Continuity of Imamat.
Continuity of Imamat.
I would like to relate three incidents in the life of late Count Habib Keshavjee o­n the theme as under: <BR><BR>- In 1921, when he was 12 years old or so, Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah placed him o­n His lap and told his father: "He will pray for him". <BR>- In 1928, during his visit to India for his marriage, he wanted to meet with the Imam who then informed him through Peer Subzali that he was praying for him. <BR>- In 1957, during the funeral of Imam Sultan Muhhammad Shah, and when he performed his BAYAT with HazarImam Shah Karim, He told him in his ear: "I shall pray for the forgiveness of your sins". <BR><BR>Karim.