Questions about Ismailism from a Sunni

Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Post by shiraz.virani »

are you sure ??? because right now its you who is speaking against quran

when did i said that imam is not a guide ?? infact iam the one who said quran supports imamat

The problem is that you speak sometimes also from the rear end, apart from talking from both the ends of your mouth....and you talk so much that even you tend to forget what you had said....ismailis do not accept any other Imamat ! period ! they respect the beliefs of people but they do not pursue their beliefs....and you claim to be an Ismaili? from where? which slums? and then you are saying people should follow the sunni version of the text....what nonsense? you are a stove full of trickery and contradictions and then you come back to waste our time...

lol, as for now sister its you who speak almost all the time from rear end...oh wait wait !

well since you showed us a translation of some ahmed saheb i thought you in particular follow ahmed saheb [your ayatullah] or syed saheb who according to you is/was descendant of rasool[saw] :lol:

why do you always drag my brothers and sister in your sewer ?? whenever it comes to defending always keep them in're a real chameleon i should say !

again sunni ? :lol:

quran is not sunni or shia sister....quran is a universal message :wink:
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Post by pardesi »

znanwalla wrote: Since the creation of man, man has been a victim of blind imitation of silly superstitions, untruths and heresies. there is abundance of prostitutes all around us who have sold their faith for a pittance and are now happy to serve as "lapdogs"
shiraz.virani wrote: and i feel completely helpless to this situation is really very unfortunate that we have our sisters who are pushed to an extent where there are hounds waiting to eat their flesh....but the thing is sister, to those allah[swt] bestow zillions and show their stingy side those people are cursed matter muslim or not.

but there are also some females and in particular muslim who do it for quick you said last time sister , allah[swt] guides only those he wants !

its on a person to choose what he/she wants to do ! [FREE WILL]

You completely missed her point, yet again!
Read it again.
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Post by pardesi »

shiraz.virani wrote:well since you showed us a translation of some ahmed saheb i thought you in particular follow ahmed saheb [your ayatullah] or syed saheb who according to you is/was descendant of rasool[saw]
There have been several scholars who have translated Quran according to how they understood arabic. Most have differed in their translation of certain words. No big deal though. What matters is how it applies to each individual reader. Sunnis have their few favorites and Shias have their favorites. Syed Ahmed saheb's translation is one that a lot of people prefer to read as it is simple and straightforward.

Sayyeds trace their lineage from Prophet Mohammad through his daughter Fatima. They are not Ahle Bayt but still considered Noble in status. It is perfectly alright to follow their translation for reading purposes, whether it makes sense or not is a different story. And yes, Shiraz, Sayed Ahmed saheb does exist and has done a great job of translating Quran.
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Post by znanwalla »

Yeah ! he missed the point ! that is the problem with him....half the time he does not even remember what he has said....he is hoping people are not reading his idiosyncracies...

Virani....Zayd bin Arqam who has related the authenticated Thaqalayn tradition, has stated that the wives of the Holy Prophet (s) are not regarded as the members of his Household).

He was asked: "Aren't the wives of the Holy Prophet (s) considered as the members of the Household?" He replied:

"The wives of the Prophet reside in the Prophet's house but the Prophet's "ahl al-bayt" are those to whom the grant of "sadaqah" is religiously unlawful.

" Another tradition has it that Zayd was asked to name the members of the Household of the Holy Prophet (s).

He was asked whether the Prophet's wives were among his "ahl al-bayt". He replied: "No, a wife lives with a husband for a while and then might be divorced and go back to her parents."

Based on an authentic tradition narrated from Ummu Salamah and Abu Saeed Khidri, the "tathir verse" has been revealed about the Holy Prophet (s), `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn (peace be upon all).

In the Kisa' tradition, it has been stipulated that after placing `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn (peace be upon all) under his cloak, the Prophet (s) said: "O Allah, these are the members of my Household."

In response to Ummu Salama who asked whether she was also a member of the Household, the Prophet (s) said:

"You have your own place, you are virtuous." He said no more than this.

If Ummu Salama, in whose house the "tathir verse" was revealed, is not a member of the Household of the Holy Prophet (s), the verse will surely not apply to the Messenger's other wives.

In the interpretation of the verse "And enjoin prayer on your household ..." (20:132), Jalaluddin Siyuti in "al-Durr al-Manthur", has related Ibn Mardawayh, Ibn `Aker, and in al-Najjar as quoting Abu Saeed Khidri as saying that after this verse was revealed, for eight months, the Prophet went to the house of `Ali every morning at the time of morning prayers and read this verse: "... Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying (33:33)." ("Al-Durr al-Manthur" 198/5 and 199; "Fadail al-Khamsah"; 226/1).

Another tradition has it that from the fortieth day after the consummation of the marriage of `Ali (`a) and Fatimah (`a), the Prophet (s) every morning went to their house and said: "Peace be upon you, O members of the House and the mercy and blessings of Allah. I will fight with whoever fights with you and I will be reconciled with whoever is reconciled with you." He then recited the "tathir verse".

Ibn `Abdul-Bar in "al-isti`ab" 598/2; Abu Dawud Tialisi in "Sahih" 274/8; and Firoozabadi in "Fadail al-Khamsah" 236/1 have put at forty the number of mornings when the Prophet (s) went to the house of `Ali (`a) and Fatimah (`a).

In the "Jami al-Bayan" interpretation, Tabari has said that this was done for seven months. Siyuëi (in "Al-Durr al-Manthur", 199) has quoted Ibn `Abbas as saying that after the verse "And enjoin prayer on your household ..." (20:132) was revealed, the Holy Prophet (s) for nine months went to the house of `Ali (`a) five times a day and called on the members of the house to keep up the prayer. Each time, he recited the "tathir verse".

This is possible because the Holy Prophet's house was close to that of `Ali (`a). Its door opened inside the mosque.

So whenever the Messenger (s) of Allah wanted to go to the mosque, he had to pass the house of `Ali (`a) and Fatimah (`a).

In "Al-Mustadrak alal-Sahihayn", Hakim Nishaburi quotes `Abdullah bin Ja'afar bin Talib as saying that when the Messenger (s) of Allah looked to the blessings coming down, he said, "Call on them." Safiyeh said, "O Messenger of Allah, whom should we call upon?" He replied, "The members of my Household: `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn."

They were called upon.

Then the Prophet (s) placed his cloak over them and raised both hands and said, "O Allah, these are the members of my Household. Peace be upon Muhammad and upon the Household of Muhammad." Almighty Allah revealed the verse, "... Allah only desires to keep away ... (33:33)."

Hakim Nishaburi said this tradition is an authenticated tradition. The Holy Prophet (s) taught them to send greetings upon his household ("`Ayan al-Shi`ah" 358/1; "Fadail al-Khamsah" 227/1; "Al-Mustadrak" 147/3). Ibn Jurir and Ibn Abi Hatam have quoted Qutadah as saying that in relation to the verse, "... Allah only desires to keep away ... (33:33)", the Prophet (s) stated, "These are the members of my Household, and Allah has purified them of any uncleanness and granted them His mercy.

We serve as the tree of prophethood, the pillar of mission, the place of passage of angels, the house of mercy, and the wealth of knowledge" ("Al-Durr al-Manthur", 198/5-199).

C- In "Al-Mustadrak al-Sahihayn", Hakim Nishaburi has quoted this authentic tradition from Ibn `Abbas: The Holy Prophet (s) stated, "Love Allah who gives you food out of his bounty and love me for His love and love the members of my Household because of love for me."

He also relates this tradition which he considers authentic from Abu S`ad Khidri: "Whoever shows animosity toward us the members of the Household will be cast into the fire." ("A'yan al-Shi`a", 315/1).

Hakim Nishaburi in "Al-Mustadrak", 149/3 and Ibn Hajar in "Sawaiq", 140 have related Ibn `Abbas as quoting the Prophet (s) as saying: "The stars are the source of the earth and the members of my Household are the source of the "ummah" (people)." Another tradition refers to the same: "The stars are the refuge for the dwellers of the heavens and my "ahl al-bayt" are the refuge for the "ummah" ("Kanz al-A'mal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wal-Af`al" 116/6).

Another tradition has said: "the stars are the refuge for the dwellers of the skies. So if the stars are destroyed, the dwellers of the skies will also be destroyed.

The members of my Household are the refuge for the dwellers of the earth. If they are destroyed, the dwellers of the earth also be destroyed" (Muhib Tabari in "Zakhair al-`Uqba", 17/1 and `Ali bin Sultan Muhammad Qari in "Mirqat al-Mafatih" 610/5, Egypt, 1339 A.H.).
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Post by shiraz.virani »

So how far apart are these taps and the basin? I thought that muslims are to wash their feet upto their ankles for wadoo purposes. Whats the purpose of washing upto their knees?
muslims do that for a simple fact that its mentioned in quran ! its like saying why salah ? why fast ?

plus they dont wash upto their knees brother ....i mean you can if you want[thats what i said in my earlier posts] to but according to quran its only upto ankles. [surah 5:6]


You may very well be an ismaili, may be an ex-ismaili, but the question is why some including me think that you are not in the fold anymore. Ever wondered yourself? I'll give you a hint. Take a break from this website and go read all your posts on this thread. Go as far back as you possibly can and see how many contradictory posts or statements you have made.
I dont care to list them here but I have pointed them out to you every now and then, if you paid attention.
for the very simple reason believe in imamat and i believe in both imamat and itrat....thats the big difference

you wont find any contradiction unless you read it with an open mind , ie keeping both quran and imamat in mind.

infact you can see that i even gave references from ginan !
As much love and devotion you showed towards the Imam in one breadth and in the next you have stripped him of every God given privilege giving the impression that your intent is not what you are preaching. Dasond is a fundamental in Ismaili tariqa just like Zakah is to you yet you have argued that dasond is only on left overs and even then only 2.5%. The 2.5% is pir's share. What happened to the 10% for the Imam? You mentioned in your previous post that you were on some kind of a board in India, may be tariqa board - then how come you faltered on a fundamental belief of dasond?
again you misquoted me brother !

i asked you why should we pay dasond after govt taxes ?? for which i never got answer !

and what i told is that i pay 12.5% after deducting my expenses ! where are you pay before !

