
Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:06 pm


Post by mrpremji »

can someone please explain why this ginan is always recited before first dua in the evening?

thanks! :D


Post by Guest »

That's a granth [long ginan] ful of Wenti verses [suplications]. It brings us in the right state of mind and soul before performing the Dua.

It also contains chapters explaining why the Dua has to be recited at those prescribed times.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:06 pm

Post by mrpremji »

thanks for the answer! i guess i would have known that if i understood it :?
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Why Ashaaji is recited before First Dua

Post by kmaherali »

Anant Akhado is a composition which expresses our Vision of life and provides the necessary tools to achieve our objective. As we recite the verses we are made aware of our relationship to the countless liberated ones and how we could also join them through Ibaadat, the principles of which are mentioned in them.

By repeating the varanni i.e. hari ana(n)t hari ana(n)t, after every verse we are being aware of, invokng and praising the power of the Lord, who is limitless, undescribable and who is the Master of the countless and who is the only knower of the limits of his limitlessness.

We are also made aware that we are included in the company of the countless souls liberated or to be liberated through the prayers and responsibility of Pir Hassan Kabirdeen. Therefore the grace and shelter is there, it is as if we are almost there. We just need to do our share for elevation. There are many verses of venti that are recited for strength, mercy and protection as we embark upon the quest for the eternal life. First Dua is a complusory duty and represents the beginning of the quest and therefore we recite 'Sandhyaa Vellaa tame mat koi chuko' very often.

We also invoke the company of the liberated ones among the countless in the gathering. In other words we are 'charging up' the atmosphere for worship.

For more on Anant Akhado please click on the Ginan Section on the site map on the left side of your screen. Then click on major granths -> Anant Akhado.
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