Universe & Religion

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Universe & Religion

Post by dannyy »


Recently I read a news where sceintis found Fossil of sea monster which reckoned at 147 million years old. Just wondering how many years have been passed since the creation is this universe. As we say that its year 2009 then how come a fossil found which is 147 million years old? Is there any quranic reference? ginan? or farman? which tells us that this universe was created when?
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Post by a1337 »

I'm not aware of any such passages, however, the Earth is estimated to be about 4.6 Billion years old and the universe is estimated to be about 14 billion years old. In terms of life, I believe it is estimated that life began somewhere between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago. Hope that helps.
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Post by kmaherali »

"There is a fundamental difference between the Jewish idea of creation and that of Islam. The creation according to Islam is not a unique act in a given time but a perpetual and constant event; and God supports and sustains all existence at every moment by His will and His thought. Outside His will, outside His thought, all is nothing, even the things which seem to us absolutely self-evident such as space and time. Allah alone wishes: the Universe exists; and all manifestations are as a witness of the Divine will."(Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, The Memoirs of Agakhan)
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