Do you believe all Imam's are one and the same? They all carry the same noor. If you said yes then my question to you is ; What did Imam Ali said in the battle of Siffin? Did he not say he was the speaking Quran? So how can someone be a "bolta Quran" if he does not have that imbedded onto his heart? You have argued that the Imam-e-Zaman does not have the Quran in him. These are just the two questions I have raised. I have a list 3 pages long for all your falterings.
I believe all imams are one and the same, i.e their duty is to interpret quran ! ..imam[as] is a teacher/guide ....and the job of a teacher is to teach and thats what our imam does !

you said imam ali[as] said hez a bolta quran....but when i asked you that if there is a bolta quran then whats the purpose of silent quran ....and that i think you skipped intentionally brother

i dont think imam[as] = bolta quran.....imam[as] is the interpretor of quran.
On the one hand you speak about pluralism pointing fingers at others saying if "this is pluralism that our Imam speaks of" and then on the other hand you are doing exactly what you are charging others of doing that is unpluralistic attitudes. My brother, where is your wisdom? What is your intent? Where are you going with all your arguments? Although we are discussing the mess made by the scribes of the Noble Quran, you keep forgetting that everyone has a right to have their own opinions. We can all have differing views and still be brothers and sisters at the end of the day, like you once said. What happened to that? You started calling names to Zina Khan calling her "inappropriate sex". My brother, this does not suit someone with your knowledge, if you have any of your own. Do you know what Zina means and what are the origins of this name? Google it and find out. I do not want to put you to shame here on this board.
pluralism is promoted when one is willing to listen brother !
if a person doesnt listen to what somebody is saying then you have to act like them , well i want you to goole zina and find out for yourself brother ...i know i shouldnt have done that but you seem more passionate towards her name instead of being passionate about quran !

yes everyone has the right to have their own opinion and thats what i said in the start and i quote :
sister znanwalla, its your frustration that bothers me, and since you wanna stick to your own interpretation iam totally ok with that...thats your belief... but please dont call the holy quran as a fairy tale etc etc , because even our 49th imam uses holy quran to make reference in almost all his speeches...
not once or twice i told znanwalla many times not to abuse quran but she did.....if you wanna clean the sewer[where she lives] you have to get in it brother.

These are just a few incidences that I have observed. Deep in your heart you know well who you are and what your intentions are, which sadly I still question.
my intention is to defend the very same quran from which we recite dua/namaz and ziyarat brother....if you question my intention then its like questioning your own faith !
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Post by zina.khan »

for the very simple reason believe in imamat and i believe in both imamat and itrat....thats the big difference

be specific ! which Imamat ? which Itrat?....I believe you said ALL Imamat !

muslims do that for a simple fact that its mentioned in quran ! its like saying why salah ? why fast ?

plus they dont wash upto their knees brother ....i mean you can if you want[thats what i said in my earlier posts] to but according to quran its only upto ankles. [surah 5:6]

brother, understand the ethic...go and re educate yourself on the subject....Znan, maybe you should educate this guy a bit more....he is ignorant !

I asked you why should we pay dasond after govt taxes ?? for which i never got answer

I think you are only contradicting yourself....your gift of the gab will not survive here....go back and read....clarifications were given....and ofcourse we have also seen your arguments on this issue elsewhere and what you have why are you now trying to hoodwink people?

my intention is to defend the very same quran from which we recite dua/namaz and ziyarat brother....if you question my intention then its like questioning your own faith !

Your intention is to defend something else other than the quran because no muslim will ever go against the quran and as always you are not reading or understanding what is being said?....go back and read properly and be honest ! don't act like a charlatan !
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Post by shiraz.virani »

There have been several scholars who have translated Quran according to how they understood arabic. Most have differed in their translation of certain words. No big deal though. What matters is how it applies to each individual reader. Sunnis have their few favorites and Shias have their favorites. Syed Ahmed saheb's translation is one that a lot of people prefer to read as it is simple and straightforward.
brother but the debate is not on translation because at the end of the day you are translating the same quran which as per znanwalla is uthmanic

the debate is whether there is any special quran with imam e zaman or in jamatkhana....and if there is any how can we obtain a copy of that ???
Sayyeds trace their lineage from Prophet Mohammad through his daughter Fatima. They are not Ahle Bayt but still considered Noble in status. It is perfectly alright to follow their translation for reading purposes, whether it makes sense or not is a different story. And yes, Shiraz, Sayed Ahmed saheb does exist and has done a great job of translating Quran.
I know but do you think all those whose name is SAYYED trace their lineage from prophet[saw] ??

do you think all of them are saying truth ?

brother the question is not whether i agree or disagree on sayyeds lineage the issue is "if imam e zaman has a different quran[as per znanwalla] they how come she is giving us ishna shari translations ?

why cant she me imam e zaman's quran if there is any so that we cant read and learn !

the debate is not on translations brother....the debate is on quran as a book !
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Post by shiraz.virani »

for the very simple reason believe in imamat and i believe in both imamat and itrat....thats the big difference

be specific ! which Imamat ? which Itrat?....I believe you said ALL Imamat !
all imamat = from imam ali[as] to present imam = 49th
muslims do that for a simple fact that its mentioned in quran ! its like saying why salah ? why fast ?

plus they dont wash upto their knees brother ....i mean you can if you want[thats what i said in my earlier posts] to but according to quran its only upto ankles. [surah 5:6]

brother, understand the ethic...go and re educate yourself on the subject....Znan, maybe you should educate this guy a bit more....he is ignorant !
:lol: is that an answer ?
I asked you why should we pay dasond after govt taxes ?? for which i never got answer

I think you are only contradicting yourself....your gift of the gab will not survive here....go back and read....clarifications were given....and ofcourse we have also seen your arguments on this issue elsewhere and what you have why are you now trying to hoodwink people?
where ?? given where ? its you sister who's trembling with your man made hadiths.....poor girl needs 2 i.d's to defend herself :wink:

you can check every place you but wont find any variation sister

i ask you again, kindly tell me "WHY SHOULD WE PAY DASOND AFTER GOVT TAXES ?"
my intention is to defend the very same quran from which we recite dua/namaz and ziyarat brother....if you question my intention then its like questioning your own faith !

Your intention is to defend something else other than the quran because no muslim will ever go against the quran and as always you are not reading or understanding what is being said?....go back and read properly and be honest ! don't act like a charlatan !

ha ha ha ha ha ........against quran ? uhm uhm , i think its you who called the same quran [uthmanic]....its you aka ZNANWALLA who said quran = fairytale and now all of a sudden when exposed from head to cry for quran ?

7:176 (Asad) Now had We so willed, We could indeed have exalted him by means of those [messages]: but he always clung to the earth and followed but his own desires. Thus, his parable is that of an [excited] dog: if thou approach him threateningly, he will pant with his tongue lolling; and. if thou leave him alone, he will pant with his tongue lolling. Such is the parable of those who are bent on giving the lie to Our messages. Tell [them], then, this story, so that they might take thought.

@ suits you best ......hope you get well soon !!!
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Post by znanwalla »

all imamat = from imam ali[as] to present imam = 49th

And so then who is the ITRAT? what then does the Du'a acknowledge? and the Sura which Allah asked muslims to recite as a Du'a do you recite it?

is that an answer ?

I am looking into it....but first things first ! I have noted Zina's comments...btw I have three IDs - even pardesi is me ! and if you want to know about the 4th one then let me know...

where ?? given where ? its you sister who's trembling with your man made hadiths.....poor girl needs 2 i.d's to defend herself you can check every place ...I ask you again, kindly tell me "WHY SHOULD WE PAY DASOND AFTER GOVT TAXES ?"

The responses to the same subject was what can I do if you are not reading?

I think its you who called the same quran [uthmanic]....

No ! I made clear distinctions ! go back and read...if your brains are infected with Trichnosis due to eating slum chickens, then what else can i say?

Now here is the reference that you challenged I had not made...

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Posts: 348

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:07 pm - Dasond


Ismailis do not have a book of Fiqh because they do not need it. Ismailis have a Living Imam and PIR amidst them and our Holy Imams and Pirs have actually removed all confusion about paying DASOND and Yes, it is from the NETT Income after deduction of taxes ....Dasond is paid from the "pure earnings" and not from any monies owing to the State or other people's property....and so the tax obligation means that tax portion owing does NOT belong to you and hence it is NOT part of your pure earnings...can you pay dasond from any money that does not belong to you? if so then even if the debts you claim you have, you should be paying and not asking if it is payable or I right?

You have an obligation to pay off your debts first and earn your livelihood justly and honorably....try and understand the ethic behind what we do? whilst the salat (Du'a) restrains you from shameful deeds, Dasond purifies one from sins and purifies the heart from the "love of wealth" and material greed !

Salat and dasond are the Two Pillars of Iman ! Allah is neither unjust nor cruel...if you have no income then the issue is clear as far as I can see....hope this helps and I hope that this was a sincere and honest question also, having no ulterior motives....the day you have an income then you have a definite obligation to pay or Allah describes those who don't as "niggardly" and it is in the quran...

