Authencity of Reference Quranic Verses

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Authencity of Reference Quranic Verses

Post by dannyy »

Hi Ya ali madad,

I've learned the follwoing verse from the topic (doctrines-> Significane of Yaa ali madad) on this site:

"Those who are convinced that the Prophet and the Imam are the living and speaking Supreme Names of God (7:80), believe that it is right to invoke God by a name which is Supreme and most dear to Him."

I've tried hard but could not locate the above in quran. As per my observation the verse (7:80) is as follows:

"We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you?"

Please help me to find out which one is correct?
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Post by kmaherali »

Brother my apologies. There was a typo in my post. It should be 180 and not 80.

In verse (7:180) God says that it is necessary to call God by His beautiful names, the wisdom-filled description of which is mentioned in four places of the mighty Qur'an (7:180; 17:110; 20:8; 59:24). Thus, the prudent mu'min is the one who prays shedding tears in every sickness, every difficulty, every need and every trial and tribulation, so that Allah in His infinite mercy may accept his prayers. If there is any delay in acceptance, in that also there can certainly be Divine wisdom, therefore despondency is forbidden.

Allah's are the fairest names. Invoke Him by them. And leave the company of those who blaspheme His names. They will be requited what they do. (180) And of those whom We created there is a nation who guide with the Truth and establish justice therewith. (181)
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:10 am

Post by dannyy »

Thank you...
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