. On doing so, Bhasmasura is reduced to ashes.

In the Bhagavata Purana, after Vishnu deceives the demons by his maya female form, Shiva wishes to see the bewildering Mohini again. When Vishnu agrees and reveals his Mohini form, Shiva runs crazily behind Mohini, "bereft of shame and robbed by her of good sense," while the abandoned wife Parvati (Uma) looks on. Shiva is overcome by Kama (love and desire or Kamadeva, the god of love and desire). His "unfailing" seed escapes and falls on ground creating ores of silver and gold. Afterwards, Vishnu comes to his true form and reveals that his maya (illusory power) cannot be surpassed even by Shiva. Shiva then extols Vishnu's power.

In the Brahmanda Purana when the wandering sage Narada tells Shiva about Vishnu's Mohini form that deluded the demons, Shiva dismisses him. Shiva and his wife Parvati go to Vishnu's home. Shiva asks him to take on the Mohini form again so he can see the actual transformation for himself. Vishnu smiles, again meditates on the Goddess, and in place of Vishnu stands the gorgeous Mohini. Overcome by lust, Shiva chases Mohini as Parvati hangs her head in shame and envy. Shiva grabs Mohini's hand and embraces her, but Mohini frees herself and runs further. Finally, Shiva grabs her and their "violent coupling" leads to discharge of Shiva's seed which falls "short of its goal," suggesting the act was not consummated. The seed falls on the ground and the god Maha-Shasta ("The Great Chastiser") is born. Mohini disappears, while Shiva returns home with Parvati.

Kanda Puranam narrates about the birth of Shasta identified with Aiyanar. The text tells just before the tale that Vishnu is Shiva's Shakti (wife and power) Parvati in a male form. The legend begins with Shiva's request and Vishnu's agreement to show his illusionary Mohini form, that he assumed for the distribution of amrita. Shiva falls in love with Mohini and proposes a union with her. Mohini-Vishnu declines saying that union of two same sex women was unfruitful. Shiva informs Mohini-Vishnu that he was just one of forms of his Shakti. Thereafter, their union resulted in the birth of a dark boy with red locks, who was named Hariharaputra. Further, he was also known as Shasta and Aiyannar.

In the Agni Purana, as the enchanted Shiva follows Mohini, drops of his semen falls on the ground and become lingas, Shiva's symbols. His semen also generates the monkey-god Hanuman, who helps Vishnu's avatar Rama in his fight against Ravana in the Ramayana. Shiva Purana says that by the mere glimpse of Mohini, Shiva spurts out his seed. The seed was collected and poured into the ear of Anjani, who gave birth to Hanuman, the incarnation of Shiva. The latter is retold in the Thai and Malaysian version of the Ramayana. Though Hanuman strings from Shiva's seed, he is also considered as a combined son of Vishnu and Shiva.

Mohini seduces the sages. Mohini is depicted nude, adorned with garlands and ornaments, holding a lotus and a parrot, leaning on a stick. The sages pray to her, as their phalluses point to her.
Mohini plays a lesser role in a Shaiva legend in the Skanda Purana. Here, Vishnu as Mohini joins Shiva to teach a lesson to arrogant sages. A group of sages are performing rituals in a forest, and start to consider themselves as gods. To humble them, Shiva takes the form of an attractive young beggar (Bhikshatana) and Vishnu becomes Mohini, his wife. While the sages fall for Mohini, their women wildly chase Shiva. When they regain their senses, they perform a black magic sacrifice, which produces a serpent, a lion, an elephant (or tiger) and a dwarf, all of which are overpowered by Shiva. Shiva then dances on the dwarf and takes the form of Nataraja, the cosmic dancer. The legend is retold in the Tamil Kovil Puranam and Kandha Puranam with some variation. This legend is also told in the Sthala Purana related to the Chidambaram Temple dedicated to Shiva-Nataraja.
According to mythologist Pattanaik, Mohini is just a disguise to delude the demon Bhasmasura, rather than a sexual transformation in this legend. Mohini is a disillusion, Vishnu's maya.Stories in which Shiva knows of Mohini's true nature have been interpreted to "suggest the fluidity of gender in sexual attraction". Pattanaik writes while Westerners may interpret the Shiva-Mohini union as homosexual, traditional Hindus do not agree to this interpretation. He also writes that those focusing only on homoeroticism miss the narrative's deeper metaphysical significance: Mohini's femininity represents the material aspect of reality, and Mohini's seduction is another attempt to induce the ascetic Shiva into taking an interest in worldly matters. Only Vishnu has the power to "enchant" Shiva; a demon who tried to enchant and hurt Shiva in form of a woman was killed in the attempt.
Another interpretation posits that the Mohini tale suggests that Vishnu's maya blinds even supernatural beings. Mohini is "the impersonation of the magically delusive nature of existence which fetters all beings to the rounds of births and deaths and vicissitudes of life." Mohini also does not have an independent existence; she exists only as a temporary delusion, and is absorbed back into Vishnu after serving her purpose.
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Post by agakhani_1 »

Zahurat is evident in near future.
Number 7 will be central to it.
Period of 51-52 Imams would be important.
I surprised to read above sentences from Nuseri, an diehard Ali lover!! but.. he makes me happy this time ; believing in Zahurat too !!Yes, brother Nuseri 51 - 52 Imams will be important not for Ismailis only but for whole world because the Zahurat will be take place during 51st Imam.
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Post by agakhani_1 »

What is different between 'MAYA' and "MOHINI"!?
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Post by shivaathervedi »

Only a Pir can explain and interpret accurately what he meant in ginans.
We are debating according to our education, knowledge and experiences.
Some equates Kalingo with Shaitan. Some say kalingo was a king of China. Some elaborates Kalingo is science or negative science. Some compare it with Communism and some with Capitalism. Some say Kalingo is symbol of maya.
I have some other interpretations;
There is Daet Kalingo in every person.
Kalingo is Nafs Amara.
Kalingo is PUNJ BHU.
kalingo is maya.
Kalingo is Mohini.
Kalingo is a negative force/thinking.
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Post by shivaathervedi »

agakhani wrote:What is different between 'MAYA' and "MOHINI"!?

Maya is illusion.
Mohini is a name mostly used for a beautiful woman or 'Dil Ruba'.
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Post by shivaathervedi »

kmaherali wrote:
shivaathervedi wrote:In my OPINION modern Daet Kalingo is CAPITALISM and its side kicks like world stock markets, hedge funds, mutual funds, corruption, kick backs all revolving around GREED and is called IDOLATORY OF MONEY AND WEALTH.
So it has no connection with Surja Rani?

I asked the question because it is mentioned in Sat Panthi literature.
If Daet Kalingo is real and around means Surja Rani should be real and around.
Or both terminologies are in symbolic forms that's why we have different interpretations. What you think, Is Surja Rani alive?