Saloko Naano Granth by PIR SADARDEEN

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Saloko Naano Granth by PIR SADARDEEN

Post by from_Origin »

Ya Ali Madad

I was wondering if anyone has researched or well familiarized themselves with philosophy and meaning of Saloko Naano Granth (Satgur Kahere) by Pir Sadardeen.

To get this post started, I am particularly interested in part 8:

satgur kahere prem bhagatee to radeh vase
ane antar leh lagaay
swas-u- swas em jampeeye
jem kaane surat na jaayare........................8

"The True Guide says: The loving devotion resides in the heart, and let the interior be filled with intense desire. With every breath recite His name in such a manner, that even the ear is not conscious of it. "[source: Major Granths/Saloko Naano on]

So what is Pir Sadardeen saying when he states "....that even the ear is not conscious of it."? When I "say" Allah's name in silence, I can still "hear" It, though my lips may not move and my tongue may subtly vibrate from saying It. So consciously I am "hearing" It while I say It. However, if the part is referring to the Subconscious, then I'd like to know how one can exert control over recitation of His name in that dimension of the mind.
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Post by kmaherali »

from_Origin wrote:Ya Ali Madad

However, if the part is referring to the Subconscious, then I'd like to know how one can exert control over recitation of His name in that dimension of the mind.

In my opinion, at that point you lose control and a higher power takes over. There is a saying of Prophet Muhammad which says, you cannot GO to heaven rather you are TAKEN to it. That's why MHI tells us in his BUK Firmans to sit in humility, as your conscious mind has no control over that. But you can indirectly influence it through dasond, good deeds and intentions combined with venti.

To illustrate the nonsensory/conscious aspect of this experience, I will quote some verses/explanations of Granth Bhraham Prakash which can be referenced in the Ginan section.

teen maas rattanaa beech rahyaa, peechhe naam brahmaa so kahyaa.4

If you maintain constant remembrance for at least a period of three months, it becomes the word of "Brahmaa".
[The "BOL" given by the Satguru has a pronounciable sound which eventually becomes "non- pronounciable". It develops into "Divine sound vibrations" and becomes "Ajampia Jaap"(non pronounciable word) as said by Peer Sadardeen in some other geenaan. After three months of constant practice, the "BOL" develops into a "Divine Sound" or "Primordial Sound". This primordial sound existed long ago before the invention of any language and could only be communicated to people by Haazar Imaam and through Him by His appointed successor. According to most religions, long before the creation, there was only "Primordial Light" and from the light came the "Word" and the "Word" was "God". After three months of constant practice, one does realise the significance of the "BOL", as explained by Peer below.]

nahee tur jahaa(n) hay bee turaa, nahee(n) sur jahaa(n) hay bee suraa..........................................................71

You hear a flute (or a trumpet) without the presence of a flute and you hear music without the presence of musicians. [Tur is a windward musical instrument and sounds like a 'sharnai'. Compare with what Peer Sadardeen says in another of his geenaans: "Anek vaajaa vaaji(n)tero vaaje, akalla svaroop dekhee duniyaa laaje", meaning, " there is the sound of several musical instruments (celestial music) and hearing all this the worldly mind boggles".]
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Post by ShamsB »

kmaherali wrote:
from_Origin wrote:Ya Ali Madad

However, if the part is referring to the Subconscious, then I'd like to know how one can exert control over recitation of His name in that dimension of the mind.

In my opinion, at that point you lose control and a higher power takes over. There is a saying of Prophet Muhammad which says, you cannot GO to heaven rather you are TAKEN to it. That's why MHI tells us in his BUK Firmans to sit in humility, as your conscious mind has no control over that. But you can indirectly influence it through dasond, good deeds and intentions combined with venti.