There are many who have left our faith, i believe, because they did not want to pay view is that this is their loss - not that of Allah or HIS Prophet !
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Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:44 am Post subject: dasond


Scholarship is not a loan ! it is a prize or a grant given and so the advice given to you is correct !

Allah says....."who would lend me a goodly loan and he would multiply it for him and for him will be a rich reward.." (57:11).......

The fourth article of our faith is Dasond !

Dasond or "dasaans" means the tenth part or 10%.....The Holy Prophet has said : Give away tenth part of ...... (Baithaqi)

He has explained it thus :

One leather bag of honey out of every ten leather bags is obligatory. (Tirmidhi)

Hadrat Abu Siyadah has reported : I went to the Holy Prophet and said, O Prophet of Allah ! I have kept bees whereupon he instructed me to give away the tenth part.

On the basis of these traditions, the Hanafites, the Ahl alHadith, Ahmad bin Hanba, Umar bin Abdul Aziz and others are agreed that one is subject to Ushr.

Imam Shafei in one of his sayings has expressed a similar opinion, and Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas from among the Companions have also supported the same view....yet you will find the Sunnis are NOT paying Ushr (khums) but only Sadaqa of 2.5% .

Many translators of the Quran have unfortunately translated the word "Zakat" as "dues for the poor" but this is not correct !

Zakat is NOT Sadaqa !

Zakat must be given to the Prophet and/or to the Imams of Ahl al Bayt or his appointed officers and nobody can or should spend dasond of the Imam on his behalf or accord.

It is considered the return of 'amanat".

Imam has said..."Maal e Wajib" that is to say Dasond is the Imam's right and it is the foundation of the religion and whosoever pays will remain steadfast in faith.

Now the Holy Quran has no "fixed rate" of the Zakat but the Prophet, the Caliphs and the various jurists made different rates for different sources of income...let me give you some examples...(a) from unexpected gains or booty it was one-fifth (khums) (b) from agriculture it was one-tenth(ushr)...(c) from accumulated wealth or capital it was one-fortieth (2.5%) annually....

And so the muslims pay 2.5% based on what their jurists/Mullahs have said to them to pay.....but this system they follow is NOT based on the Quran which is very important to understand.

On the evidence of the revealed law (sharia) and the tanzil of this revealed law, the "trust" or "amanat" which the heavens, the earth and the mountains were unable to accept, was accepted by the humankind and Allah says..." WE offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains but they REFUSED to carry it and were afraid of it and MAN carried it..."

Only after accepting this trust that humankind deserved the prostration of the angels who are the noblest in creation and the angels bowed to Adam (except satan) but the angels testified to the descent of the MANIFESTATION of this person of DIVINE Knowledge (Shakhs i marifat i bari) amongst the individuals of the human species when he appeared amongst the human species and that is why as long as this world remains it can never be devoid of the Imam even for a short time as the world would become convulsed..."

Imamat exists since then - not since just 1400 years ! Imams have always existed .

Imamat is not a concoction of the ismailis - neither a new phenomena - Imamat is traced from Hazrat Adam, Abraham through the Prophets and finally through our own Nabi Rasoolillah....

"Lo ! of the covenant they will be asked..." says Allah !

So those who pay back the Khums are not doing any favour but simply giving back their own trusts...and we do confirm this also in our Du'a...."and fulfill your trusts whilst ye know...." is an all encompassing word....but where does it begin from?

Allays says to obey the Olil Amr ! The Pir o Mushid has told us what to give....

It is the Pir's responsibility and mandate to propagate faith....the PIR o Murshid (the mother who guides the children and show them the "straight path" which is the Imam e Zamana as it is the mother who introduces the father to the child and the child accepts this blindly on trust as the mother is the most trusted being - right? )

Thus the dasond includes the Ushr and the "shariati "zaka" and is all encompassing....The Imam has said that dasond must only be paid from profits earned ethically and rightfully - not from any immoral earnings....10% plus 2.5% = 12.5%

Dasond is given to the Imam in order to purify ourselves as well as the income that we earn and then spend for ourselves, becomes "halal". Otherwise what the children eat becomes "haram" conversely !

Many people also pay "Saar" which is a dasond "in kind" instead of cash.

There are many verses in the Quran about Khums, ushr and zakat.

"Dasaans" in prakrat language means 10% and our Pirs used this terminolgy for the arabic "ushr".

In the Bible it is known as "tithe" - the Quran has used it in the sense of "purification" from sins.

As per the Bible tithe is a commandment. Now see what the Bible says...

" And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the family of the tree, is the Lord's; it is holy unto the Lord and if a man will at all redeem ought of this tithe, he shall add thereto the FIFTH PART thereof...".....and this too is mentioned in the Quran and if I was to divide the one -fifth into five parts and if in the early days Three portions was given to the Imams, then it roughly works out at 12% also.....

Obligatory prayer and Zakat (Khums) have been placed as basic ordinances of the religion of every Prophet and according to the Quran even Abraham, Moses, ishmael and Jesus were ordered to pay Zakat !
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Post by znanwalla »

brother but the debate is not on translation because at the end of the day you are translating the same quran which as per znanwalla is uthmanic

How can the debate not be on the translations? secondly Zina challenged you on your arabic text and asked a few never answered them? thirdly 80% of the muslims are reading only the translations as only about 20% are arabic speaking and finally it is you who has been insisting that Ismailis use the "Uthmanic Text"...I have clearly stated that the history and what happened and how so many variant versions survived DESPITE orders by Caliph Uthman to destroy all previous codices which you claimed were ORIGINALS...and so when I asked you whether caliph Uthman had destroyed the originals you remained silent...
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Post by znanwalla »

I know but do you think all those whose name is SAYYED trace their lineage from prophet[saw] ?? do you think all of them are saying truth ?

and are you an epitome of honesty? even the King of Jordan says he traces his descent from the Prophet...

the debate is whether there is any special quran with imam e zaman or in jamatkhana....and if there is any how can we obtain a copy of that ???

No ! infact the debate is whether one should even call man made interpolations of the type you rave and rant about, as being the quran of God as revealed by Allah to Muhamad that is what the issue is all about? so don't act like a charlatan....there is nothing like a "special" quran ! there is the quran of God as revealed ! and the texts as compiled by men...upto now you haven't answered the question as to when does a revelation cease to be a revelation? why all the longer suras are in front and the shorter ones behind? and why did God perfect islam and then send additional ayats or suras? please give us the answers....don't go round and round in circles....
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Post by arshad1988 »

pardesi wrote: Sayyeds trace their lineage from Prophet Mohammad through his daughter Fatima. They are not Ahle Bayt but still considered Noble in status.

Why do you say they are not considered Ahle Bayt? I haven't heard too much about this, if you could elaborate. I believe the context in the Qur'an it speaks about the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and then the verb usage changes to gender neutral, to include all members of the household.
znanwalla wrote:
Zayd bin Arqam who has related the authenticated Thaqalayn tradition, has stated that the wives of the Holy Prophet (s) are not regarded as the members of his Household).

He was asked: "Aren't the wives of the Holy Prophet (s) considered as the members of the Household?" He replied:

"The wives of the Prophet reside in the Prophet's house but the Prophet's "ahl al-bayt" are those to whom the grant of "sadaqah" is religiously unlawful.

You shouldn't narrate reports which you don't fully believe in, in order to justify your belief. Here is the full narration:

“He (Husain) said to Zaid: ‘Who are the members of his household? Aren’t his wives the members of his family?’ Thereupon he said: ‘His wives are the members of his family but here the members of his family are those for whom acceptance of Zakat is forbidden.’ And he said: ‘Who are they?’ Thereupon he said: ‘Ali and the offspring of Ali, Aqil and the offspring of Aqil and the offspring of Jafar and the offspring of Abbas.’ Husain said: ‘These are those for whom the acceptance of Zakat is forbidden?’ Zaid said: ‘Yes.’”
(Sahih Muslim, Book 31, Chapter 4, Hadith 5920)

Do you believe that Aqil and the offspring of Aqil and the offspring of Jafar and the offspring of Abbas are Ahle-Bayt? If not, don't use something you don't believe is true, to prove your point. You say this is an "authentic" hadith. If you don't believe all of it, just goes to show how "authentic" some of these narrations are.
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Post by zina.khan »

all imamat = from imam ali[as] to present imam (49th)

Clarify what you exactly encompass within the expression "all Imamat" as all Imamat could also mean to include all the other Imams of all the other Sh' you mean only the Ismaili Imamat? or as usual are you trying to pull a fast one?
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Post by zina.khan »

You shouldn't narrate reports which you don't fully believe in, in order to justify your belief. Here is the full narration:

Both of you can only narrate what you both have read....what basis do you have to claim that your narration is authentic and if the wives are Ahl al Bayt then are all the 12 wives Ahl al bayt?...Kindly confirm...


Most Muslims have heard of one of the most ancient and famous Tafseer-e-Kabeer (The Great Exposition of the Quran) by Imam Fakhruddin Razi.

This Tafseer is one of the tops being followed by our Mullahs till this day.

After writing his 300 volumes, ‘the great and authoritative’ Imam confesses: “All my intellectual and supposedly logical statements in the explanation of the Quran turned out to be lame.

All the explanations of the Quran done by the so-called Imams (Tabari, Zamakhshari, Ibne Kathir, Bukhari, Muslim etc) are misguided and misleading.

All of us were the tools of Satan. Our souls were polluted by our physical desires.

All our endeavors and works of this world promise to bring upon us nothing but eternal humiliation, torture and doom.”

