I would like to greet you all Navroz Mubarak with the following translation of Bavaan Ghaattee for reflection.
Please note that the translation is tentative and can be modified. Please feel free to comment for correction or improvement. I will post an extended version including comments on each "Ghaattee" later insha allah.
(jyaare maannas maree jashe ane amraapurimaa(n) jashe, tyaare rastaamaa(n) baavan ghaattee-o chhe, tyaa firastaa betthaa chhe, je ba(n)daa duniyaamaa(n) adharam karshe ane aavo satpa(n)th chhe te nahee paallshe, te ba(n)daane aa baavan ghaatteemaa(n) betthel firastaa rokee raakhshe, te vaato hakeekatine sa(m)bhallaavel chhe.)
sri satgur bheeramaa ho vaachaa, peer sadardeen ho vaachaa.
(When people die and go to paradise, they will encounter 52 pitfalls wherein angels are present. Those creatures who have done unvirtuous acts and who will not have practised the Right Path, will be trapped by the angels in the 52 pitfalls. These matters have been announced to the seekers of truth (Haqiqatis)).
This is stated by the Honourable Divine True Guide. This is stated by Peer Sadardeen.
Ghaatti 1
trann vakhatnee duaa gumaavnaar, gatmaa(n) nahi aavnaarne attkaavnaaree ghaattee.
Ist Pitfall.
The pitfall for losing three times of Dua and not attending JamatKhana.
Ghaatti 2
par naaree gaman karnaarne maatte ghaattee.
2nd Pitfall
Pitfall for adulterous men.
Ghaattee 3
haree naa khottaa sam khaanaarne maatte ghaattee
3rd Pitfall
Pitfall for taking false oath upon the Lord
Ghaattee 4
jutthu bolnaarne maatte ghaattee
4th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who lie.
Ghaattee 5
dharam kare tene vaarnaar ne maatte ghaattee
5th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who prevent others from practising religion.
Ghaattee 6
laa(n)ch khaanaar moman-ne maatte ghaattee
6th Pitfall
Pitfall for momins who accept bribes.
Ghaattee 7
haazar imaam-ne ochhu(n) karee jaann-naarne maatte ghaattee.
7th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who consider Hazar Imam low in status.
Ghattee 8
ka(n)yaa daan khaaee janaarnaa maatte ghaattee.
8th Pitfall
Ka(n)yaa daan is giving a girl in marriage.
Pitfall for the ones who do not give away their daughters in marriage?? (This needs to be clarified)
Ghattee 9
shukarvaaree beej nahi raakhnaarne maatte ghaattee.
9th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who do not observe the Shukarvaaree Beej.
Ghaattee 10
gnaan dhee-aan ochhu(n) karee jaann-naarne sajaa.
10th Pitfall
Punishment for the ones who consider Divine wisdom (Ginans) and contemplation as of less significance.
Ghaattee 11
sharab, tamaaku, vyaaj khaanaar maattee ghaattee.
11th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who consume alcohol, tobacco, and (excessive) interest.
Ghaattee 12
geenaan bole, bhagat kahevaay pann nahee paallnaar maatte ghaattee.
12th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who recite Ginans or who talk about Divine knowledge, but do not practise what they know.
Ghaattee 13
patel thaee naatane ane gareebne dukh aapnaarne maattee ghaattee.
13th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who hold authority and responsibility and abuse them through inflicting suffering upon the poor and those of the lower chaste.
Ghaattee 14
vajan maa(n) ochhu(n) denaar vepaareene maatte ghaattee.
14th Pitfall.
Pitfall for the ones who cheat in business.
Ghaattee 15
kriddaa karvaa baad naavaanee aallas karnaarne maatte ghaattee.
15th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who after playing sports, are lazy to take a shower or a bath.
Ghaattee 16
gat ga(n)gaane ochhu(n) karee jaann naarne maattee ghaattee.
16th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who regard attending Jamatkhanas as insignificant.
Ghaattee 17
moman ne dukh denaar, paarku(n) potaanu(n) karee lenaar maattee ghaattee.
17th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who inflict suffering upon momins and who usurp others' property.
Ghaattee 18
ben-no maal khaanaarne maatte ghaattee.
18th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who consume or use their sisters' property.
Ghaattee 19
maat pitaane dukhvanaarne maatte ghaattee.
19th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who inflict suffering upon their parents.
Ghaattee 20
daan denaarne naa paadd naar maatte ghaattee
20th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who prevent others from giving charity.
