Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Post by a.poonjani »

i dnt know in which section to post this question so sorry for inconvenience
i was just sitting at the gathering with my teachers and friends and we were discussing about human and animal's intelligence.. and we concluded it with that the animals have intellect and they use the same for their survival.. but after this discussion some questions raised in my mind that if both animals and human have intellect and they both use it then why humans have been considered as ASHRAF UL MAKHLOOQAT.. ???
few answers which i derived were
1) the reasoning power... animals can't reason upon their act.
2) the theoretical knowledge.. we humans have theoretical knowledge regarding our surroundings.. so we before doing something think, plan and then act upon it..
3) intellectual freedom.. humans have right to differentiate between right and wrong.. they have the freedom to understand and have the freedom to choose whether they have to go with the teachings of Allah or no....

i dnt know whether my points are valid or not.. please share your ideas and if their is any spiritual answer to it please do share i really need to clear this concept..
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Post by agakhani »


You asked us question and also you answered of your own question, well your answers are right but let me clear it here, that not all animals has intelligence. Some animals like whale, elephants, ants, gorillas, horse,dog e.t.c have some intellects but it has been not scientifically proven yet, (if it has proven that I don't know) by the way peoples claiming that they experienced that animals also have some intelligence, so they may be right that animals may have some intelligence but one thing is sure that animals intelligence is not as much as we Human being has. In short human being is a best creation of almighty Allah, as long as intelligence is concerned once Allah asked few questions to angels but they couldn't answer that but when same questions were asked to Adam he answered correctly, so basically human being has more intelligence even than angels and that is why Allahtala mentioned human being as 'ASHRAFUL MAKHLUKAT" in noble Quran.
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Post by kmaherali »

MSMS says in The Memoirs:

"Islamic doctrine goes further than the other great religions, for it proclaims the presence of the soul, perhaps minute but nevertheless existing in an embryonic state, in all existence in matter, in animals, trees, and space itself. Every individual, every molecule, every atom has its own spiritual relationship with the All-Powerful Soul of God. But men and women, being more highly developed, are immensely more advanced than the infinite number of other beings known to us.
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