Wow I love you Pirs...kmaherali wrote:That is the zahir for the whole mankind. But from the batin there is a verse of the Ginan: E Sabhaga:junglikhan4 wrote:It was the copy of same Usmania Quran kissed by Shah Karim Hazar Imam in public.
In first paragraph of preamble, Imam has mentioned," Islam, as revealed in the Holy Quran, is the final message of Allah to mankind and is universal and eternal."
e sabhaagaa aape shaah mulaa aape shaah kaazee
aape ved kuraan sabhaagaa.............................8
O fortunate one, the Imam himself is the scholar, He himself is the judge, He himself is the ved (holy scriptures) and the Qur'aan, fortunate one.
Look at the verse , Pir tell us everything ,but only fortunate can get it that real Quran is itself Imam.
Its sad that most of the ismailies are unfortunate that they didn't know that Imam is Itself Quran and they keep believing that Allah's guidance is only limited in 30 know why, because their Allah is too small and not more than 30 chapters, but my ALLAH IS GREAT. He give me guidance time by time.