Ghaattee 21
jeev halaal karnaar maatte ghaattee
21st Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who commit murder.
Ghaattee 22
moman thaee jeebh ghannee halaavnaar saaru(n) narasu(u) bolaanaar maatte ghaattee
22nd Pitfall
Pitfall for those who move their tongues a great deal, speaking about good and bad.
Ghaattee 23
gnaan sunnee nahi paallnaar maatte ghaattee
23rd Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who having heard Divine wisdom (Ginans), do not practise it.
Ghaattee 24
moman thaee jogee jateene maan-naar maatte ghaattee.
24th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who having become momins, follow other ascetics and Jain mendicants.
Ghaattee 25
moman thaee josh jovraavnaar maatte ghaattee.
25th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who engage in fortune telling.
Ghaattee 26
moman thaee zer daee maare agar talavaarthee maare tene maatte ghaattee.
26th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who having become momins (believers), kill others either through poisoning or using a sword.
Ghaattee 27
vaattpaaddu moman ne maatte ghaattee.
27th Pitfall
Pitfall for the highway robbers.
Ghaattee 28
koine dukhaavnaar maatee ghaattee
28th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who hurt others.
Ghaattee 29
deekareene maarnaar tathaa khottee aall chaddaavnaar maatte ghaattee
29th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who beat up their daughters and falsely blame others.
Ghaattee 30
mukhee thaeene kriyaa nahi paallnaar maatte ghaattee.
30th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who becoming Mukhis do not perform the ceremonies.
Ghaattee 31
sukatnee parhej nahi raakhnaar tathaa par purush saathe preet raakhnaar stree maatte ghaattee
31st Pitfall
Pitfall for the women who do not keep their abstinence vows and have illicit relationship with other men.
Ghaattee 32
kaache maase baallak paaddnaar maatte ghaattee.
32nd Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who perform abortion.
Ghaattee 33
jamaatno motto maannas thaee gareebne dubhavnaar maatte ghaattee.
33rd Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who becoming leaders of the Jamaat, undermine the poor.
Ghaattee 34
neeyaaj pee kaa(n)kann ba(n)dhaavee tenee laaj nahi jaallavnaar maatte ghaattee
34th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who having partaken of Abe Safa (Niyaj), do not maintain and retain it's dignity and respect.
Ghaattee 35
maarag chhoddee umaarge chaalnaar maatte ghaattee
35th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who abandon the (Right) Path and proceed along wrong paths.
Ghaattee 36
satapa(n)thee thaee gat ga(n)gaa maa(n) nahi aavnaar maatte ghaattee
36th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who becoming "satpanthis" (followers of right path), do not attend Jamatkhanas.
Ghaattee 37
jeev hi(n)saa karnaar maatte ghaattee.
37th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who commit suicide.
Ghaattee 38
daso(n)d detaa(n) man veemaasnaar tathaa daso(n)d puree nahee denaar maatte ghaattee.
38th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who hesitate to submit Daso(n)d or do not submit it in full.
Ghaattee 39
haazar jomaane ochhu(n) karee jaann-naar maatte ghaattee
39th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who regard Hazar Imam as low in status.
Ghaattee 40
nur vakhat gumaavnaar maatte ghaattee
40th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who miss or neglect the time of enlightenment.
Ghaattee 41
jeevno tathaa haaddno vepaar karnaar moman maatte ghaattee.
41st Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who engage in the trade of lives (slavery?) and bones.
Ghaattee 42
naadd vash nahee raakhnaar maatte ghaattee
42nd Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who do not control their nervous system (i.e are agitated and restless).
Ghaattee 43
paarko hak bhaa(n)gnaar maatte ghaattee
43th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who break or violate others' rights.
Ghaattee 44
avtaar paatrano hak nahee aapnaar maatte ghaattee
44th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who do not submit the right of the manifestation (i.e Imam of the time).
Ghaattee 45
paannee nee pujaa karnaar moman maatte ghaattee.
45th Pitfall
Pitfall for the momins who worship water.
Ghaattee 46
naagne maan-naar moman maatte ghaattee
46th Pitfall
Pitfall for the momins who worship snakes.
Ghaattee 47
paarko haraam maal khaanaar maatte ghaattee
47th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who consume and use others' property illegally.
Ghaattee 48
koeenee bahen deekaree varaav-vaamaa(n) laa(n)ch khaanaar moman maatte ghaattee.
48th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who accept bribes for performing betrothal of others' daughters or sisters.