Hadith-Ul-Quran by Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi, 1954 edition, Pg
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Post by arshad1988 »

zina.khan wrote:You shouldn't narrate reports which you don't fully believe in, in order to justify your belief. Here is the full narration:

Both of you can only narrate what you both have read....what basis do you have to claim that your narration is authentic and if the wives are Ahl al Bayt then are all the 12 wives Ahl al bayt?...Kindly confirm...
Give me another report where you she took it from, and I will apologize. Notice how she gives references in other reports, but not from this one. I am saying this is the report she took it from.
Why are you signing up under two user names znanwalla?
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Post by znanwalla »

The term "ahl-al-bayt" (people of the house) has been repeated twice in the Holy Qur'an:

"... the mercy of Allah and his blessing are on you, O people of the house, ... (11:73)"

This verse refers to the people of the House of Ibrahim (s) (c.f. "Kashf al-Asrar wa `Uddat al-Abrar", 416/4 and other interpretations).

"... Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying (33:33)".

This verse, known as the "Tathir verse", refers to the Members of the Household of the Holy Prophet (s).

The Imamiyyah scholars of hadith and fiqh, as well as some Sunni `Ulama, consider the "ahl-al-bayt" cited in the "tathir verse" to include exclusively Muhammad, `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all).

They do not consider the Holy Prophet's other offspring, wives, sons of paternal uncles, and dwellers of his house as the Messenger's "ahl-al-bayt".

They base their argument on the genuine and authentic traditions narrated by the companions of the Prophet (s) recorded in the Sunni and Shi`i sources.

Under the following headings, this issue will delve into some of the said traditions and refer to some features of the "ahl-al-bayt" as narrated by the Sunnis:

1. Kisa' tradition; 2. Mubahalah tradition; 3. Mawaddat al-Qurba tradition; 4. Safinah tradition; 5. Other traditions.

So please go and read these traditions...I haven't manufactured them.
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Post by pardesi »

shiraz.virani wrote:So how far apart are these taps and the basin? I thought that muslims are to wash their feet upto their ankles for wadoo purposes. Whats the purpose of washing upto their knees?
muslims do that for a simple fact that its mentioned in quran ! its like saying why salah ? why fast ?

plus they dont wash upto their knees brother ....i mean you can if you want[thats what i said in my earlier posts] to but according to quran its only upto ankles. [surah 5:6]

The problem I am having is getting you to focus on what questions I am raising. You blabber too much and then when shown you refuse to accept your blabbering. I only asked you the reason for mentioning "washing upto the knees" when talking about wadoo. You didn't get my point as always. I asked you specifically if the taps and the basin are away from each other and I am sure they are. If the tap is provided, all muslims do their complete wadoo under the tap - they don't go looking for some basin or sink to wash their upper body parts like arms and face and head. That is why I said you blabber without thinking.


You may very well be an ismaili, may be an ex-ismaili, but the question is why some including me think that you are not in the fold anymore. Ever wondered yourself? I'll give you a hint. Take a break from this website and go read all your posts on this thread. Go as far back as you possibly can and see how many contradictory posts or statements you have made.
I dont care to list them here but I have pointed them out to you every now and then, if you paid attention.
shiraz.virani wrote:for the very simple reason believe in imamat and i believe in both imamat and itrat....thats the big difference

you wont find any contradiction unless you read it with an open mind , ie keeping both quran and imamat in mind.

infact you can see that i even gave references from ginan !
You believe in Imamat and Itrat? Did you forget something? This is what I call blabbering too much. Also could you define Itrat for me? Besides, that is not the reason why I feel you are an ex-ismaili, actually your views about Imamat, Dasond, etc. makes me feel that way. You have called our Imam "bolta quran" in a sarcastic way right here on this website when you said he only mentions same few ayats of the Quran implying that he knows not much about Quran. I read everything of interest with an open mind and twice and thrice before responding. Everyone who follows this thread will agree that you have not only contradicted yourself but also have shown ignorance about Islam and possessing second-hand knowledge about Islam from some websites. You paste articles from Internet and give it your name. I wonder if you ever completely read those articles before passing them on as your work?
As much love and devotion you showed towards the Imam in one breadth and in the next you have stripped him of every God given privilege giving the impression that your intent is not what you are preaching. Dasond is a fundamental in Ismaili tariqa just like Zakah is to you yet you have argued that dasond is only on left overs and even then only 2.5%. The 2.5% is pir's share. What happened to the 10% for the Imam? You mentioned in your previous post that you were on some kind of a board in India, may be tariqa board - then how come you faltered on a fundamental belief of dasond?
shiraz.virani wrote:again you misquoted me brother !

i asked you why should we pay dasond after govt taxes ?? for which i never got answer !

and what i told is that i pay 12.5% after deducting my expenses ! where are you pay before !
May be I am mistaken about you paying 2.5%. I apologize for that. But I do remember you always emphasized 2.5% as opposed to 12.5%.

Why we pay dasond after taxes? I have already explained to you why we pay dasond that way. Please go back a few pages and read it for yourself. You probably didn't care to read but I will explain again. You pay your dasond on the money you receive in your hands. At the end of the year when you file your taxes and if you have overpaid you receive that portion back and then you pay the dasond on the refund you get from the government. Ismailis do not pay dasond on left overs. Dasond is Zakah and not some sadaqa. You pay Allah's share first before you do anything with it.

Could you enlighten me on the reason Zakah was made obligatory in the Quran. I mean what is the significance of Zakah?

There is a famous story about Moses inviting Allah to come and eat with him. Do you remember? Its in the ginan! When Allah came in disguise as a beggar right around the time Moses was expecting Allah, he told his maid to give him the left overs from the previous meal they had and send the beggar on his way before Allah shows up. Do you remember what the pir says next? Allah refused to eat when he came back without disguise but did bring the beggar's staff and bowl. He said to Moses that He did come at the appointed time but you (Moses) fed Him leftover food "Makrooh khana ham ko bhaitia, Laali[maid] kay hath dilwaya" these are the words in the ginan. So how can you pay zakah (dasond) on left over money after you have fulfilled all your dreams and wishes. This actually defeats the very purpose of Zakah.

Do you believe all Imam's are one and the same? They all carry the same noor. If you said yes then my question to you is ; What did Imam Ali said in the battle of Siffin? Did he not say he was the speaking Quran? So how can someone be a "bolta Quran" if he does not have that imbedded onto his heart? You have argued that the Imam-e-Zaman does not have the Quran in him. These are just the two questions I have raised. I have a list 3 pages long for all your falterings.
shiraz.virani wrote:I believe all imams are one and the same, i.e their duty is to interpret quran ! ..imam[as] is a teacher/guide ....and the job of a teacher is to teach and thats what our imam does !

you said imam ali[as] said hez a bolta quran....but when i asked you that if there is a bolta quran then whats the purpose of silent quran ....and that i think you skipped intentionally brother

i dont think imam[as] = bolta quran.....imam[as] is the interpretor of quran.
How can you even think like that being an Ismaili? An Ismaili with the knowledge and background with some religious board in India at that? You did not deny that Hazrat Ali said that he is the bolta quran and you also said the all Imams are the same so based on that am I correct in saying that Hazar Imam is bolta quran as well? How is he to interpret the Quran if he does not have it in him. If he has the noor of Allah then what else is left that he does not have in him? You expect rather believe that Imam reads some Quran in a book form and then interpretes the verses. Are you not contradicting yourself? If Imam does the interpretation that requires a quran in a book form then what is the difference between him and all your other scholars who interpret quran the same way? Why do we need the Imam then? So what happened to your belief that you follow Imam? And how do you follow Imam if you do not consider him to be one of the "raasikoona fil ilm". Stop blabbering too much, please!
On the one hand you speak about pluralism pointing fingers at others saying if "this is pluralism that our Imam speaks of" and then on the other hand you are doing exactly what you are charging others of doing that is unpluralistic attitudes. My brother, where is your wisdom? What is your intent? Where are you going with all your arguments? Although we are discussing the mess made by the scribes of the Noble Quran, you keep forgetting that everyone has a right to have their own opinions. We can all have differing views and still be brothers and sisters at the end of the day, like you once said. What happened to that? You started calling names to Zina Khan calling her "inappropriate sex". My brother, this does not suit someone with your knowledge, if you have any of your own. Do you know what Zina means and what are the origins of this name? Google it and find out. I do not want to put you to shame here on this board.
shiraz.virani wrote:pluralism is promoted when one is willing to listen brother ! if a person doesnt listen to what somebody is saying then you have to act like them , well i want you to goole zina and find out for yourself brother ...i know i shouldnt have done that but you seem more passionate towards her name instead of being passionate about quran !
You do follow the Imam of the Ismailis, correct? This is what the Imam has very recently said and in my words he says; explain your beliefs to those who question your beliefs; if they don't understand, explain it again and if they still don't understand then leave them in their state.

Pluralism is co-existing not acting like someone who you think is going overboard. Imam said if they dont want to listen then leave them, not act like them.

