Instability; has stability in it
We ourselves; destabilizing economy by introducing inappropriate measures
The measures introduced; will not help anyway other than damaging treasure
We are trying to clean up mess by introducing reverse economical measure
I am thinking; as to why pumping in money; where is our intellect treasure?
This is a man-made crisis; let them find solution with intellect sharp; razor
Ups; and downs are there; let them activate sleeping cells in intellect better
Let them contemplate; where and what went wrong to regenerate lost treasure
I lost my house; nobody gave any stimulate package to save my only treasure!
There are; many examples; after loosing all; bounce back to rebuild treasure
This is the only way to come up; by striking back in; with intellect greater
This is called free economy in capitalist system; try with intellect sharp razor
Do whatever you can to accomplish your goals to rebuild your lost treasure
When a car overturns what you do; put it back straight to reuse as treasure
This has good insight in it with correct intellect's tools to precisely measure
But worry of ballooned image in society; instead of pumping air fresher
Let them replaced damaged parts (CEOs) with new ones to work it better
Worldwide many small businesses are failing; replaced by new ones & better
Is another right approach to streamline economy on its own in fresh weather?
Again they are talking of a man-made financial crisis; is in pipeline hereafter!
Financial instability has in it ‘Stability’ let it take a shape to build up a treasure