Ghaattee 49
nur vakhatmaa(n) gaafal rahenaar maatte ghaattee
49th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who remain negligent or ignorant at the time of enlightenment.
Ghaattee 50
mursheednee sheekhaamann nahee maan naar maattee ghaattee
50th Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who do not accept the teachings of the Guide (Mursheed).
Ghaattee 51
peer thaeene raah nahi dekhaaddnaar maatte ghaattee
51st Pitfall
Pitfall for the ones who becoming Peers do not show the Path to others.
Ghaattee 52
hakeekatee moman maatte ghaattee
baavan mee ghaattee e veeraabhaaee te chothe aasmaane chhe, jyaa(n) maarag chaar chhe; pahelo maarg to vaiku(n)tthnu(n) jaanno, bijo maarg to dojaknu(n), trijo maarg to duniyaanu(n) jaanno, chotho maarg to huraa(n)no jaanno, tyaa(n) huraa(n)u ramjam kartee aave, nurnaa ka(n)cholaa saathe laave, baavan mee ghaattee evee sohelee chhe; je moman sat dharam ne khame-aa karshe vadhto nahi bolashe, tene tyaa(n) besaaddshe, tyaa firasto jabraaeel bettho chhe te momanne neeyaamat aalshe, evaa sukh ghannaa(n) deshe, bhanne peer sadardeen duniyaamaa(n)he jo evee kriyaa paallasho.
e moman bhaaee evaa thaeene chaalsho to gat jumalaanee jodde thaee ne amaraapuree paamsho.
52nd Pitfall
Pitfall for the Hakikati momins (believers of truth).
The 52nd Pitfall is at the fourth heaven. It has four stages; first stage is of paradise, the second is of hell, the third is of the world, and the fourth is of the angels. There the the angels approach the souls in playful manner bringing along with them the vessels of light. 52nd pitfall is of such ease and comfort. A believer who proceeds along the True Religion, is patient and does not speak a great deal, will be seated there. There the angel Jibraail is present and will grant bounties to the believer. He will grant such abundant peace - Peer Sadardeen teaches if you perform such deeds in this world.
O believer brothers, if you proceed in this manner, then through the grace or company of the Gat, you will attain paradise.
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Gujarati Version of bavan Ghattee
Does anyone have the Gujarati version of Bavan ghaatee and Vis Tol. I appreciate if anyone would like to share.
1.kmaherali wrote:YA ALI MADAD
I would like to greet you all Navroz Mubarak with the following translation of Bavaan Ghaattee for reflection.
Please note that the translation is tentative and can be modified. Please feel free to comment for correction or improvement. I will post an extended version including comments on each "Ghaattee" later insha allah.
Ya Ali Madaat, Just want to know if the begging part of this translation is a part of the ginan or an introduction preface.. Particularly wondering if this part below is a part of the Ginan:
(jyaare maannas maree jashe ane amraapurimaa(n) jashe, tyaare rastaamaa(n) baavan ghaattee-o chhe, tyaa firastaa betthaa chhe, je ba(n)daa duniyaamaa(n) adharam karshe ane aavo satpa(n)th chhe te nahee paallshe, te ba(n)daane aa baavan ghaatteemaa(n) betthel firastaa rokee raakhshe, te vaato hakeekatine sa(m)bhallaavel chhe.)
sri satgur bheeramaa ho vaachaa, peer sadardeen ho vaachaa.
(When people die and go to paradise, they will encounter 52 pitfalls wherein angels are present. Those creatures who have done unvirtuous acts and who will not have practised the Right Path, will be trapped by the angels in the 52 pitfalls. These matters have been announced to the seekers of truth (Haqiqatis)).
This is stated by the Honourable Divine True Guide. This is stated by Peer Sadardeen.
Also, do you have the raaga of this Ginan as it would be nice to sing this Ginan before Anant Akado in my JK..
Lastly, Thank you for the wonderful translation, I am glad you take the time to help us (Gujarati illiterate) people!
It appears to be an introductory preface as it is bracketed in the text and there is a distinct demarcation sign separating it from the Ginan.prince_visram wrote:Ya Ali Madaat, Just want to know if the begging part of this translation is a part of the ginan or an introduction preface.. Particularly wondering if this part below is a part of the Ginan::)
I have not heard this Ginan recited. You are welcome...prince_visram wrote: Also, do you have the raaga of this Ginan as it would be nice to sing this Ginan before Anant Akado in my JK..
Lastly, Thank you for the wonderful translation, I am glad you take the time to help us (Gujarati illiterate) people!