I did google the name Zina and that is why I said what I said in my previous post. I do my homework before I open my mouth, unlike you. Zina has many different meanings according to country, culture, sect, ethnicity etc. One of them gave the name a jewish origin which meant "brilliant" and here is the link to that website ... ?name=ZINA

In the language of your choice and preference and interest it means "illegitimate sex" which you got stuck upon. Don't you have any shame? Don't you have sisters, daughters, mother, wife, etc.? How would you feel if I was to find a derogatory meaning of the name of your own sister or wife? What if our Imam comes across this website and reads the junk you have posted, especially calling a sister in religion as illegitimate sex. He is internet saavy, if you didn't know. He also text messeges with both thumbs at lightning fast speed, in case you didn't know that either. The name has several meanings like I said earlier. Accepting them all is pluralism.

shiraz.virani wrote:not once or twice i told znanwalla many times not to abuse quran but she did.....if you wanna clean the sewer[where she lives] you have to get in it brother.
What I see from your dialog with Znanwalla is that she is questioning the work of your scribes who are so dear to you that compared to them you Imam is nothing. Yes yes I know you didn't say that exactly but your posts speak louder than you. Nobody would ever dare question the holy verses of the Quran. I have tried to tell this to you so many times but you have been ignorant of them. IT IS NOT THE QURAN (ALLAH'S KALAM) THAT WE QUESTION, IT IS HOW IT WAS COLLECTED AND BY WHOM THAT WE ARE QUESTIONING. Can you prove to me that the chronological order of the Quran is the same as the Prophet had. I know you will come back with the verse where Allah has guaranteed to protect His Book. We never said the book is not protected. The book that your scribes put together is not the perfect work. We do believe that the Bible and the Torah have lost credibility because it is in the Quran. Could Allah not protect His message in those times? Then why didn't he interfere? Remember you boast so much about FREE WILL? Even in our times the Quran is desecrated by non muslims, burnt, disrespected and God knows what else, then why is Allah allowing it to happen? He has allowed free will and everyone will have to account for their actions in the hereafter. Its not the book that is holy, its the verses that are holy and therefore the book receives respect. In the Quran Allah says that if He willed He could remove the letters from the book making them disappear. What would be the value of that book then? Would you still consider it holy? The 48th Imam has said something about how Hz Uthman revised the book. Do you not remember, Mr. board member? Or are you saying he was wrong?

These are just a few incidences that I have observed. Deep in your heart you know well who you are and what your intentions are, which sadly I still question.
shiraz.virani wrote:my intention is to defend the very same quran from which we recite dua/namaz and ziyarat brother....if you question my intention then its like questioning your own faith !
Allah does not need people like you and me to defend his religion or His Book. What you are defending is your ego. You are not Allah or my Imam or a Pir that if I question your intentions then I lose my faith. You don't know nothing about my faith so please dont go there. My faith is between me and my Creator. Only He needs to know where I am going with my beliefs. My faith is not based on your intentions, so please.....

Ismaili dua/namaz and ziyarat is from the Quran that Allah revealed to Mohammad and gave it to the Imams as inheritance (its in the Quran). The verses are the same, translations are so many and interpretaions are countless and that is the reason the muslims are divided today. If the Imam has the right to interpret the Quran, as per you, then he has the right to pick whichever ayat he wants. The ones he picked obviously would match what is in Uthman's text, there is no corruption in the holy verses, just that some are missing according to some muslims, others are misplaced in various places, the actual chronological order is gone thereby creating confusion and opening up doors for a flood of individual interpretations.

Do you think the Imam has the right to interpret Quran just for Ismailis? or he has the right to absolute interpretation (for all)?
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Post by znanwalla »

Why are you signing up under two user names znanwalla?

actually three ! and if you need the fourth one, let me Zina is Zina...get the point ?

Kisa' Tradition

A. Jalaluddin `Abdul-Rahman bin Abi Bakr Suyuti (d 911 A.H.) in his commentary "Al-Dur al-Manthur", 198/5-199, Muhammad ibn `Isa Tirmidhi (3 279 A.H.) the author of "Jami' Sahih", Hakim Nishaburi (d 405 A.H.) in "Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn", Ahmad ibn Husayn Bayhaqi (d 458 A.H.) in "Sunan" (all three of whom have considered the Kisa' tradition as authentic), Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari (d 315 A.H.), Ibn Munzir Muhammad ibn Ibrahim (d 319 A.H.), Ibn Mardawayh Isfahani, and Ahmad ibn Musa (d 410 A.H.) have quoted Ummu Salamah, the wife of the Holy Prophet (s) as saying that the verse "...

Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a thorough purifying (33:33)" was revealed in her house.

At that time, `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) were in her house.

The Holy Prophet (s) spread his cloak over them and stated: "These are the members of my Household, and Allah has purified them of all (sins and faults and uncleanness)." B.

Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal, the Hanbali Imam, (d 241 A.H.), in "Musnad" 229/2 quotes Ummu Salamah as saying:

"The Holy Prophet (s) was in my house. Fatimah (`a) came to her father holding a stone bowl filled with "harirah" (type of food made up of flour, milk, and vegetable oil).

The Holy Prophet (s) stated: Invite your husband and two sons to come as well." `Ali, Hasan, and Husayn also came there and all sat down to eat "harirah".

Then, the Holy Prophet (s) was sitting on a cloak in his resting place and I was reciting the prayer in the chamber. At this time, Almighty Allah revealed the verse "Allah only desires to ...". The Holy Prophet (s) covered `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) with the cloak and then stretched his hand toward the sky and said: "Allah!

These are the Members of my Household, so purify them of all uncleanness'.

Ummu Salamah said: "I asked him: "Am I also with you?" He stated: "You are on good and virtue" (but did not say that you are a member of my Household)'."

This tradition has also been narrated by Ahmad ibn Muhammad Tahawi (d 321 A.H.) in "Mushkil al-Athar" 332 and 334; Wahidi in "Asbab al-Nuzul" 268 and Muhib Tabari (d 694 A.H.) in "Zakhair al-`Uqba" 23 have related this tradition.

In continuation of this tradition, Tabari has written that the Prophet (s) stated: "I am a friend of whosoever is friends with them and an enemy of whosoever is an enemy of them." The said tradition of similar statements have been recorded in "Manaqib" by Ibn Hanbal, 44, the microfilm copy of the book is available in the Parliament Library. Tabari remarked: "This tradition has been narrated from Umma Salamah by Ibn al-Qubabi in "Mu'jam" and Siyuti in "Al-Dur al-Mnthur" under the title of the "tathir verse", as well as by Ibn Jarir, Ibn Munzir, Ibn Mardawayh, Ibn Abi Hatam and Ibn Tabrani."

Khatib Baghdadi, Ahmad bin `Ali, (d 463 A.H.) in "The History of Baghdad" 278/10, has quoted Abu Saeed Khidri S`ad bin Malik (d 74 A.H.) as saying that after the revelation of the "tathir verse", the Holy Prophet (s) summoned `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) and covered them with the cloak he had on and said: "These are the members of my Household, and Allah has purified them (of every wrong and sin)."

The same tradition has been narrated from Ummu Salamah by Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari in "Jam`a al-Bayan" 7/22.

In "Sahih Muslim" (narrated by Sayyid Murtada Firoozabadi in "Fadail al-Khamsah min Sihah al-Sitah" 214/1), Safiyah, the daughter of Shayba, has narrated `

Aishah, the wife of the Holy Prophet (s), as saying: "One morning, the Messenger of Allah left the house with a cloak made of black material and bearing the design of a camel's saddle. Hasan ibn `Ali entered the place, and the Prophet (s) covered him with the cloak.

Then came Husayn, Fatimah, and `Ali one after another, and all of them were also covered by the cloak.

The Prophet (s) then stated: "... Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying."

This tradition has been narrated by Hakim Nishaburi in "Al-Mustadark" 14/3; Bayhaqi in "Sunan" 149/2; Tabari in the "Jami al-Bayan" Siyuti in "al-Durri al-Manthur" under the title of the "tathir verse".

In addition, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal, Ibn Abi Hatam have narrated it from `Aishah. Zamakhshari in "Kashshaf" and Fakhr Razi in "Tafsir Kabir" have also related this tradition.

It seems that the recorders of traditions are unanimous about the authenticity of this tradition ("Fadail al-Khamsah" 224/1).

E- In the "Jami al-Bayan" Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari has quoted Shahr bin Hushab Ash'air (d 100 A.H.) as saying:

"When Ummu Salamah heard news of the martyrdom of Husayn bin `Ali (`a), she cursed the people of Iraq and said: `May Allah kill the people of Iraq who deceived him and left him alone. May Allah curse them.

Verily, I saw Fatimah while bringing a stone bowl of sweet paste for the Holy Prophet (s). The Holy Prophet (s) stated: `Where is your cousin?' She said: `At home.'

The Prophet (s) said: `Go bring him here with his two sons.' Fatimah returned while holding the hands of Hasan and Husayn.

`Ali also followed them, and they came to the Holy Prophet (s). The Holy Prophet (s) embraced Hasan and Husayn and made `Ali sit on his right and Fatimah on left.

He then the cloak as the carpet on which we slept in Medina and placed it over Fatimah, `Ali, Hasan, and Husayn.

He held the two sides of the cloak with his left hand. He raised his right hand toward the sky addressing Almighty Allah by saying: `O Allah, purify them of any uncleanness . O Allah, these are the members of my Household. Purify and cleanse them of any vice, wrong, and sin,' (He repeated this twice).

I asked: `O Messenger! Am I also a member of your Household?' He said: `You come under the cloak.' I also went under the cloak, but only after the Prophet (s) finished his prayer for his cousin, his two sons, and Fatimah (peace be upon them all)."

This tradition has been related by Ahmad bin Muhammad ibn Hanbal in "Musnad" 292/6: Tahwi in "Mushkil al-Athar" 335/1; and Muhib Tabari in "Zakhair al-`Uqba" 22/1.

The Kisa' tradition which has been narrated in different forms by the Shias and the Sunnis is very sacred for the entire Imamiyyah, especially the Shia of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, Iraq, and Yemen. It is recited in "rawdah" sessions (mourning ceremony) to have the wishes fulfilled and problems removed.

Some narration provide more details on this tradition.

Some say that Jibraeel and Mikaeel were also among the disciples of the Kisa' or were present there.

A divine revelation was descended on the Holy Prophet (s) to the effect that the world and whatever is in it is indebted to these five pure ones.
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Post by znanwalla »

Arshad, read this one....

