It is better to express one's own conviction then to read n quote from a book with no conviction of one own self.( a rationalist with no faith)
Right !!....I'm a rationalist who treats other religions as second class....I'm a rationalist who does not believe quran in entirety yet wants some clarification on certain aayats.
The gallant verses from Hinduism Which you copy pasted , was defining what is GOD rather than where he is?
As usual you read those verses without applying intellect which is common thing for you.
I am the Supersoul, seated
in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all beings.
What does in the hearts of all living entities mean babaji ??...Does that mean god resides in all of us or God is a copyright stuff of ismailis only [as per you] ??
We recite in our holy dua 3 times a day
1:2 Praise belongs to God, Lord of the Worlds,
What makes you think god will restrict himself into ismaili imams only ??
It is very unfortunate the follower of those very sayings found GOD (where?) in idols till date.
I dont have to look here and there to find god, for god resides in all of us and thats what Im trying to show your from day 1...Since you're god fearing and not god loving you idolize god into beings that in return are created by god himself.
They still have over 18400 cycles of life to come into the faith of ours of where they can see GOD.
So you're saying all this time you been playing disco dandiya with us with all your ali allah theory ??....When its gonna take 18,400 cycles to see god why then come up with idiotic stories ??
I simply follow the Farmans n practice Ibadat to convince myself rather read somebody promoting Hinduism/Sunnism and rationalist propaganda/links.
You call yourself an ibadati ??...An ibadati is the one who doesnt differentiate between the night and the day [different faith].....An ibadati is the one who is soft heart and not corrupt hearted. For ibadati is the one who Worship one god but you my friend worship an idol. So please do not compare yourself with those who are mentally and spiritually sound.
In the year 1962 in nairobi where the jamat was busy giving themselves the title or in some cases were writing letters to imam e zaman to make them Vazir, Count or Itmadi. You know what our imam said :
"If you start wanting to be called Vazir or Count or Itmadi, this is a very big mistake. We are not going to become the type of worldly minded people who are know to muslims as KAFIROON.......What is important is the light that you have in your hearts which you get from prayers".
Nairobi Oct 5, 1962
I am the Supersoul, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all beings.
What is important is the light that you have in your hearts which you get from prayers.
What is the similarity between what Krishna said and what Mawlana Hazar Imam said ??? Do you see any similarity between the two ??
Plus on top of that, when hazar imam got upset with this name calling in between the jamat how would he feel when ignorant's like you make him and treat him like god ??
It is very sad that you not an Ismaili n blessed with our Farmans n Ibadat to be convinced as other Momins who have just few previous postings express their absolute faith in our Imam (ALI).
I congratulate n salute them.
And its very sad that you're an ismaili by birth but the faith is yet to reach your heart.
Question to you: Where is GOD?
In two just lines ONLY from your educated mind.
Let the Forum know your faith visavis them
God resides in all of mawlana sultan mohammad shah said
Islamic doctrine goes further than the other great religions, for it proclaims the presence of the soul, perhaps minute but nevertheless existing in an embryonic state, in all existence - in matter, in animals, trees, and space itself. Every individual, every molecule, every atom has its own spiritual relationship with the All-Powerful Soul of God.
We Ismailis may be destinated to Hell because of our conviction.
Stop trying to categorize all ismailis as NUSERIS .... Speak for yourself brother for I know many ismailis that does not hold the same view like you do...Plus talking about Imam Ali[as] birth place being kaaba...Do you even know our rasool[saw] along with Imam Ali[as] demolished all the idols that were there in kaaba ??
But you are surely confirming yourself to 'Hot n Happening'
destination afterlife.
Lets just leave that on your god that resides in imam[as] and my god that resides everywhere