dear nuseri -
Call me what you wish. But, I don't judge you. On the contrary, I pray that you may find what you are looking for. You pretend to have found what you were looking for, and if that's true, then I am happy for you. But, at least it doesn't manifest from the way you are exhibiting. Anyways, it's non of my business how good you shout Ali is Allah. After all, it's your problem, not mine. We are here for one purpose, and one purpose only. To share & learn. From the very beginning, you haven't posted any useful information, except boasting how good you shout on top of your lung Ali is Allah [oh, wait... ALI+LAH=ALLAH]. But, fact of the matter is, no body cares about your faith or iman. And you can't prove it by boasting. your iman is known to Mauwla, and let's leave it to Mauwla to judge us who's monkey and who's not! apparently everyone's to the straight path, according to themselves, but only God knows. that's why to judge, is a sign of weakness. You just showed yours.
Imam never contradicts Himself. You are rejecting Imam's Farmaan, by providing another Farmaan? Tell me, what's wrong with memorizing and understanding the meaning of the Du'a? Is it really harmful and make every murid goomrah? Then why Imam asks us to be regular at Jama'at khana? Why Imam asks us to memorize and understand the meaning of our Du'a? Well, my good friend, you apparently have your own weird theory, and if you are happy with it, then I am happy for you.
Shariat, Tariqat, Haqiqat, Mahrifat and Fana are all stations, much like steps of the stairs that one must pass through each one. Until and unless you don't fully understand one, you can not proceed to the next station. You boast that you don't need shariat, tariqat and haqiqat, but you have no clue even about shariat, let alone higher stations. I think you are illusionist, in your mind you are up above, but in reality, you maybe lower than those who regularly exercise shariat. That's my understanding, but God knows best.
Our tariqa may have affinity with sufism, but our tariqa is NOT sufi. Ours is better actually. You need to study our faith vs sufism to understand the differences. Saying that our faith is sufi, is purely out of ignorance. And btw, you say that based on what? based on your gut feeling? or it just sounds good? or you want everyone to just take your words?
You say you know batin of Qur'an, and yet you have no clue what's surah Ikhlas is all about. It's funny isn't it?
And please no name calling. Leave that for high school kids, unless you are one.
Just a friendly tip, and please don't get it the wrong way. Improve your English a bit. After all, that's also one of the Farmaan of the Imam. [oh, wait... you don't care about Farameen of the Imam. Never mind]