Mubahalah Tradition

Sixty chiefs and `Ulama of Najran, headed by Sayyid, Aqib, and Usquf (religious personalities) of the region in the 10th year A.H. came to Medina to clarify their religious and political stance vis-a-vis Islam which had spread over the Arab peninsula and to engage in discussions with the Messenger (s) of Allah to realize the essence and truth of Islam.

After lengthy discussions which have been presented in details in Ibn Husham's "Sirah" 573/1, no agreement was reached on the position and standing of Jesus.

The Christians of Najran believed in the divinity of Jesus and considered him as the son of God.

This is while, based on the explicit wording of the Holy Qur'an (3:59), the Messenger (s) of Allah considered him as a prophet and the servant of God.

At the end of the discussions, the Prophet (s) suggested that the two sides engage in "mubahalah", in other words, to invoke divine malediction for the lying side.

The following verse was descended in this regard:

"But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our near people and your near people, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars." (3:61)

The 10th (and some say the 24th) of Dhul-Hijjah was chosen for "mubahalah".

The Messenger (s) of Allah ordered that in a field outside Medina a thin black "aba" (men's loose sleeveless cloak open in front) be used as a shade between two trees.

The Christian chiefs and dignitaries of Najran stood in orderly ranks on one side of the field, on the other side, the Prophet, together with `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn came from the direction of Medina to the shade.

Along this path, the Prophet (s), holding the hand of `Ali (`a), Hasan and Husayn walked in front with Fatimah behind them (c.f. "Majm`a al-Bayan". Interpretation of the Mubahalah Verse).

With such simplicity and grandeur, they reached the shade and stood below the "aba".

The Holy Prophet (s) recited the "tathir verse" and addressed the "ahl-al-bayt" by saying: "I will invoke malediction for them and you say `amin'."

Seeing such glory and grandeur, the Najran chiefs lost their self-confidence and felt that they were very puny and could not stand against Prophet Muhammad (s) and his Household.

They, therefore, accepted to pay "jaziyyah" and offered to give in to peace.

On behalf of the Holy Prophet (s), the commander of the Faithful, `Ali (`a), signed a peace treaty with the Christians.

The Christians were to annually offer twelve thousand exquisite clothes, a thousand mithqal of gold, and some other items to remain Christians under the umbrella of Islam.

On the basis of the "mubahalah verse", Sunni interpreters such as Zamakhshari, Baydawi, Imam Fakhr Razi and others regard `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn (peace be upon them all) superior to all other people and argue that Hassan and Husayn are the sons of the Messenger (s) of Allah.

The term "anfusina" in the "mubahalah verse" proves the unity of the heart and soul of Prophet Muhammad and `Ali.

The Holy Prophet (s) stated: "`Ali is of me and I am of `Ali." ("Fadail al-Khamsah" 343/1).

The "mubahalah tradition" has been recounted in different books of "sirah" and history with various wordings.

These include those of Tirmidhi ("Sahih" 166/2) which quotes S`ad ibn Abi Waqqas as follows: "When the mubahalah verse was recited, the Holy Prophet (s) summoned `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn and said: `O Allah, these are the Members of my Household."

This tradition has been narrated by Hakim Nishaburi in "Al-Mustadrak" 150/3 and Bayhaqi in "Sunan" 63/7. Hakim regards this tradition as authentic.
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Post by pardesi »

arshad1988 wrote:
pardesi wrote: Sayyeds trace their lineage from Prophet Mohammad through his daughter Fatima. They are not Ahle Bayt but still considered Noble in status.

Why do you say they are not considered Ahle Bayt? I haven't heard too much about this, if you could elaborate. I believe the context in the Qur'an it speaks about the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and then the verb usage changes to gender neutral, to include all members of the household.
Sayyeds and Sayyedas are the offsprings of the sons in the lineage forward from Ali and Fatima and therefore of the Prophet and are not part of Ahl-al-Bayt as they are not purified by Allah under the verse of tathir. Of course the Sayyeds of today were not present then and I am not sure if Prophet's son was alive at the time the verse of tathir was revealed. Read the next part of this post to get a better and more elaborated answer. If all Sayyeds were to be considered Ahl-al-Bayt then we will have a lot of people contesting for leadership. Anyways, Sayyeds are considered Noble and are respected by all muslims. Some may have gone astray, only Allah knows.

Ahl-al-Bayt in terms of its significance, according to Shias, is an institution, a system or a center for the leadership of the ummah and not just a household, although literally it means people of the household. According to my beliefs it means people of the system. An institution or a system from which righteous leaders (Imams) were to come after the Prophet to lead and guide the Ummah on sirat-al-mustakeem and therefore the verse of tathir. We also read in hadith literature that before the Prophet was given the Quran Angel Gabriel came down and opened up the Prophet's chest and took his heart and cleansed it with water. True or not I don't know but it is in hadith literature. So he was prepared and purified before being given the Quran. Likewise the institution Ahl-al-Bayt was created by Allah after purifying the people who were to run the system.

The verse 33:33 where this word has been used and like you said it points towards the wives as the verse is addressing the wives of the Prophet. Let us look at 33:32 and 33:33.

[Shakir 33:32] O wives of the Prophet! you are not like any other of the women; If you will be on your guard, then be not soft in (your) speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn; and speak a good word.

[Yusufali 33:32] O Consorts of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear (Allah), be not too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just.

[Pickthal 33:32] O ye wives of the Prophet! Ye are not like any other women. If ye keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft of speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease aspire (to you), but utter customary speech.

[Shakir 33:33] And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

[Yusufali 33:33] And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.

[Pickthal 33:33] And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the Time of Ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor-due, and obey Allah and His messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing.

When addressing the wives in 33:32 Allah is addressing the wives of the Prophet very clearly. I believe the beginning verse of 33:33 is a continuation of 33:32 which starts with a "And" whereas the verse of tathir starts with no "And" and there is a dividing full stop before the last verse. But Abdullah Yusufali has used "And" and the other two have not. Could this be considered corruption by either of the three translators?

The last part of verse 33:33 (verse of tathir) in my opinion has nothing to do with 33:32 and the beginning part of verse 33:33 and is a separate verse but inserted here for whatever reason. Lets not start an argument about this. It is my personal observation. Anyways, in the verse of tathir Allah has used the word Ahl-al-Bayt whereas addressing the wives He says "O wives of the Prophet!"

If you consider the hadith of the cloak one of the wives of the Prophet was present when this last verse of 33:33 was revealed and requested permission to get under the cloak but the Prophet refused her very politely and taking Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain under his cloak he points towards the sky and confirms to Allah that those were his Ahl-al-Bayt. There are several sahih hadiths to confirm this including one from Aisha.
There is no evidence that the whole verse 33:33 came down at once at that particular time. So joining the verse of tathir with the rest of 33:33 does not make it as one verse. Two different occasions and two different groups of people addressed.

May be brother virani could put better light on this.
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Post by zznoor »

The last part of verse 33:33 (verse of tathir) in my opinion has nothing to do with 33:32 and the beginning part of verse 33:33 and is a separate verse but inserted here for whatever reason. Lets not start an argument about this. It is my personal observation. Anyways, in the verse of tathir Allah has used the word Ahl-al-Bayt whereas addressing the wives He says "O wives of the Prophet!"
Interesting articles and views.

I do not want to cut and paste but following article can shed more light on this “Ahl-e-bait” issue.

Prophet’s Wives are Ahlel Bayt

Prophet’s Daughters are Ahlel Bayt

Word Games With Verse 33:33

Half Hadith-ing (Zaid ibn Arqam)

The Status of Ahlel Bayt

Verse 33:33 Does Not Make Anyone Infallible ... allibility

Love for Ahlel Bayt and Sahabah

Who are the Ahlel Bayt? ... lelbayt-qa
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Post by znanwalla »

Mawaddat al-Qurba Tradition

Based on the consensus of the exegesists ("Jam`a al-Bayan" Tabari 16/25, 17; "Hilyat al-Awlia" 251/3; "Al-Mustadrak" 172/3; "Usd al-Ghabah" 367/5; "Al-Sawa'iq al-Muharaqah" 101), the following verse has been revealed about the members of the Household of the Holy Prophet (s):

"...Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives ..." (42:23)

The term "Al-Qurba" in this verse, based on the traditions narrated from the Holy Prophet (s), embraces only `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn and no one else.

The tradition from Ibn `Abbas' has it that when the "mawaddat al-qurba" verse was revealed, the Prophet (s) was asked: "O messenger, who are your near relatives who should be loved?"

He stated: "`Ali, Fatimah, and their sons."

This tradition has been narrated by Muhib Tabari in "Zakhair al-`Uqba" 25/1; Ibn Hanbal in "Manaqib" 110; Mo'min Shabilenji "Nural-Absar" 101; and Zamakhshari in "Kashshaf" as annotation to the said verse.

In the "Tafsir al-Kabir", Fakhr Razi has related the said narration from "Kashshaf" and has said that based on this verse, `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn should be revered and sanctified.

He has also cited lines of verse from the Shafii' Imam, Muhammad bin Idris Shafii' (d 240 A.H.) in this regard.

A line of it is as follows: "If love for the members of the Household of the Holy Prophet is heresy, then the world should stand witness that I am a heretic."