To illustrate the nonsensory/conscious aspect of this experience, I will quote some verses/explanations of Granth Bhraham Prakash which can be referenced in the Ginan section.

teen maas rattanaa beech rahyaa, peechhe naam brahmaa so kahyaa.4

If you maintain constant remembrance for at least a period of three months, it becomes the word of "Brahmaa".
[The "BOL" given by the Satguru has a pronounciable sound which eventually becomes "non- pronounciable". It develops into "Divine sound vibrations" and becomes "Ajampia Jaap"(non pronounciable word) as said by Peer Sadardeen in some other geenaan. After three months of constant practice, the "BOL" develops into a "Divine Sound" or "Primordial Sound". This primordial sound existed long ago before the invention of any language and could only be communicated to people by Haazar Imaam and through Him by His appointed successor. According to most religions, long before the creation, there was only "Primordial Light" and from the light came the "Word" and the "Word" was "God". After three months of constant practice, one does realise the significance of the "BOL", as explained by Peer below.]

nahee tur jahaa(n) hay bee turaa, nahee(n) sur jahaa(n) hay bee suraa..........................................................71

You hear a flute (or a trumpet) without the presence of a flute and you hear music without the presence of musicians. [Tur is a windward musical instrument and sounds like a 'sharnai'. Compare with what Peer Sadardeen says in another of his geenaans: "Anek vaajaa vaaji(n)tero vaaje, akalla svaroop dekhee duniyaa laaje", meaning, " there is the sound of several musical instruments (celestial music) and hearing all this the worldly mind boggles".]

Uncanny the similarities i see between this and the granth regards to the Naam...
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Post by kmaherali »

ShamsB wrote:Uncanny the similarities i see between this and the granth regards to the Naam...
Our tradition and heritage contain all the essentials for spirituality. We sometimes take them too much for granted and fail to realise their worth. Perhaps they have not been presented to us in the manner that we would like. Encounters with others can enable us to appreciate that. That is a strength of pluralism.
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Post by shamsu »

from_Origin wrote:Ya Ali Madad

I was wondering if anyone has researched or well familiarized themselves with philosophy and meaning of Saloko Naano Granth (Satgur Kahere) by Pir Sadardeen.

To get this post started, I am particularly interested in part 8:

satgur kahere prem bhagatee to radeh vase
ane antar leh lagaay
swas-u- swas em jampeeye
jem kaane surat na jaayare........................8

"The True Guide says: The loving devotion resides in the heart, and let the interior be filled with intense desire. With every breath recite His name in such a manner, that even the ear is not conscious of it. "[source: Major Granths/Saloko Naano on]
Imam SMS Farman "Haqiqati deen dilni ander palwano che"

Ginan "Saas usaas samran mande, karam kaat choryasi khande"

There is more than 1 way to interpret the last line

1] do this in such a way that no one has a clue u r doing it.

2] Your attention does not stray anywhere.

3] Your attention doesnt stray even to your own ear (meaning you are deaf to every thing else)

4] The ears of the heart are deaf to every thing else.

The second line has a very intresting word in it "leh"

I think of it as "an obsessive uninterrupted flow of love errupting in the heart like a spring that flows from the insides of the earth" which is attached to the word/name.
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Post by from_Origin »

Thank you gentlemen for your wonderful thoughts
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Post by kmaherali »

Introduction To Shaloko Moto and Shaloko Nano has now released Mohamed (Mac) Virjee's Preamble (Introduction) to his latest album Satgurna Shaloka in a podcast format for easy access for the Jamat.

Mohamed (Mac) Virjee gives a fascinating and interesting 4-minute introduction to Shaloko Moto and Shaloko Nano - 2 very popular granths composed by Pir Shams Sabzwari and Pir Sadardin respectively 100 years apart. will be launching Mac Virjee's website on its platform in the next few days. Mac's latest album Satgurna Shaloka with 12 tracks plus the preamble will feature prominently in this launch along with his many other recitations.

Satgurna Shaloka recitations are accompanied by soothing Indian classical music (sitar, bansuri and harmonium). Mac's thematically selected verses from Shaloko Moto and Shaloko Nano will play with running lyrics and translations on platform very soon.