Now if the wives are considered Ahl al Bayt then atleast confirm to us if all 12 wives are to be considered Ahl al Bayt including the Jewish and the Christian wives of the Prophet....someone here just said all wives are "mothers" of the obviously if all wives are to be taken as "mothers" then we also have a Jewish and a Christian please confirm...
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Post by shiraz.virani »

Brother pardesi said :

The problem I am having is getting you to focus on what questions I am raising. You blabber too much and then when shown you refuse to accept your blabbering. I only asked you the reason for mentioning "washing upto the knees" when talking about wadoo. You didn't get my point as always. I asked you specifically if the taps and the basin are away from each other and I am sure they are. If the tap is provided, all muslims do their complete wadoo under the tap - they don't go looking for some basin or sink to wash their upper body parts like arms and face and head. That is why I said you blabber without thinking.
brother i dont get this !
what difference does it make if the taps and basin are together or seperate ?? is it like the tap is on 1st floor and basin on 2nd ?

in which book did you read that a person should perform wudhoo only from that tap hole ???

did allah[swt] said that both the sink and basin should be attached ?

i guess you're the one who'z trying to act childish brother and not me !
You believe in Imamat and Itrat? Did you forget something? This is what I call blabbering too much. Also could you define Itrat for me? Besides, that is not the reason why I feel you are an ex-ismaili, actually your views about Imamat, Dasond, etc. makes me feel that way. You have called our Imam "bolta quran" in a sarcastic way right here on this website when you said he only mentions same few ayats of the Quran implying that he knows not much about Quran. I read everything of interest with an open mind and twice and thrice before responding. Everyone who follows this thread will agree that you have not only contradicted yourself but also have shown ignorance about Islam and possessing second-hand knowledge about Islam from some websites. You paste articles from Internet and give it your name. I wonder if you ever completely read those articles before passing them on as your work?
you're free to believe anything brother, when did i stop you ?

ITRAT - the family of the Prophet; belief in the Itrat implies belief that guidance comes through the descendants of the Prophet, the Imams.

Is that what you wanna know ??? Does that change the meaning ? Dint i told you that the job of imam is to guide ?
May be I am mistaken about you paying 2.5%. I apologize for that. But I do remember you always emphasized 2.5% as opposed to 12.5%.

you dont have to apologise brother as i told you last time, no matter what at the end of the day we are still brothers :wink:
Why we pay dasond after taxes? I have already explained to you why we pay dasond that way. Please go back a few pages and read it for yourself. You probably didn't care to read but I will explain again. You pay your dasond on the money you receive in your hands. At the end of the year when you file your taxes and if you have overpaid you receive that portion back and then you pay the dasond on the refund you get from the government. Ismailis do not pay dasond on left overs. Dasond is Zakah and not some sadaqa. You pay Allah's share first before you do anything with it.
what about monthly sales tax ? I asked about month to month basis and not yearly what if iam the owner of a business ? should i have to deduct the taxes ? if yes, then why ?

the point of asking is why is it that we have to pay zakat/dasond after tax usual you try to misquote me not once, not twice but again and again

i guess old habbits die hard !
Could you enlighten me on the reason Zakah was made obligatory in the Quran. I mean what is the significance of Zakah?
zakat is compulsary on those who earn !

in OTHER SISTER BRANCHES ...zakat is paid once every year
in ISMAILISM....dasond is paid every month , hence its the duty of any ismaili making money to pay dasond to imam e zaman...who inturn can use it as per his wish

the reason why its obligatory is because it serves dual purpose :

1] The growth and general welfare of Islamic society along with distribution of wealth;

2] As a purification of the contributor’s soul by cleansing it from selfishness and greed.

Islam is a religion that stresses deeply on equality and justice. Zakat sets out to establish these important principles on which our civilization is based. The Qur’an reminds us repeatedly on the importance of prayers (Salah) and Zakat.

the basic concept is helping poor and needy
There is a famous story about Moses inviting Allah to come and eat with him. Do you remember? Its in the ginan! When Allah came in disguise as a beggar right around the time Moses was expecting Allah, he told his maid to give him the left overs from the previous meal they had and send the beggar on his way before Allah shows up. Do you remember what the pir says next? Allah refused to eat when he came back without disguise but did bring the beggar's staff and bowl. He said to Moses that He did come at the appointed time but you (Moses) fed Him leftover food "Makrooh khana ham ko bhaitia, Laali[maid] kay hath dilwaya" these are the words in the ginan. So how can you pay zakah (dasond) on left over money after you have fulfilled all your dreams and wishes. This actually defeats the very purpose of Zakah.
brother if i can pay zakat after govt tax[ which already killed the purpose of zakat ] then whats the purpose of giving LEFT OVERS to allah[swt] ?

thats my question brother !

now its not like ismailis have special previlege of paying only I.T once every year, forgetting about CITY AND STATE if i pay tax 1st again then give zakat to allah[swt] again that is LEFT OVER.

dont forget we are talking about monthly and not yearly !

@ above ginan does not only talk about LEFT OVERS, by this ginan our pir also taught us about EQUALITY[small/big/white/black/muslim/non muslim], which we ismailis often forget

hence we see people like znanwalla calling quran with names.
How can you even think like that being an Ismaili? An Ismaili with the knowledge and background with some religious board in India at that? You did not deny that Hazrat Ali said that he is the bolta quran and you also said the all Imams are the same so based on that am I correct in saying that Hazar Imam is bolta quran as well? How is he to interpret the Quran if he does not have it in him. If he has the noor of Allah then what else is left that he does not have in him? You expect rather believe that Imam reads some Quran in a book form and then interpretes the verses. Are you not contradicting yourself? If Imam does the interpretation that requires a quran in a book form then what is the difference between him and all your other scholars who interpret quran the same way? Why do we need the Imam then? So what happened to your belief that you follow Imam? And how do you follow Imam if you do not consider him to be one of the "raasikoona fil ilm". Stop blabbering too much, please!
when did i said IMAM ALI[AS] is ??

there is a term called "IF" ....please read what i said again and then you can point fingers at me !

i tried to agree with you in order to understand that if imam ali[as] was a bolta quran then whats the use of silent quran ...and that is still unanswered !

its like a teacher in a school is saying to his students, you dont need no books for this subject...whatever i teach, you have to take it .. but the next day the teacher leaves for france...and in his absence he appoints pardesi as a substitute...if a kid has a doubt, he asks a question to the sustitute and since sustitute couldnt be in touch with the main teacher and if he has a doubts and couldnt find an answer, he looks for another substitute called = quran...

so if imam e zaman is a BOOK himself, whats the purpose of substitute [quran] ??

and how is it even effecting my relationship with imam in first place ?

and why do we ismailis say that the correct interpretation of quran belongs to imam e zaman [itrat] only ?

dont believe me ? lets read what imam said :

Ismailis have always believed and have been taught in each generation by their imams that they hold the rightful interpretation of prophet's[saw] succession , but there is no reason why other muslims who believe differently should not be considered as brothers in islam and prayed for and never publicly or privately condemned ,leave alone abused

memoirs of aga khan
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Post by shiraz.virani »

You do follow the Imam of the Ismailis, correct? This is what the Imam has very recently said and in my words he says; explain your beliefs to those who question your beliefs; if they don't understand, explain it again and if they still don't understand then leave them in their state.
yes brother and ill make a note of it
Pluralism is co-existing not acting like someone who you think is going overboard. Imam said if they dont want to listen then leave them, not act like them.
you could have said the same thing to your sister !!
I did google the name Zina and that is why I said what I said in my previous post. I do my homework before I open my mouth, unlike you. Zina has many different meanings according to country, culture, sect, ethnicity etc. One of them gave the name a jewish origin which meant "brilliant" and here is the link to that website
iam afraid you dint do it thoroughly this time ! read @ below and see what quran e paak has to say about ZINA ... ?name=ZINA

In the language of your choice and preference and interest it means "illegitimate sex" which you got stuck upon. Don't you have any shame? Don't you have sisters, daughters, mother, wife, etc.? How would you feel if I was to find a derogatory meaning of the name of your own sister or wife? What if our Imam comes across this website and reads the junk you have posted, especially calling a sister in religion as illegitimate sex. He is internet saavy, if you didn't know. He also text messeges with both thumbs at lightning fast speed, in case you didn't know that either. The name has several meanings like I said earlier. Accepting them all is pluralism.
and where was your pluralism when this same sister of yours called quran with names ? dont you have a heart ? you're the one who said you respect quran....then what were you doing when this same sister of yours was busy abusing quran ??

its unfortunate for sister zina that allah[swt] did mentioned zina in holy quran :lol:

Wala taqraboo alzina innahu kana fahishatan wasaa sabeelan

17:32 (Y. Ali) Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).

as somebody said last time


What I see from your dialog with Znanwalla is that she is questioning the work of your scribes who are so dear to you that compared to them you Imam is nothing. Yes yes I know you didn't say that exactly but your posts speak louder than you. Nobody would ever dare question the holy verses of the Quran. I have tried to tell this to you so many times but you have been ignorant of them. IT IS NOT THE QURAN (ALLAH'S KALAM) THAT WE QUESTION, IT IS HOW IT WAS COLLECTED AND BY WHOM THAT WE ARE QUESTIONING. Can you prove to me that the chronological order of the Quran is the same as the Prophet had. I know you will come back with the verse where Allah has guaranteed to protect His Book. We never said the book is not protected. The book that your scribes put together is not the perfect work. We do believe that the Bible and the Torah have lost credibility because it is in the Quran. Could Allah not protect His message in those times? Then why didn't he interfere? Remember you boast so much about FREE WILL? Even in our times the Quran is desecrated by non muslims, burnt, disrespected and God knows what else, then why is Allah allowing it to happen? He has allowed free will and everyone will have to account for their actions in the hereafter. Its not the book that is holy, its the verses that are holy and therefore the book receives respect. In the Quran Allah says that if He willed He could remove the letters from the book making them disappear. What would be the value of that book then? Would you still consider it holy? The 48th Imam has said something about how Hz Uthman revised the book. Do you not remember, Mr. board member? Or are you saying he was wrong?

really ???