Click on the ➤ icon below to start listening to the "Introduction To Shaloko Moto and Shaloko Nano" podcast by Mac Virjee on the JollyGul Podcast website on your computer or smartphone.

JollyGul Podcasts can also be accessed through all major podcast apps. ... loko-nano/
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Post by kmaherali »


Episode 1 Introduction (Preamble) - Saloko Moto and Saloko Nano
Episode 2 Shanaakhat (Divine Recognition) - Saloko Moto

Saloko Moto and Saloko Nano, both very popular, are considered as “Granths” (long format ginans). The word Saloko is derived from a Sanskrit word, Shlok, or Sloka which is a specific meter or rhyme. Saloko is meant to be sung as a hymn of praise and is used widely in Sanskrit devotional poems.

Saloko Moto attributed to Pir Shams in the 13th century consists of 240 stanzas and Saloko Nano (composed almost a century later), is attributed to Pir Sadardin and has 120 stanzas. Both these granths are recited in the same way.

Mohamed (Mac) Virjee has thematically recited selected verses with music accompaniment in 12 separate titles. will release 12 Episodes of Mac's recitations of SALOKO Moto and Nano in a video format (with lyrics and translations), on a weekly basis over the next 3 months.

Today we will release 2 Episodes. The preamble (Episode 1) is an introduction and makes some observations of the ginanic literature and also attempts to explore the nature of the themes in both Saloko Moto and Saloko Nano and how these came to evolve over the course of several generations.

The overarching theme in both granths is the superiority of the metaphorical inner temple (place of worship) of the human being which is the abode of the divine for true self transformation as opposed to being engrossed with external rites and rituals. Pir Shams Sabzwari's focus in Saloko Moto is on the community, bonds and social values. On the other hand, Pir Sadardin's Saloko Nano has a detailed exposition of divine love and mysticism.

Episode 2 is from Pir Shams Sabzwari's Saloko Moto with the theme Shanaakhat (Divine Recognition).


SALOKO Episode 1 (Preamble) - Introduction To Saloko Moto & Saloko Nano - Narrated By Mohamed Virjee


SALOKO Episode 2 Saloko Moto - Shanaakhat (Divine Recognition) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee


SALOKO Episode 3 Saloko Moto - Aamaal (Virtuous Action) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee

SALOKO Episode 4 Saloko Moto - Farman Bardaari (Following The Guidance) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee

SALOKO Episode 5 Saloko Moto - Ishq and Imaan (Love & Faith) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee

SALOKO Episode 6 Saloko Moto - Ninda (Gossip & Slander) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee


SALOKO Episode 7 Saloko Moto - Shukrvaari Beej (Friday Fast) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee


SALOKO Episode 8 Saloko Nano - Bandagi (Mindful Meditation) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee


SALOKO Episode 9 Saloko Nano - Imamat (Spiritual Leadership) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee


SALOKO Episode 10 Saloko Nano - Ishq and Imaan (2) - Mohamed (Mac) Virjee

Last edited by kmaherali on Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Great Discussion

Post by ayazpirani70 »

The original post on this page refers to one of my favorite lines in Saloko Nano and I just wanted to say how pleasing the discussion was. I also appreciated the links to various recitals. Good day.
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Ginan Insights: Exploring selected themes from Salako Nāno by Pir Sadardin- Ashraf Ladha

Post by kmaherali »


Association for the Study of Ginans (ASG) presents ‘Ginan Insights’, a webinar series that aims to provide a platform for past and current areas of research into the remarkable poetic heritage of Ginans. This session features Alwaez Ashraf Ladha who presents selected themes of Sir sāṭā, Sat panth, Satgur and so on from the granth ‘Saloko Nāno’by Pir Sadardin. Alwaez Ladha has researched this granth for the past decade and his work is soon to be published. This session is moderated by Meera Mawani. Filmed on 11th June 2022.
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