Did allah[swt] allowed homosexuality as mentioned in bible ???

NO !!!

Do you think allah[swt] allowed incest as mentioned in bible ??

NO !!!

Did the bible or Prophet Jesus ( pbuh)say, that a priest should not marry or women[nun] should not marry

NO !!!!

allah[swt] said in the same book [ holy quran ] that the religion has been same from day 1, so if homosexualtiy/incest etc etc was allah[swt] words then surely we would have seen the same in quran e paak which we dont !

allah[swt] has given complete freedom to satan !!!....if you read bible it says that allah[swt] was angry with prophet suleman[as] for he did something wrong it ???

In the same quran brother allah[swt] relates the same story as to what actually happened :

2:102 (Picktall) And follow that which the devils falsely related against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved, teaching mankind magic and that which was revealed to the two angels in Babel, Harut and Marut. Nor did they (the two angels) teach it to anyone till they had said: We are only a temptation, therefore disbelieve not (in the guidance of Allah). And from these two (angels) people learn that by which they cause division between man and wife; but they injure thereby no one save by Allah's leave. And they learn that which harmeth them and profiteth them not. And surely they do know that he who trafficketh therein will have no (happy) portion in the Hereafter; and surely evil is the price for which they sell their souls, if they but knew

allah[swt] is all wise brother .....he not only revealed us what to do but also showed us what people did in the past !!!!!!

if quran was tampered, how in this world would you see the clarification....names of angels and so on and so forth ??????

5:48 (Y. Ali) To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah. it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute;
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Post by shiraz.virani »

You do follow the Imam of the Ismailis, correct? This is what the Imam has very recently said and in my words he says; explain your beliefs to those who question your beliefs; if they don't understand, explain it again and if they still don't understand then leave them in their state.

yes brother and ill make a note of it

this is my last post on this topic and i thank brother pardesi for reminding me the holy firman of our mawlana hazar imam and my duties.... I would also like to thank brother/sister zznoor for pasting some beautiful links which were very informative.

I would also like to thank brother arshad for sharing his views

I would like to thank sister zina/znanwalla for sharing their views on this topic.


yaa ali madad
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Post by znanwalla »


in which book did you read that a person should perform wudhoo only from that tap hole ???

So then why don't you explain to us how one is expected to wash their hands and feet if as you say that muslims do not have to perform Wudzoo from a "tap" ?

did allah[swt] said that both the sink and basin should be attached ?

Are you not contradicting yourself? because a sink and a basin implies a tap hole and a tap hole implies water to clean ? did Allah say that there has to be a sink and a basin, to begin with? kindly show me an ayah where the methodology and the tools required to do Wudzoo have been stated ? and then tie it up for us the story fo the "sink and the basin"

ITRAT - the family of the Prophet; belief in the Itrat implies belief that guidance comes through the descendants of the Prophet, the Imams.

Which Imams? which descendants? the pure and immaculate? or ALL ?

Kindly help us to understand the term "ahl-al-bayt" - what does "Ahl" mean?

What is the difference between "ahl" and "al" and what does "bayt" mean?

How does the term ITRAT automatically imply that the ITRAT gives guidance or qualifies to give guidance?....explain the basis?

What kind of "descendancy" are you talking about? haven't told us in specific terms which Imams you actually mean ? you have tried to avoid answering questions which have been put to you in specific terms....

"..the point of asking is why is it that we have to pay zakat/dasond after tax usual you try to misquote me not once, not twice but again and again ...

No ! it is the other way around....if you wish to pay Dasond without deducting the taxes or the sales tax then do so....when you are not even paying sadaqa of 2.5% what is the need to show us your "piety" unduly ?

The more you pay the better for it may go in your favour as long as it is not from "haram" income....

We have explained to you that it is minus all Government is there a need to debate any further when the PIRS have explained and given a verdict ? are you more intelligent than our Pirs?

You had boasted that I had not answered you on the when I showed you the evidence you are now chasing Pardesi....who cares what you pay or do not pay?

Yes! old habits die hard ! and they die hard amongst bigots like you who have made it their duty to blame their own ills on others who are more successful and vibrant spiritually and morally...Ismailis are more powerful and dynamic then you can ever be in this lifetime......

Your unrelenting stridency and the unrealness and hysteria almost to the point of self-flagellating, is simply disgusting and even your own will tell you so...

Ismailis are unduly exposed to the ignorance of those like you and have to face superstition and legends which have infiltrated the prophet's religion and this infiltration has spoilt the "heavenly messages" ..
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Post by zina.khan »


Your game is almost over ! do make sure you read my responses under "786" have been fooling everyone here....Znan, please respond to his claim about Namaz replacing Ismaili Du'a....but it is clear this subject is what Maherally has been is my sincere belief that an Ismaili (a) would not talk in this way (b) this chap is making statements as "statements of fact" and misleading everyone because as far as I know, Namaz is not replacing the Du'a and "Namaz" has always co-existed with the Du'a for centuries now and so what is this guy talking?

He acts as if they are great defender of islam and the quran - to me he is just a con artist !... instead of following the Deen of Islam (and that is what Islam is), he makes it into a religion of some home made "rituals".

This is human nature and it is this trend that keeps us all in such a squalid state.

These ritualists would have you follow their patterns,they will ask Allah to make things better. The Deen of Islam puts us as servants and Allah .

The ones who harm are such folks who demand submission to religious texts to justify their crimes.

They have the gall to call their cults "Islamic " when there is NOTHING Islamic about it or what they do !!

In this scenario the true Salaa is one where we have to change our lives and work hard for a result.

Being righteous, doing the right things and performing good deeds are often replaced by rituals of these cults.

Their rituals tell us that we have no power over our destiny.

They tell us that all work is to be done by Allah and that we are only to visit buildings and chant Arabic words (without understanding them) and then Allah will do all the work for us as if He is our servant.

When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a fornicator ! It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I 'should' be.

The ones who harm are those who believe that external
attributes such as a beard, a spot on the forehead [attesting to deep
genuflections during prayer], a veil, or a cloak are prescribed by Islam, and also those who accuse others of heresy and kill [them] on account [of these external attributes].

The ones like Virani AKA Maherally who falsely believes that woman is[lewd], and that she detracts from [the purity] of prayer ...
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Post by a_27826 »

shiraz.virani wrote:for dearest sister znanpurwalla :
Question No. 1: Why did 'Uthman feel the need to destroy other copies of the Qur'an, unless they contained variants?
Response No. 1: 'Uthman ibn 'Affan was elected as the third Caliph by a Council called the Shura. As the elected leader of the Muslim Ummah (Brotherhood), it was his privilege and prerogative to appoint a Commission to collect all the available verses of the Qur'an from the 'Ummah and undertake the task of preparing a definitive compiled copy of the Qur'an. The Commission established a criteria for this specific purpose. When this Commission, headed by Zayd ibn Thabit - a reputable scribe and personal secretary to the Prophet, came up with a finally compiled copy of the Qur'an, it was approved by 'Uthman for circulation. The Caliph also supervised that the faithful copies of it were made and circulated to various provinces and Islamic countries. Having accomplished that, the next obvious question before him was; how to preserve this canonized text from being tainted at a later date? There were thousands of collected verses from which this final canonized copy was prepared. The majority of this collected verses met the criteria established by the Commission and there were a few that did not. They all were now superfluous. One of the criteria established by the Commission was that any verse that did not have the collaboration from another source, should be rejected. To keep such rejected verses within circulation would be to defeat the ultimate aim and purpose of this
and it's efforts. Hence, 'Uthman felt the need to destroy these superfluous copies of the verses and preserve the approved text from being tainted. A true Believer would say, within these Revelations, Allah had undertaken to preserve His Final Scripture. The third Caliph was just an instrument of Allah to do what Allah had intended to do.

Lo! those who disbelieve in the Reminder when it cometh unto them (are guilty), for lo! it is an unassailable Scripture. Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or behind it. (It is) a revelation from the Wise, the Owner of Praise. (Glorious Qur'an 41:41/42)

Uthman needs to be complimented by every upright scholar for his wise decision. More than ever so, by the Christian scholars, after having seen what has come to pass and is happening even today with the unceasing publications and circulation of their re-revised and newly rerevised Versions of the biblical texts.

There is no evidence to show that the appointed Commission had disapproved or rejected the verses that DID MEET the established criteria. Nor, there is evidence to show that the Commission DID belong or adhere to a particular SECT of Islam and was biased in preparing the final copy. The history records that the Prophet (pbuh) died in 632 and twelve years later, 'Uthman was elected Caliph in 644. It was after 'Uthman's death, there arose differences within the 'Ummah. The divisions and the Religious Sects within Islam came into being after his death and not before. The critic's remark "unless they contained variants" is a speculative guess. Unfortunately, the Critic fails to see and appreciate the obvious and essential need for such an action. Hence, this rebuttal.

salam [peace]

yaa ali madad

Is there any way we can know what the verses contained which were rejected and burnt by the Commission established by Uthman ?
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Post by shiraz.virani »

Is there any way we can know what the verses contained which were rejected and burnt by the Commission established by Uthman ?

I wish I could time travel but Im afraid I cant....However, even if we agree for the sake of agreeing that there are verses ommitted or burnt down from the holy quran, could you tell me which surah looks incomplete to you ??

Does the holy quran talks about " AHLE BAIT " ??
Does the holy quran talks about "IMAMS/GUIDES" ??

If the answer @ above is a solid YES then I dont see a reason for us to not to believe in the holy quran....Mind you the very same holy quran with the very same aayats sold/available in every JK
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Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »

There are plenty of studies on the compilation of the Quran. One good study is by Richard Burton....
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